Membership Application & Questionnaire

Mother’s Name ______Father’s Name______


Home Phone______Mobile Phone______

Student’s Name(s)______

Date of Birth ______Age______


Please answer the following Questions Honestly:

Do you feel that our program will be a positive experience for your child?

Yes ( ) No ( )

When did you first become interested in getting your child into our program? ______

Do you value educational programs for your child/children?

Yes ( ) No ( )

Are you a Single Parent?

Yes ( ) No ( )

Are you interested in your child/children having fun while learning?

Yes ( ) No ( )

Whose idea was our martial-arts program?

Yours ( ) Child ( ) Both ( )

Can your child benefit from getting regular exercise?

Yes ( ) No ( )

Please Turn Over

Our program requires your involvement in order for your child/children to be successful, do you consider yourself/selves involved parents?

Yes ( ) No ( )

Are you willing to dedicate yourself to your child’s success by being aware of your child’s progress?

Yes ( ) No ( )

In which ways would you like your child benefit from our program?

( ) Increased Confidence ( ) Better Focus ( ) Improved Self-Esteem

( ) Athletic Ability ( ) Self-Defense ( ) Respect-self/others

( ) Discipline- doing more on their own ( ) Self Motivation

( ) Self-Control ( ) Social Skills ( ) Fun ( ) Fitness

( ) Concentration ( ) Balance ( ) Goal-Setting

( ) Leadership ability ( ) Self-Belief ( ) Better Grades

Can you invest one to three hours per week to help your child attain your desired results?

Yes ( ) No ( )

Are you willing to have patience in getting the results you want?

Yes ( ) No ( )

Has your child expressed an interest in martial-arts in the past?

Yes ( ) No ( )

Do you support your child’s positive interests? Yes ( ) No ( )

Are you willing to only render positive feedback to your child about their progress?

Yes ( ) No ( )

Do you encourage your child to set future goals for themselves?

Yes ( ) No ( )

Do you encourage your child to follow through on goals they set for themselves?

Yes ( ) No ( )

Who else (if anyone) will be involved with transportation and/or tuition?


What is most important to you and your child at this time?


Membership Application & Questionnaire, Adult Program

Name ______


Home Phone______Mobile Phone______

Date of Birth ______Age______


Please answer the following Questions Honestly:

Have you ever done martial arts in the past?

Yes ( ) No ( )

Are you currently exercising regularly?

Yes ( ) No ( )

If Yes, what are you doing?


If No, when was the last time you were physically active?


When did you first become interested our program?


What has stopped you from starting martial arts in the past?

Yes ( ) No ( )

What is your marital status?

Single ( ) Married ( )

Please Turn Over

Our program requires that you do at least two classes per week, can you fit that in ?

Yes ( ) No ( )

Off the top of you head which days of the week and times are best?


In which ways would you like to benefit from our program?

( ) Increased Confidence ( ) Better Focus ( ) Fighting Skills

( ) Athletic Ability ( ) Self-Defense

( ) Discipline- ( ) Self Motivation ( ) Speed

( ) Fun ( ) Fitness ( ) Flexibility ( ) Power

( ) Concentration ( ) Balance ( ) Flexibility

Are you willing to have patience in getting the results you want?

Yes ( ) No ( )

Will you be in the area for at least one year?

Yes ( ) No ( )

What is most important to you at this time?
