BRJHA Board Meeting
In attendance: Sonya Andres, Jason Andres, Nancy Hogan, Matt Crosson, Tim Blashill, Pam Huges, Amy Lilienthal, Susan Jones.
Minutes approval
Team and Tournament pictures
Went over other proposal's Jensen or Yeoman
Yeoman was picked , will do a contract communication to all board members Nancy will be representative December 5, dates to take pictures
Tentative October 30,24,25., team cd of all teams, 10 % of what was purchased he can go on website and banner
Hotel sponsorship
Tim will continue to look into it, thanks but no thanks
Community foundation, Susan will sit at table at match day
Ice dog cards due ASAP Amy gave Nancy 10 back
Discussed Michigan script program
IPod , can get more get talk to Susan
Halloween fundraiser for next year
What about cookies and magnets for community foundation
Treasurers' report
Went over budget
Hand over to Jason
Talked about fiances
Talked about reports that need to be turned into Tim, who will turn it over
Ad in program
Check on debit card
What about staples #
District checks out tonight
Do not know about school ships
MAHA report
Dec 13 draw for district
January 6 and 7 play in Kalamazoo squirts do not go
January 6
look at dates on website
Misc, open forum
Get sponsors to put on website
Dave Sensor , and 2 college guys to come up with a week by week goalie program board is very positive about the idea thinking of 400 dollars
Family corner
Amy Bomay needs to be at meeting, have Amy give a report for spaceship
Ad website and scholarship
Kids are not allowed in the rubber room any more
Put a sign on the rubber room
Managers need to put a message out to the teams
Crosson’s corner
Old business, new business, email agenda items to matt and Tim, motions, e
Next board meeting- Thursday November 10 530