Mar 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.22-09/0047r0
IEEE P802.22
Wireless RANs
Held on Mar 5, 2009
Date: 2009-03-05
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Zander Zhongding Lei / Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore / 1 Fusionopolis Way #21-01Connexis,Singapore 138632 / 65-6408-2436 /
1.2IEEE patent policy located at:
1.3Agenda Approval
Remaining comments update/discussion (DCN09-045)
Attendee / Affiliation / Mar 5Sung Hyun Hwang / ETRI
Jung Sun Um / ETRI
Zander Zhongding Lei / I2R / x
Gerald Chouinard / CRC / x
Hui Junhong / Samsung / x
Cheng Shan / Samsung
Sungbum Kim / Samsung
The meeting started at 9:05 pm and ended at 10: 30 pm ET
All attendees were aware of the IEEE patent policy
The agenda was approved unanimously.
Remaining comments update/discussion (DCN09-045)
Zander summarized the status of the remaining comments based on DCN09-45r0 uploaded on Mentor. Zander will suggest the remedies for all the remaining editorial comments.
The group went through all the remaining technical comments (T/TR). The summary of the discussion is shown below. Details can be referred to DCN09-47r1. The 2 items below highlighted with yellow color are supposed to be discussed in Mar. meeting and the other2 with grey color are potential topics.
- ID 725 (Ivan/Antenna pattern) – to be discussed in Mar meeting
Gerald to present the antenna patternproposal (slide 6 of DCN09-308) in Mar meeting and seek the approval from WG
- ID 672 (Cheng/CBP redesign) – possible topic in Mar meeting
This topic is pending until new contributions submitted. Zander to check with Cheng on any updates for possible discussion in Mar meeting
- ID 682 (Apurva/Tone set description in table 254)
Action: Zander to ask Ivan providing the text
- ID 701 (George/Ranging when channel switch)
Action: Zander to check with Wendong and Gwangzeen for updates from MAC working on the switching procedure
- ID 731/734 (RF Mask) – to be discussed in Mar meeting
Action: Gerald to present the proposed RF mask based on 55 dB adjacent channel rejection in the Mar meeting based on DCN09-023r1
- ID 96 (Monique/from MAC/swap SCH position with frame preamble)
Reject: The frame preamble is used for synchronization, channel estimation, frequency offset estimation, etc. It shall be placed before SCH so that the SCH is decodable.
- ID235/236 (Ivan/from MAC/remove options and CPE/BS supports all modulation modes)
Accept: Editor to remove text about the options in respective sections upon approval from WG
- ID 664 (Gerald/coexistence) – potential WG topic in Mar. meeting
Pending until MAC discussion results on selection of coexistence schemes.
Zander to check with Wendong and Chengon the status
- ID 718 (TPC table)
Failed ballot July08 (08-253r1) with one comment: Entry for "Fast feedback IE" needs to be completed.
The table has been completed in the new draft version
- ID 709 (Ivan/Storage of antenna pattern or gain)
Decision was made in Sept. 08
Status needs to be updated in the database as Counter with inclusion of following text:
Non-integrated CPE antennas shall be required to store its maximum directional gain, in dBi, for each TV channel and report values in response of the CPE request.
CPE employing non-integrated antennas shall query their antenna for its per-channel gain at start-up as part of the self-test prior to the start-up
An integrated antenna/HPA would not have such requirements.
Submission page 1 Zander Lei, I2R