ChathamSchool District

Board of Education

Regular Meeting Minutes

April 9, 2013



The regular meeting of the Chatham School District Board of Education, held in Gustavus, Alaska was called to order at 6:00 PMby Board President Sally McLaughlin

Shawna Harper read the Chatham School District Mission Statement.

2.0 FLAG SALUTEthe flag salute was conducted


Members Present:

Kevin Frank Sr. - via Teleconference

Lynette Hart

Sally McLaughlin

Shawna Harper

Randy Gamble – via Teleconference *Sworn in after the Roll Call was done*

Members absent:


Scott Butterfield, Superintendent

Holly Cervin, Principal at Gustavus

Les McCormick, Principal at Angoon

Anne Connelly, Head Teacher at Tenakee

Cynthia McFeeters, Head Teacher at Klukwan


Tracey Thomas, SPED Teacher Angoon

Ruth Ryan, Teacher Angoon


Lynette made a motion to approve the agenda, Shawna 2nded the motion. Roll call vote, motion passed unanimously.


Klukwan student recognition goes to Douglas Adams, 1st grader and he has made great improvement in reading, writing and math.

Klukwan staff recognitionNo Staff recognition this month

Angoon staff recognition goes to Casey Meyers, tireless worker and just finished his third year as the basketball coach for the Angoon High School Boys’ Basketball team.

Angoon student recognition goes to Duncan O’Brien, sophomore student athlete who also has high grades.

Tenakee Springs student recognition goes to Kelly Kiehls, 5th grader who loves math and is a hard worker in the classroom, liked by all and keeps everyone smiling.

Tenakee Springs staff recognition goes to Darien Mannino, custodian and teacher aide who arrives at 530am who does his work with a positive attitude.

Gustavus Student recognition goes to Tasha Lenning, 6th grader who is organized and a great student and loves to write poetry.

Gustavus staff recognition goes to Jessie Soder, coordinates archery program in addition to everything she does in the classroom. She has also helped initiate getting adult volunteers trained.


6.1 Monthly Financial Report – Report reflects year to date expenditures through March 31, 2013.

Kevin: $9,000 over budget on staff travel, what was done different from last year that we went over?

Scott:Several people traveled, conference attendance increased and not all of it was covered by federal funds, some travel was charged to the general fund, the amount is a combination of all sites. Budget revision explained.

Sally: Sally shared her explanation of our new check printout using electronic signatures;this document will now be provided each month to the board for review.

Scott: Explained process and how the documentation detail is attached to the check when it is printed so specific questions may not be answered until research can be done on the documentation attached to the check in the file.

6.2 Superintendent Report – Report read to the Board

6.3 Principal Reports– Each principal and Head Teacher briefly shared what was contained in their report.


Janet Nielson – Gustavus:Statement regarding growing enrollment in Gustavus and number of teachers from three to two after the resignation of one teacher. Requests smaller class size for primary grades.

Pam (___)_ - Gustavus: Shares same sentiment as previous comments.

Laura Buckeye_- Gustavus: Shares same sentiment as previous comment, concerned that there may be two teachers for 39 students.

Tim Sunday –Gustavus: Volunteer at the school and concerned about the cuts to the Gustavus faculty.

John Buckeye – Gustavus: Concern with the student/teacher ratio, new family to Gustavus.

Lynette Hart: Reading email from Karen Plant, works in the school as an aide and is in favor of having three certified teachers in the classroom.

Ellie Sharman –Gustavus: Teacher in the Gustavus School, willing to teach any grade necessary. Having more teachers allows you to teach rather than manage a classroom. Numbers are increasing in the Gustavus School, 8 preschoolers will move into Kindergarten and that is a large number to move into the 2nd grade classroom. Moving to half-time position which is saving the district money, $55,000 is being saved. Request that this saved money goes back into the Gustavus budget.

Pauline Johnson –Angoon: Aide in the Angoon schools. Comment on teachers in Angoon and acknowledge Tracey Thomas and Mary Jean Duncan who teaches multiple grades in her classroom and understands the difficulty in teaching multiple grades.

Albert Howard –Angoon: Has voiced concerns in the past. Albert congratulated Randy Gamble on his appointment to the Board. He mentioned he has a petition signed by 110 voters in Angoon. (Sally McLaughlin: Sally requested that petition be submitted in writing to the Board.) Albert continues – he had submitted a request to be on the Budget committee as a volunteer and wondered why the request was been ignored, he said has experience working with budgets with the City of Angoon.

Sally McLaughlin: Sally explained who makes up the Budget committee and there is an Angoon ASB member already on the committee. She also explained that she will pass on a copy of the petition to the Board once she receives it.

Peggy Williams –Angoon: Said she was a past employee of the Angoon schools as an aide and acknowledges Mary Jean Duncan and Pauline Johnson. She also acknowledged Tracey Thomas and requested that she return to the Angoon schools next year.

Ida Jack –Angoon: Ida had a question regarding petition and how long it will take to review and make a decision regarding the topic of the petition.

Scott: Scott commented regarding on the amount expressed that the District would save having Ms. Sharman, work half time next year reported at $55,000 is not correct. He shared information relative to the pay range and level, benefit costsand money to fill the other half time portion of the job.The other teacher that would teach half time hasn’t been determined. It may depend on the salary schedule amount for that other individual.


8.1 Adopt and amend minutes from March 12 meeting and special meeting minutes from February 4, review and approve personnel items: accept letter of resignation from Lester McCormick, non-tenure teacher contract offered to Tracey Thomas, classified contracts which will be considered after the Budget for FY 2014, one year temporary contract to fill Jessie Soder’s position, one year temporary contract for the half-time position vacancy Ellie Sharman is leaving and to seek a principal for the Angoon/Tenakee Springs position. 8.3 second reading on adding an exhibit complaint form to the Board Policy 1312.1 and 8.4 SERRC contract to approve for Physical Therapy services for next year.

Lynette:Pull 8.1 Meeting minutes from March 12, 2013 RSB meeting.

Shawna: Pull 8.2 The review and approval of personnel items

Shawna made a motion to approve the consent agenda including items 8.3 and 8.4 and Special Meeting minutesfrom February 4, Randy 2nded the motion. After a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously.

8.1 Minutes from agenda from the last meeting

Lynette: Remove 6.4 curriculum reports and 9.0 after question 1, add a question mark at the ends of statements add “.” Page 3 under 9.3 about exhibits, question was “Who is the district compliance officer?”

Lynette made a motion to approve the minutes,as amended, Shawnaseconds the motion. It passed unanimously.

8.2 Review and approve personnel items

Shawna: I am not comfortable voting on these in a lump sum.I agree with all except the letter of resignation letter from Les McCormick and principal position for Angoon and Tenakee.

Sally: Item 8.2 with first and last bullet removed.

Lynette makes motion to approve personnel items for April 2013 with two items removed, first and last bullet point, Shawna seconds. Roll call vote, Randy – no, motion passes.

Lynette makes motion to accept resignation of Lester McCormick and the principal position sought for Angoon and Tenakee Springs position vacated by Lester McCormick and his resignation. Kevin seconds. Shawna comments that Principal McCormick has made positive improvements for both school sites and has been a strong leader and has put in many hours of volunteering and she appreciated his leadership as a principal and would hate to lose him. Randy comments that losing a principal and having to do the process all over again and seems awkward to have a principal here for a short time due to personality clashes with members of the community, I would like to see Les McCormick stay here and hope he does. Kevin commented that he has been involved with the school for several years and have always believed that it is important to resolve issues for the betterment of the kids and he understands that people see hard work but if two individuals can’t see resolve issues then it doesn’t benefit kids, he support this motion to accept the resignation. Sally comments that it is our job to approve the items and Mr. McCormick has submitted his resignation and we do need to fill the position. Roll call vote: Randy – no, Kevin – yes, Sally – yes, Shawna – no, Lynette – yes. 3-yes, 2-no, motion passes.


9.1Review and approve language to be added to Student/Parent handbook clarifying Valedictorian and Salutatorian qualifications.

The District’s two principals suggested language to be added to the handbook for guidance for qualifications for Valedictorian and Salutatorian positions based on grading scale available at the school office and remedial classes would not qualify for calculation for grade point average for either position. Attendance in Chatham School District clarified, semester GPA clarified, HSGQE must also be passed.

Lynette made a motion to approve language to be added to the Student/Parent handbook for Valedictorian and Salutatorian qualifications. Lynette – fine effort and would like to see it added to the handbook. Sally appreciates the effort put into this and language is clear and makes student expectations understandable, will be added and will take effect right away. Scott – questions who initiated the discussion, Holly says Mr. McCormick and she appreciates that he did. Kevinseconds the motion, motion passes unanimously.

9.2Review and approve the non-tenured teacher and administrator contracts for FY 2014

Scott changes language: “The following individuals with the Chatham School Districts will be recommended by the Superintendent for contracts for the 2013-2014 school year. Those two individuals are Holly Cervin Principal of Gustavus and Klukwan and Tracey Thomas in Angoon as a Special Education teacher for the 2013-14 school year.”

Shawna makes motion to approve the non-tenured teacher and administrator contracts for FY 2014,

Kevin seconds the motion. Roll call vote, motion passesunanimously.

9.3Review and approve the curriculum recommendations for Science K-12 and English 6-12

Scott explains some of the background and that the two committees that were chaired by the Principals.

Les McCormick – Science Curriculum Chair: The committee recommended the adoption of K-6 Science:Fusions, a Houghton-Mifflin product; 7-12 Pearson Science for all textbooks and McGraw Hill Connected programs for digital work.

Holly Cervin, the English Curriculum Chair: Glencoe was chosen as the recommended curriculum, Holly also acknowledged Anne Connelly of Tenakee who uses the curriculum programs and gets feedback from students and takes the curriculum adoption seriously.

Cynthia McFeeters: Wonders if there was a separate Science committee and who was on it? She also had a comment regarding math, acknowledging that there be some consideration for Anne Connelly and herself because occasionally,some middle school and high school may have 6th graders move up in math. Les: Mary Jean, Ruth, Anne

Shawna makes motion to review and approve the curriculum recommendations for Science K-12 and English 6-12 listed in 9.3, Kevin 2nds the motion. Appreciation from Board was expressed for the committees’ efforts and their hard work done to complete this task,the motion passes unanimously on a roll call vote.

9.4Board Goals

Shawna makes motion to formally adopt the Regional School Board goals for FY 2013 and FY 2014, Randyseconds, motion passes unanimously. Roll call vote, motion passes unanimously.

9.5Approve out-of-state field trip for students to go from Angoon to Ashland, Ore.

Les:Three students’ and their teacher, Jan Kaiser, have worked to raise money and students were chosen for their excitement in English Literature, plain, train and automobile trip and tickets have been purchased.

Kevin makes a motion to approve the out-of-state field trip for the Angoon students, Shawna seconds, and the motion passes unanimously on a roll call vote.



11.1Procedure for checking out Tech items from CSD–Scott gives overview and explains that it

is an ongoing discussion and no recommendation has been made to date. Ruth Ryan comments. Scott

recommends one more meeting to try to get a recommendation in place that can be inserted into the

Student/Parent handbook, he asked for a draft to be completed in the next month for consideration.

11.2Scott: Expressed his appreciation for the community of Tenakee School for consistently sending in their ASB minutes, they are consistent in sending their minutes in monthly.

11.3Principal Travel report submitted. Scott mentioned that he would like to ask that teachers who attend a conference are asked to write a one page or less summary of their conference experience. He said he will give those who attended a conference one more month to submit their reports so this can be submitted for the next meeting for review.


Shawna Harper –Thanks Gustavus for their hospitality, very impressed with the school and the classrooms and the bright beautiful children who are happy and playing music. Dinner and the music that was played were fantastic. She really appreciated that and walked in the building and it was welcoming and beautiful and also appreciated that. Her next comment was directed to Les McCormick, she thanked him for his hard work and dedication and also for the years he spent making positive changes to the schools in Angoon and Tenakee and wished him luck in his future endeavors.

Randy Gamble: Randy also thanked Mr. McCormick for the work he’s done in Angoon, his dedication to the school and he expressed hope that we find someone else like him who is really good with the staff and students, it’s hard to see him go.

Kevin Frank: Congratulated Randy for his appointment to the Regional School Board and wished good luck to him, he wishes he was in Gustavus but due to a family medical issues wasn’t able to make it.

Lynette Hart: Lynette thanked Holly for the dinner, and also said the students and music were lovely. She also wanted to thank Mr. McCormick for the positive impact he has had on Angoon and Tenakee and thanked him for his hard work.

Sally McLaughlin – Sally said that on behalf of the board she asked Kevin to pass on to Joyce that they are thinking of them all and understood why Kevin couldn’t make it to Gustavus for the Board meeting, she was also sorry that Randy couldn’t make it to Gustavus due to the weather. She also expressed a desire to seek recognition from the Board;she suggested that they pick one person to recognize at the next meeting, just a change for the end of the year to be added to the recognition portion for next month’s meeting.


Next meeting will be in Angoon the second Tuesday of May, work session on April 23rd.



Two items for the Work Session on April 23, 2013 are school calendars and ASB policy updates to review before they are put on the agenda for May, she would like to dedicate the May 28th work session to finalizing the Strategic plans. Also would like to have the members who attend the NSBA conference, Sally and Shawna, present a short report at the May work session meeting.


Submitted by: Elaine Kookesh


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