Independent Degree Program Regular Application
3. Academic Program and Curriculum
a. Describe the requirements for admission to the institution and the proposed program (e.g., test scores, class rank, grade point average, and prior degrees or courses required for admission).Provide a copy of enrollment agreement or similar contract with students, if used.
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Independent Degree Program Regular Application
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Independent Degree Program Regular Application
b. Describe the characteristics of students to be served by the planned program including socioeconomic status, average age or range of ages, minority or ethnic status, disability status, and expected attendance patterns (e.g., resident/commuter, part-time/full-time). Identify methods by which issues of student diversity will be addressed.
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Independent Degree Program Regular Application
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Independent Degree Program Regular Application
c. Provide a brief description of the proposed program.Any program offered in part or in whole using online/mediated instruction must also complete sections l. through n. below. Complete Projected Annual Headcount Enrollment in Planned and Existing Academic Programs Table.
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Independent Degree Program Regular Application
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Independent Degree Program Regular Application
d. Describe all student tuition rates, fees, andcharges for the proposed program and identify the refund policies that apply to students in the program. Provide program brochures for general public and students (may be mock-up).
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Independent Degree Program Regular Application
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Independent Degree Program Regular Application
e. Describe the key components of the curriculum (i.e., core requirements, general education, areas of specialization, practicum or field experience, research requirements, and electives) and total credit hour requirements for each component. See the Sample Curriculum Table.
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Independent Degree Program Regular Application
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Independent Degree Program On-Campus Application
f. Provide course descriptions for each course identified as part of the curriculum and credit hours assigned to each course. Identify all course prerequisites.
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Independent Degree Program On-Campus Application
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Independent Degree Program On-Campus Application
g. Complete the Projected Schedule of Course Offerings Table showing planned course offerings and faculty assignments.
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Independent Degree Program On-Campus Application
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Independent Degree Program On-Campus Application
h. Identify program and student outcomes, means of assessment, and institutional policies and structures for continuous evaluation and improvement. Describe the institution’s plan to assure employers and/or graduate schools the appropriate aptitudes, skills, and knowledge have been achieved by each student.
Demonstration of equivalency of student outcomes for non-traditional delivery programs must be a part of the institution’s assessment processes. Under the IBHE administrative rules governing program approval, the traditional definition of a credit hour is one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately 15 weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or 10 to 12 weeks for one quarter hour of credit. For programs that do not use the traditional seat time definition to measure credit hours, documented student learning outcomes and evidence of student achievement must be provided showing equivalency of student outcomes resulting from a program provided through an alternative delivery method that demonstrate equivalency to those offered through traditional classroom delivery.
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Independent Degree Program On-Campus Application
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Independent Degree Program On-Campus Application
i. Describe the general policies for acceptance of credit through transfer, and procedures for successful articulation through the baccalaureate level, including enrollment agreements with other institutions. Describe policies for the award of credit for non-course activity, such as life experience or proficiency examinations. Include limits on credit accepted, and the procedures and criteria for evaluating life experience and proficiency examination credits.
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Independent Degree Program On-Campus Application
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Independent Degree Program On-Campus Application
j. Describe the general policies for retention, advancement and graduation:
- Minimum grade point average required for advancement and graduation
- Policies on provisional or probationary status
- Residency requirements (minimum number of credit hours that must be satisfied bycourses offered by the institution)
- Language requirements
- Research requirements (thesis, dissertation, research project)
- Qualifying or comprehensive examination requirements
- Practicum, internships, clinical, or field experience requirements
- Time limits for completion of programs
- Student advisement and support services
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Independent Degree Program On-Campus Application
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Independent Degree Program On-Campus Application
k. Provide evidence of occupational demand and employment opportunities available to graduates of the proposed program. If the program is designed to meet the needs of a specific job market, describe trends in employment in relevant sectors of the economy and geographical regions served.
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Independent Degree Program On-Campus Application
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Independent Degree Program On-Campus Application
Any program offered in part or in whole using online/mediated instruction must also complete sections l. through n. below.
l. Describe the institution’s plans for assessment of electronically offered programs. At a minimum, include the following:
1) the institution’s plans for demonstratingthat student learning and program outcomes are appropriate to the field and degree level and consistent regardless of program delivery method,
2) the processes employed by the institution for ensuring that assessments of student learning, especially exams, take place in circumstances that include student identification and assurance of the integrity of student work, and
3) how these assessment processes occur in the context of the regular evaluation of all academic programs.
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Independent Degree Program On-Campus Application
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Independent Degree Program On-Campus Application
m. Describe the institution’s admission processes, policies and assessments used to ensure that students are capable of succeeding in an online learning environment. In addition, indicate how students are informed of the nature and expectations of online learning.
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Independent Degree Program On-Campus Application
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Independent Degree Program On-Campus Application
n. Indicate how the faculty are participants in decisions regarding curricula and program oversight for online or mediated instruction programs.
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Independent Degree Program On-Campus Application
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