Mar 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.22-09/0047r0

IEEE P802.22
Wireless RANs

Minutes from PHY Conference Call
Held on Mar 5, 2009
Date: 2009-03-05
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Zander Zhongding Lei / Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore / 1 Fusionopolis Way #21-01Connexis,Singapore 138632 / 65-6408-2436 /



1.2IEEE patent policy located at:

1.3Agenda Approval


Remaining comments update/discussion (DCN09-045)



Attendee / Affiliation / Mar 5
Sung Hyun Hwang / ETRI
Jung Sun Um / ETRI
Zander Zhongding Lei / I2R / x
Gerald Chouinard / CRC / x
Hui Junhong / Samsung / x
Cheng Shan / Samsung
Sungbum Kim / Samsung


The meeting started at 9:05 pm and ended at 10: 30 pm ET

All attendees were aware of the IEEE patent policy

The agenda was approved unanimously.

Remaining comments update/discussion (DCN09-045)

Zander summarized the status of the remaining comments based on DCN09-45r0 uploaded on Mentor. Zander will suggest the remedies for all the remaining editorial comments.

The group went through all the remaining technical comments (T/TR). The summary of the discussion is shown below. Details can be referred to DCN09-47r1. The 2 items below highlighted with yellow color are supposed to be discussed in Mar. meeting and the other2 with grey color are potential topics.

  1. ID 725 (Ivan/Antenna pattern) – to be discussed in Mar meeting

Gerald to present the antenna patternproposal (slide 6 of DCN09-308) in Mar meeting and seek the approval from WG

  1. ID 672 (Cheng/CBP redesign) – possible topic in Mar meeting

This topic is pending until new contributions submitted. Zander to check with Cheng on any updates for possible discussion in Mar meeting

  1. ID 682 (Apurva/Tone set description in table 254)

Action: Zander to ask Ivan providing the text

  1. ID 701 (George/Ranging when channel switch)

Action: Zander to check with Wendong and Gwangzeen for updates from MAC working on the switching procedure

  1. ID 731/734 (RF Mask) – to be discussed in Mar meeting

Action: Gerald to present the proposed RF mask based on 55 dB adjacent channel rejection in the Mar meeting based on DCN09-023r1

  1. ID 96 (Monique/from MAC/swap SCH position with frame preamble)

Reject: The frame preamble is used for synchronization, channel estimation, frequency offset estimation, etc. It shall be placed before SCH so that the SCH is decodable.

  1. ID235/236 (Ivan/from MAC/remove options and CPE/BS supports all modulation modes)

Accept: Editor to remove text about the options in respective sections upon approval from WG

  1. ID 664 (Gerald/coexistence) – potential WG topic in Mar. meeting

Pending until MAC discussion results on selection of coexistence schemes.

Zander to check with Wendong and Chengon the status

  1. ID 718 (TPC table)

Failed ballot July08 (08-253r1) with one comment: Entry for "Fast feedback IE" needs to be completed.

The table has been completed in the new draft version

  1. ID 709 (Ivan/Storage of antenna pattern or gain)

Decision was made in Sept. 08

Status needs to be updated in the database as Counter with inclusion of following text:

Non-integrated CPE antennas shall be required to store its maximum directional gain, in dBi, for each TV channel and report values in response of the CPE request.

CPE employing non-integrated antennas shall query their antenna for its per-channel gain at start-up as part of the self-test prior to the start-up

An integrated antenna/HPA would not have such requirements.

Submission page 1 Zander Lei, I2R