FOI 5014

  1. Does the council have a policy to pay all staff at least the Living Wage of £7.65 per hour? If not, is such a policy in line to be introduced?

Whilst the Council has given consideration to the introduction of the Living Wage there are no plans to do so at this time.

  1. If the answer to 1) is ‘yes’, does this policy extend to companies contracted by thecouncil to provide services?

3.What percentage of overall council staff (FTE and headcount if possible) are female?

FTE 66.71% Headcount 72.52%

4.What percentage of overall council staff (FTE and headcount if possible) are from an ethnic minority? Please break this down by specific ethnicity if possible

The fte percentage is different as casual workers have been removed as they have no fte value.

Ethnicity / FTE / Headcount
11 White/British / 74.67% / 71.13%
12 White/Irish / 0.66% / 0.59%
19 White/Other Background / 1.14% / 1.21%
21 Mixed/White & Black Caribbean / 0.38% / 0.33%
22 Mixed/White & Black African / 0.05% / 0.04%
23 Mixed/White & Asian / 0.14% / 0.13%
29 Mixed/Other Background / 0.20% / 0.21%
31 Asian/Indian / 5.78% / 5.25%
32 Asian/Pakistani / 0.38% / 0.33%
33 Asian/Bangladeshi / 0.15% / 0.13%
39 Asian/Other Background / 0.55% / 0.51%
41 Black/Caribbean / 0.78% / 0.67%
42 Black/African / 0.55% / 0.54%
49 Black/Other Background / 0.15% / 0.13%
51 Other Ethnic Group/Chinese / 0.11% / 0.12%
52 Other Ethnic Group/Other / 0.14% / 0.12%
98 Prefers Not to State / 0.49% / 0.43%
99 Not Obtained / 13.66% / 18.12%
Total / 100.00% / 100.00%

5.Are adult social care staff who conduct home visits (to service users) routinely paid for travel time to and from those locations?


6.How many council staff (headcount and FTE) are currently paid the National Minimum Wage? If possible, please provide the figure broken down by (first) directorate, (second) gender, and (third) ethnicity/BME status

The following are paid the Minimum Wage applicable to Apprentices

FTE / Headcount
Corporate Resources / 8.00 / 8
Chief Executive's / 2.00 / 2
Environment & Transport / 2.00 / 2
Adults & Communities / 5.78 / 7
Total / 17.78 / 19
Female / 9.38 / 10
Male / 8.40 / 9
Total / 17.78 / 19
11 White/British / 7.97 / 9
99 Not Obtained / 9.81 / 10
Total / 17.78 / 19

7.To the council’s knowledge, how many council staff (headcount and FTE) are currently paid below the Living Wage of £7.65 per hour? If possible, please provide the figure broken down by (first) directorate, (second) gender, and (third) ethnicity/BME status

Please note that casual workers will be reported in headcount, but as they do not have contractual hours they are not reported in the FTE number. Furthermore, it is useful to note that there are a significant number of casuals who remain on our payroll who have been inactive for a significant period of time.

FTE / Headcount
Corporate Resources / 210.11 / 883
Chief Executive's / 3.97 / 9
Environment & Transport / 56.35 / 255
Children & Young People's Service / 37.80 / 94
Adults & Communities / 75.21 / 222
ESPO / 89.00 / 101
Total / 472.45 / 1564
Female / 351.97 / 1289
Male / 120.48 / 275
Total / 472.45 / 1564
11 White/British / 298.52 / 971
12 White/Irish / 1.47 / 4
19 White/Other Background / 3.20 / 15
21 Mixed/White & Black Caribbean / 0.40 / 2
29 Mixed/Other Background / 0.23 / 1
31 Asian/Indian / 12.85 / 35
32 Asian/Pakistani / 3.16 / 4
33 Asian/Bangladeshi / 0.24 / 1
39 Asian/Other Background / 1.00 / 2
41 Black/Caribbean / 1.18 / 2
42 Black/African / 4.57 / 6
52 Other Ethnic Group/Other / 1.00 / 1
98 Prefers Not to State / 1.59 / 2
99 Not Obtained / 143.04 / 518
Total / 472.45 / 1564