FALCON Membership Meeting

Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel

Las Vegas, Nevada

December 8, 2008


Call to Order

Terry Tatsey called the meeting to order at 9:30am.

Approve Minutes

The draft minutes from the December 11, 2007, FALCON Business meeting were reviewed. A motion to approve was made by Gary Halverson and seconded by Ardis Bad Moccasin.

Executive Director’s Report

John Phillips provided updates on major accomplishments and key partnerships for 2008. He also identified challenges for the future.

·  The 2008 membership vote process and results were described. The results of the votes were as follows:

ü  Washington, DC is the preferred city for the 2009 FALCON Conference.

ü  October is the preferred month for the 2009 FALCON Conference.

ü  Saturday-to-Tuesday are the preferred days of the week for the 2009 FALCON Conference.

ü  $200-$299 is the preferred range for conference registration fees.

ü  A student-related goal will be added to FALCON’s mission, as, "FALCON provides opportunities for tribal college students to grow personally, academically and professionally."

ü  FALCON will keep its well-known FALCON acronym, but change its full name to "First American Land-grant Consortium."

·  John shared emerging issues and challenges that were identified in FALCON’s strategic planning process, including continuing to foster the AIHEC relationship, especially as it relates to legislative initiatives (e.g., Research RFA); building financial sustainability within the context of the Federal budget and the economy; developing FALCON leadership by strengthening the FALCON committee structure; and providing value to our members.

·  John provided a budget update on fiscal years 2009, 2010, and 2011.

Treasurer’s Report

Susan Given-Seymour presented the actual and projected income, expenses, and balances for 2008. The balance as of 11/07/2007 was $59,513.41 and the balance as of 11/07/2008 was $49,812.11.

Partnership Reports

·  Lawrence Shorty, 1994 Program Director, USDA Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, provided an update on the activities of his office. Three 1994 regional liaisons have been assigned: Velma Real Bird is based at Little Big Horn College and will cover the western region; Lisa Yellow is based at Sitting Bull College and will cover the central region, and Stephanie Koziski is based in Washington, DC and will cover the eastern region. Mr. Shorty asked for input to the USDA/AIHEC strategic plan, which is being developed.

·  Phil Baird, Vice President, United Tribes Technical College, and AIHEC representative to the Policy Board of Directors (PBD) of the National Association of State Universities and Land-grant Colleges (NASULGC) provided an update on the activities of the PBD and NASULGC.

·  Gary Halvorson, Agriculture Division Director, Sitting Bull College, provided an update on his participation on the North Central Regional Association (NCRA) of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors. Gary needs information from the 1994s that he can share with the NCRA to help them better understand the priorities and needs of the 1994s. He is also working to formalize a 1994 member position with the group.

·  Tim Grosser provided updates from USDA Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service (CSREES). He reminded the group of quarterly conference calls that provide an opportunity to ask questions of CSREES staff and to provide input.

Other Business

Phil Baird asked for participation in the annual University Agricultural Science and Education Exhibition/Reception on Capitol Hill that is organized by NASULGC. The exhibit is being held 5:30-8:00 p.m. on March 4, 2009 in the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, DC. Some 1994s have participated in past exhibitions and have found the costs to be high. There were no volunteers to participate in the exhibition.

Meeting adjourned 11:30am.