Faculty Bulletin #__: Reminders and Fire Drills

Dear Colleagues:

I.   Reminders:

Any student who leaves your class for whatever purpose must have a pass. The pass should indicate the date, the time, name of student, class and your signature.

1.   Record all late-comers to your subject class. We will have an increasing number of “round-ups” and we expect to see your lateness record tally with ours.

2.   Teachers must be in their official or subject class before the children arrive. There are, of course, exceptions for traveling teachers, but in every other case, the teacher should arrive before the children.

3.   Teachers are to be out in the hall during passing. I need your help. Be out in the halls and actively enforce the school rules.

II.   Fire Drill Directions

As you probably know we are required to hold approximately two fire drills a month. When fire gongs begin to ring, you must wait. The signal for a legitimate fire drill includes 12 gongs (3-3-3-3) plus 4 classroom tones. Please remember that the signal must include the 4 classroom tones at the end.

Once satisfied that the drill is legitimate, you are to escort your subject class quickly and quietly down the proper stairway to the inside yard or other post. In case of a real fire - First, give school signal at the FIRE BOX, which is located outside of the Main Office. Second, notify the Principal’s Office at once of discovery and location of fire.

Fire Drill Procedures -

Rooms: Boys/Girls Gym…; will egress via exit??

Rooms: ……………………………..; will egress via exit??

Rooms: ……………………………..; will egress via exit??

Rooms: Auditorium…………; will egress via exit??

Rooms: Cafeteria……………; will egress via exit??

The following persons will take posts on a designated floor to ensure complete evacuation of that area: Administrator (name) Post (assignment)

When we have Indoor Fire Drills, students will line up in the indoor yard, auditorium and cafeteria. Please follow directions.

Very truly yours,