Students’ Union University of Greenwich

Elections Guidance Notes 2017


After consultation with Student Council December 2016, the following Guidance Notes were published on the Students’ Union Elections website in December 2016.

The following constitutes regulations for Students’ Union University of Greenwich (SUUG) Officer Elections. They seek to apply Bye Law 10 Elections, by making them more understandable and operational.

It is the responsibility of the Returning Officer, or their nominee, for these elections to manage all aspects of the elections and draw up/edit the Guidance Notes. It is then open to the consideration and approval of Student Council, before final sign-off by the Returning Officer. It is up to candidates to ensure that they are aware of the latest rules and guidelines, which will be available at

Officer Elections will see the election of two separate roles:

Sabbatical Officers:

Sabbatical Officers are trustees of SUUG. They set the strategic direction of the organisation and represent all students atthe University ofGreenwich. They seek to enhance the student experience. They are paid, full-time positions that span one academic year. There are four different portfolios/job descriptions, one for each of the officers.

Part-Time Student Officers

There are eleven Part-Time Student Officers who represent students alongside the team of full-time Sabbatical Officers. Their terms in office also last one academic year, and though they are not paid, they remain an important part of student democracy at the University of Greenwich. They take on student-led campaigns and help the Sabbatical team run the Union. They sit on the Executive Committee.

NB. The Returning Officer, or their nominee, when applying these regulations, may interpret them on a case-by-case basis, subject to appeal to the University Elections Scrutinising Panel. The Returning Officer may also supplement these guidelines at any time (eg in response to reports and / or complaints).

Table of Contents

1.  Voting page 3

2.  Candidate Question Time page 4

3.  Guidelines for Elections Publicity page 6

4.  Guidelines for Elections Campaigning page 8

5.  Contravention of Elections Regulations page 9

1)  Voting

A.  Voting will be online via the Students’ Union website adopting best practice in the sector. Such security as advised by the Returning Officer and implemented by the Deputy Returning Officers, will be used to ensure the integrity of the voting.

B.  Voting will open at 10.00am Wednesday February 15th, 2017 and close at 13:00pm Tuesday February 21st, 2017.

C.  Voters will be required to accept terms and conditions and read voting instructions before accessing the voting screens

D.  Voting screens will display the candidates’ names only (as they appear on the approved Nominations Form)

E.  Candidates’ names will appear in a varying random order.

F.  Voting will be conducted according to the system identified in the Bye Laws

G.  The count (electronic) is expected to take place on Tuesday the 21st of February at 6pm in Greenwich.

2)  Candidate Question Time

A.  Candidates Question Time will be open to all candidates in all elections. Speeches will be heard from Sabbatical Officer Candidates, followed by Part-Time Student Officer candidates.

B.  All candidates must attend and speak at least one of the Question Time meetings. Failure to do so, without a legitimate reason approved by the Returning Officer, or their nominee, may result in that candidate being disqualified.

C.  Guidance regarding the operation of Question Time are as follows:

o  Each candidate for the position of Sabbatical will be given time for a 3 minute speech to promote their candidacy. Candidates for Part-Time Student Officer positions will be given time for a 2 minute speech.

o  Following speeches by all candidates in each category of candidate there will be a further 15 minutes available for questions to Sabbatical candidates, and 10 minutes available for questions to Part-Time Student Officer candidates.

o  Questions to candidates will only be admissible when directed at all candidates for each position, and not to individuals.

o  The Returning Officer, or their nominee, will chair this event.

o  The Chair will hold the authority to cut off candidates at the end of their speech time limit, and refuse to accept questions that he/she deems inappropriate. The Chair will ensure that questions are answered appropriately and that all candidates have the opportunity to answer questions.

o  All questions asked of candidates must adhere to the SUUG Equality and Diversity Policy.

o  Candidates’ speeches may be video recorded and/or streamed; the complete Question Time meeting will be audio-recorded. Both the video and audio will be posted on the SUUG website as soon as is practicable after each session and will stay online for the whole duration of the elections. After the results are announced, any recordings will be removed from the website.

D.  Candidates may leave the event when all candidates for their positions have finished answering questions from the audience.

E.  Innovations (such as an online Question Time via social media or other platforms) may be implemented at the discretion of the Returning Officer, or their nominee, and with appropriate support and training.

F.  The Chair may vary timings or any other aspect of Question Time due to room availability/fire alarms etc.

3)  Guidelines for Elections publicity

A.  Each candidate shall be allowed up to 400 sheets of A4 paper (printed in colour or black & white) and 40 sheets of A3 paper (printed in colour or black & white) for the purpose of publicising their candidacy.

B.  All printed materials must be submitted to and printed by SUUG Elections staff and display the appropriate Union branding as outlined in candidate training

C.  Each candidate shall be allowed a 300 word manifesto page on the SUUG Elections website

D.  Each candidate shall be allowed publicity of a 300 word manifesto in an Elections supplement to be distributed when voting commences

E.  Slates or teams (defined as two or more candidates sharing a slogan or name and campaigning together), are no longer permitted in SUUG elections. As such, any publicity materials must only refer to the candidate producing them, and are not permitted to mention or make any reference to other candidates.

F.  All publicity materials may be affixed to noticeboards using pins or bluetac only. Candidates may purchase and use the above materials for this purpose only.

G.  Sabbatical Officer Candidates may also spend up to an additional £20 on more innovative promotional materials, but these will be subject to the approval of the Returning Officer, or their nominee, in advance of their purchase. Candidates will then have this amount reimbursed upon production of receipts in conjunction with a fully complete expenses form by the expenses deadline.

H.  The deadline for expenses will be 5pm on Tuesday the 28th of February, 2017. Should a candidate fail to submit their form by the deadline their claim may be rejected.

I.  Candidates may use the internet for the purpose of publicising their candidacy. All digital publicity materials must be submitted for approval by the Returning Officer or their nominee.

J.  Candidates are liable for the action of those students that agree to promote their candidacy throughout their campaign. Publicity materials, and all other forms of publicity both offline and online, shall not contain any defamatory statements, or in any way bring the Union into disrepute or contravene Equality and Diversity Policy.

K.  Publicity materials may be displayed in the following areas throughout the university:

o  Official noticeboards within the Students’ Union buildings across all three campuses.

o  Official noticeboards across all University buildings that students from the University of Greenwich have access to (unless a member of University staff explicitly informs you that this is forbidden).

o  Noticeboards within University accommodation across all three campuses.

o  Communal kitchens within campus-based University accommodation (with the permission of those students inhabiting them).

L.  If, in the opinion of the Returning Officer or their nominee(s), publicity materials contravene any of these regulations, they may be removed without notice.

M.  Further information concerning deadlines for publicity materials and manifestos will be given in candidate briefings.

N.  Use of SUUG facilities (including photocopying, computers, phones, accommodation or staff time during contracted hours) is strictly forbidden and may lead to disqualification.

4)  Guidelines for Elections campaigning

The overarching principle that guides SUUG elections administration and management is that they must be (and be seen to be) free and fair for all candidates in all circumstances.

Campaigning is an important aspect of elections – good campaigning promotes democracy and allows voters to make informed decisions. Inappropriate campaigning may require the Returning Officer to take action (up to and including disqualification) and brings the Students’ Union into disrepute.

Campaigning comprises a range of activities that seek to gain students’ votes. Campaigning can take place individually, with student supporters, at meetings and online. It involves communication, oral or written, and should focus on your manifesto and other positive reasons for encouraging students to vote for you. It should never be intimidating nor intrusive and must always fall within regulations and behaviours which constitute fair and free elections.

A.  Campaigning in University or Students’ Union buildings is forbidden.

B.  Aggressive campaigning is forbidden – students, other candidates and supporters must be allowed to go about their business without hindrance.

C.  Candidates (and supporters) must not use their own devices (eg phones or tablets) to request that students vote immediately. Candidates and supporters must not remain present while the student votes on any computer or device. Such behaviour, even unintentionally, may be interpreted as aggressive by the voter.

D.  Campaigning, supported by SU events, will focus on a different campus each day, the schedule to be determined by the Deputy Returning Officers in order to manage candidate workload and maximise voter turnout. The SU suggests that candidates schedule their campaigning to align with these events, however, campaigning may continue on other campuses.

E.  In response to feedback from previous years, candidates are requested to refrain from campaigning at the weekend to protect their wellbeing. Maintaining an active online presence makes fewer demands on candidates, but campaigning at or near campuses (including halls) in person or by deployment of supporters, may prove detrimental to wellbeing and is discouraged.

F.  Campaigning must only be done by students. Candidates may not request or accept staff support of any kind for their candidacy.

G.  Candidates must campaign as individuals, and must not work as a group/slate. Candidates must refrain from displaying any unified branding or slogan which may be seen as such.

H.  Candidates are responsible for their supporters’ behaviour.

I.  All campaigning regulations apply equally online

5)  Contravention of Elections Regulations

A.  Candidates are expected to campaign positively on their manifestos, respect all other candidates, and abide by the regulations and ethos of elections. Briefings, guidance notes, and other supports are provided to candidates to this end.

B.  Complaints regarding any contravention of the elections regulations outlined above may be submitted to via the Complaints Form found on the SUUG website.

C.  Only completed Complaint Forms will be considered by the Returning Officer or their nominee.

D.  All complaints concerning the election should be submitted in writing to the Deputy Returning Officer (via ) as soon as possible, and no later than 2pm Tuesday 21st February, 2017.

E.  If a candidate is found to have contravened electoral regulations, the Returning Officer, or their nominee shall have the power to take actions according to their discretion including disqualification of any candidate (winning or otherwise) and/or the ordering of a new election.

F.  All appeals concerning the election should be submitted in writing to the Deputy Returning Officer (via ) as soon as possible, and normally no later than 3pm Tuesday 21st February, 2017.

G.  Should any candidate agree to the support of any other student to promote their campaign they are liable for their conduct throughout this election. It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure the proper conduct of their supporters. Should they contravene the regulation, the penalty that is applied will be passed on to the candidate whose campaign they were working on.

H.  The University Elections Scrutinising Panel hears any appeals against the decision of the Returning Officer.

I.  University rules and regulations are incorporated into SUUG Election Regulations.

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