Math—May 19, 21-23
Schedule this week due to MAP testing
10:10-11:05, 11:35-12:45
Monday Math—Lesson 15-1: Identifying Plane Shapes
Objective: Students will identify and name standard plane shapes and recognize them in the environment.
Common Core Standard: 1.G.1
- Daily Common Core Review worksheet 15-1: Students will review comparing and ordering numbers, solving two-digit subtraction problems, and identifying inverse operations.
- CD video 15-1 lesson: Identifying Plane Shapes
- 15-1 packet pages 471-474: Identifying Plane Shapes
- Math workbook 15-1 reteaching and practice pages
- Intervention activity “Making Shapes” teacher’s guide pg. 474B
- Enrichment and Quick Check 15-1 worksheets review
—Lesson 15-2: Problem Solving: Make an Organized List
Objective: Students will make organized lists to solve problems.
Common Core Standard: 1.G.2
- Daily Common Core Review worksheet 15-2: Students will review modeling part-whole concepts, attributes, and making a table
- CD video 15-2 lesson: Problem Solving: Make an Organized List
- 15-2 packet pages 475-478: Problem Solving: Make an Organized List
- Math workbook 15-2 reteaching and practice pages
- Intervention activity “Making New Shapes” teacher’s guide pg. 478B
- Enrichment and Quick Check 15-2 worksheets review
Wednesday Math—Lesson 15-3: Properties of Plane Shapes
Objective: Students will sort plane shapes and identify their properties.
Common Core Standard: 1.G.1
- Daily Common Core Review worksheet 15-3: Students will review using skip counting, identifying plane shapes, and represent two-digit numbers.
- CD video 15-3 lesson: Properties of Plane Shapes
- 15-3 packet pages 479-482: Properties of Plane Shapes
- Math workbook 15-3 reteaching and practice pages
- Intervention activity “Which Shape Am I?” teacher’s guide pg. 482B
- Enrichment and Quick Check 15-3 worksheets review
—Lesson 15-4: Building With Shapes
Objective: Students will combine plane shapes to make different pictures.
Common Core Standard: 1.G.2
- Daily Common Core Review worksheet 15-4: Students will review modeling subtraction situations, comparing objects using weight, solving two-digit subtraction, and using double facts.
- CD video 15-4 lesson: Building with Shapes
- 15-4 packet pages 483-486: Building With Shapes
- Math workbook 15-4 reteaching and practice pages
- Intervention activity “Making Shapes” teacher’s guide pg. 486B
- Enrichment and Quick Check 15-4 worksheets review
Thursday Math—Lesson 15-5: Making New Shapes from Shapes
Objective: Students will combine two-dimensional geometric shapes to make new two-dimensional geometric shapes.
Common Core Standard: 1.G.2
- Daily Common Core Review worksheet 15-5: Students will review solving two-digit subtraction problems, identifying plane shapes, and comparing shape attributes.
- CD video 15-5 lesson: Making New Shapes from Shapes
- 15-5 packet pages 487-490: Making New Shapes from Shapes
- Math workbook 15-5 reteaching and practice pages
- Intervention activity “Team Tracing” teacher’s guide pg. 490B
- Enrichment and Quick Check 15-5 worksheets review
--Lesson 15-6: Identifying Solid Figures
Objective: Students will identify and name standard geometric solids and recognize them in the environment.
Common Core Standard: 1.G.1
- Daily Common Core Review worksheets 15-6: Students will review representing numbers on a ten frame, applying inverse operations, and identifying shape attributes
- CD video 15-6 lesson: Identifying Solid Figures
- 15-6 packet pages 491-494: Identifying Solid Figures
- Math workbook 15-6 reteaching and practice pages
- Intervention activity “Room to Room Solid Figure Search” teacher’s guide pg. 494B
- Enrichment and Quick Check 15-6 worksheets review
Friday Math—Lesson 15-7: Flat Surfaces and Vertices
Objective: Students will count the number of flat surfaces and vertices on geometric solids.
Common Core Standard: 1.G.1
- Daily Common Core Review worksheets 15-7: Students will review using diagrams to solve, decomposing plane shapes, and solving two-digit subtraction
- CD video 15-7 lesson: Flat Surfaces and Vertices
- 15-7 packet pages 495-498: Flat Surfaces and Vertices
- Math workbook 15-7 reteaching and practice pages
- Intervention activity “Guess the Solid” teacher’s guide pg. 498B
- Enrichment and Quick Check 15-7 worksheets review
--Lesson 15-8: Sorting Solid Figures
Objective: Students will identify geometric solids (sphere, cone, cylinder, rectangular prism, and cube) and sort by various attributes.
Common Core Standard: 1.G.1
- Daily Common Core Review worksheets 15-8: Students will review ordering whole numbers, comparing shape attributes, and making 10 to add.
- CD video 15-8 lesson: Sorting Solid Figures
- 15-8 packet pages 499-502: Sorting Solid Figures
- Math workbook 15-8 reteaching and practice pages
- Intervention activity “Which Solid Am I?” teacher’s guide pg. 502B
- Enrichment and Quick Check 15-8 worksheets review