Date of Board meeting:26th October 2011
Title of report:Broadmoor Hospital Chaplaincy Service
Title of director presenting:Director of High Secure Services
Title of report author:Head of Psychological Services
Paper number:WL2173
For decision For discussion For information tick as appropriate
Purpose of the report:
To update the Trust Board on the current situation relating to the recruitment of a Chaplain at BroadmoorHospital.Action required:
The Trust Board are asked to note the recruitment procedure already undertaken and the future plans for the provision of a Chaplain for BroadmoorHospital.Summary of key issues
- Restructure of the previous post.
- The failure of the recruitment process undertaken in August/September.
- Audit of spiritual needs.
- Possible need to revisit and amend the person specification.
Relationship with the Assurance Framework (Risks, Controls, and Assurance):
CO2To deliver excellent personalised care, treatment and support.CO4To continuously improve the quality and productivity of our services.
CO5To build and engage a workforce which is focused on recovery and the needs of service users and carers.
Care Quality Commission Registration Regulations:
Reg 9Care and welfare of people who use the services.Reg 17Respecting and involving people who use the services.
Summary of Financial and Legal Implications:
None specific.Equality & Diversity and Public & Patient Involvement Implications:
None specific.ENCLOSURE
Paper WL2173
The Board is asked to receive and note this report
Following the departure of the previous postholder, the post of Broadmoor Chaplain was restructured earlier this year from band 6 to band 7. The role was enhanced in relation to promoting greater collaborative working with clinical teams, enhanced multi-faith access and provisions, and a closer relationship with, and oversight from the senior management team.
2.1.The post was advertised and candidates who attended the two appointment boards (in August and September 2011) took part in a multi-faceted assessment process including interviews, meetings with patients and staff and meetings with the part-time chaplains. The last of these was in response to the need to strengthen the cohesion of the multi-faith team.
2.2.Unfortunately, an appointment was not possible at either of these boards. No suitable candidates emerged from the first board and the successful candidate at the second board had to withdraw for understandable personal reasons. A further advertisement is being prepared, taking advice from our external advisor on how to maximise its effectiveness.
2.3.We have also strengthened our in-house part-time team, which now includes Anglican, Buddhist, Muslim, Roman Catholic and Jewish members, who attend a monthly meeting. We are also responding to requests for Hindu, Pagan and Rastafarian input in liaison with clinical teams and are pursuing a ‘bank’ of staff that can be bought in to cover leave and absences in future.
2.4.A proposed audit of spiritual needs and how they are met is currently before the Broadmoor Audit Committee for consideration, and will help inform future developments.
3.1.If the next advertisement fails to produce a suitable candidate, we (operational and professional leads) will be revisiting the structure and person specification of the post with the senior management team to explore alternative approaches to maintaining and developing the service. Updates will be provided to the Trust Board in the Chief Executives report.
The Board is asked to receive and note this report
Leeanne McGee
Executive Director of High Secure Services
October 2011
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