Walk for Health Bristol Partnership (WfHBP)

Walk/group name / Day / Length / Grade / Description / Contact
Avonmouth Wacky Walkers
Linkage / Wednesday
mornings / 90 minutes / 3 / Aimed at people aged 55+ and suitable for anyone able to walk for an hour plus without stopping. The walks are varied with some local and further afield. Led by volunteers supported by Bristol Public Health (open group) / Gill Brookman

Bristol Active Life Project Walking Group / Tuesday mornings / 60 - 90 minutes / 2
3 / For adults with long term mental health difficulties. Volunteer walk leaders and active life trainer led supported by AWP, BCC and Second Step.Membership is by referral. The group meets at Bristol library on Tuesday mornings.(Specific membership group) / Paul Davies
Active Life Trainer
0117 919 5769
Bristol Amblers (formally St. Pauls & Easton) / Weekly walks on various days / 60 – 90 minutes
LW / 2
3 / Led by volunteers supported by Bristol Public Health.
Meet up in Easton/St. Paul’s or central Bristol
(open group) / Nicola Ferris
0117 3521283 / 07810506738

Bedminster and Southville
Link Age / Weekly, Thursdays and Fridays / 90 minutes / 3 / Mainly meeting in central Bristol but also at Windmill Hill City Farm & the CREATE centre. Led by volunteers. Aimed at over 50s (open group) / Dan Lewin;
0117 305 2365

Bedminster and Southville
Link Age – Victoria Park Stroll / Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday / 30 – 60 minutes / 1
2 / This walk is suitable for people who have not walked much and are looking to become more active or walkers returning after an illness / injury. / Dan Lewin;
0117 305 2365

Brislington Twalkers / Fortnightly walks on varying days / 60 – 90 minutes
LW / 2
3 / Walks start and finish in Brislington, the city centre or nearby sometimes using a public bus to reach a walk destination. Volunteer leaders.(open group) / Shaun Hawkins
Bristol City Council

CREATE Friday strolls / Monthly on Friday afternoons / 60 – 90 minutes / 2
3 / In partnership with Bristol Autistic Spectrum Service. Meet monthly on 1st Friday of the month, 1.30pm in the CREATE café, Smeaton Road. Led by volunteers with support from BASS and BCC.
(open group) / BASS: 01275 796200
Vicky Short:
07710764540 / 01275796200
Downs Walking Programme / Mon, Tues & Thurs
mornings / 60 – 90 minutes / 3 / Various routes on and around the Downs, starting and finishing at the Water Tower cafe. BCC volunteer lead with experience of the mental health field. (open groups) / Timothy Dowling (volunteer)

Easton Beginners Walk: On Track / Weekly Tuesday
12 – 12.30pm / 20-40 minutes / 1
2 / Aimed at those new to walking or people recovering from illness or injury. Start and finish at Easton Community Centre. Walks led by health trainers.
(open group) / Morowa Selasie, Health Advisor Easton Community Centre
Hartcliffe Strollers / Wednesday mornings / 30 – 45 minutes / 2 / Walks aimed at those new to walking or people returning to walking after illness or injury. Weekly walk alternate between The Gatehouse Centre for a walk to Crox Bottom and @ Symes Community Building for a stroll through Willmott Park . / Claire McNeil 07876814604
BCC Public Health

Jason Edwards-Brown,
Hheag: 07808544367
Henbury / Weekly walks on a Thursday morning / 60 – 90 minutes / 2
3 / A volunteer led group with support from BCC, Henbury & Brentry Council and Henbury School. Main meeting point is Crow Lane, Henbury (open group) / Ron Mellett (volunteer)

Andrew Baxter:
(Volunteer) 0117 959 2173
Movers and Shakers
Link Age / Tuesday mornings / 90 minutes / 3 / Aimed at people aged 55+ and suitable for anyone able to walk for an hour plus without stopping. Walks are varied - local and further afield. Led by LinkAge worker and volunteers.(open group) / Cheryl Martin, LinkAge
Tel: 0753 0564 332

Hengrove Park Leisure Walk
In partnership with Linkage / Tuesday afternoons
Wednesday mornings / 10 – 20
40 – 60
60 – 90 minutes / 1
3 / Weekly walks for the over 50’s starting and finishing at Hengrove Park Leisure centre, The Boulevard. (open group) / Naomi Button: 0117 9370200

Hillfields / Weekly walks on varying days / 60 – 90 minutes / 2
3 / Meet up in Fishponds or occasionally centrally. Led by volunteers with the support of BCC (open group) / Nicola Ferris
Bristol City Council (BCC)
Tel: 0117 352 1283
Knowle West
1 Heart group / Weekly Monday morning walk (11 am) / Less than one mile
10- 40 minutes / 1 / For beginner walkers or those recovering from illness or injury. Meet at Knowle West Health Park, Downton Road. Volunteers supported by Knowle West Health Park (open group) / Laura Hathway
Knowle West Health Park
Tel: 0117 377 2255
Knowle West 2 Heart group / Thursday morning walks / 40 – 90 minutes / 2 / Meet at various places but generally in Knowle West or at the central bus station. Volunteer leaders supported by Knowle West Health Park (open group) / Laura Hathway
Knowle West Health Park
Tel: 0117 377 2255
Knowle West 3 Heart group / Tuesday morning walks / 60 – 90 minutes / 3 / Meet at various places but generally in Knowle West or at the central bus station. Volunteer leaders supported by Knowle West Health Park (open group) / Laura Hathway
Knowle West Health Park
Tel: 0117 377 2255
Lockleaze and Horfield Strollers / Fortnightly walks on varying days / 60 – 90 minutes / 2
3 / Meet in Horfield, Lockleaze or occasionally centrally. Volunteer and NHS / BCC staff led walks. (open group) / Hayley Swift
Bristol City Council

Lockleaze Weekly Wednesday / Weekly on Wednesday afternoon / 45 minutes – 1 hour / 2
3 / 1.30pm, meet at the Cameron Centre, Lockleaze for a walk on Stoke Park / Purdown.
(open group) / Hayley Swift
Bristol City Council

Redcatch Park Walk / Thursday mornings / 10 – 30 minutes / 1
2 / Meet at the Café / Youth Centre in Redcatch Park for a 0.5 – 1mile gentle stroll. For all levels of walkers including those with mobility difficulties.
Led by volunteers supported by KWHP. / Laura Hathway
Knowle West Health Park
Tel: 0117 377 2255
Walkie-Talkies / Wednesday am / 90 minutes / 3 / Aimed at people aged 55+ and suitable for anyone able to walk for an hour plus without stopping. The walks are varied with some local and further afield. Led by volunteers supported by Bristol Public Health (open group) / Gill Brookman

St. George Strollers / Fortnightly various days / 60 – 90 minutes / 2
3 / Meet in St. George or occasionally central Bristol. Walks led by BCC volunteers. (open group) / Nic Ferris
Bristol City Council
0117 3521283 / 07810506738
St. George Park Stroll LinkAge / Tuesday mornings, weekly / 30 minutes / 1 / A flat, paved walk for those recovering from illness or injury or wanting to improve fitness. Supported by Link Age(open group) / Amber Williams
07841 922084
Railway Path; LinkAge / Weekly on
Mondays / 90 mins / 3 / Aimed at people aged 55+ and suitable for anyone able to walk for an hour plus without stopping. Walks are varied with some local and further afield. Led by LinkAge development worker andvolunteers. (open group) /
Gina Ionescu; Link Age

0117 971 5873
WalkAbout South
Linkage / Mondays / 90 minutes / 3 / Weekly walks with a nature and /or wildlife theme Aimed at people aged 55+ and suitable for anyone able to walk for an hour plus without stopping. The walks are varied with some local and further afield. Led by LinkAge development worker and volunteers. (open group) / Cheryl Martin; LinkAge; 07530564332
Walk Out
LGBT Group / Wednesday10.30am / 30 – 90 minutes / 2
3 / Gentle, accessible walks led by volunteers and staff from LGBT Bristol. For Bristol residents who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.
(Specific membership group) /
David Sully /
Sarah Minter
0117 353 4621
Weekly Wednesday
Walk (City Centre) / A weekly half hour lunchtime walk / 30 – 60 minutes / 2 / 12.30pm meeting point at Water Cascade Steps. Led by volunteers. Set up for central workers to take a lunch time stroll but open to anyone. (open group) / Nicola Ferris
Bristol City Council
0117 352 1283
07810 506 738
Weekly Wednesday Stroll
(City Centre) / A weekly half hour lunch time stroll / 10 – 30 minutes / 1 / 12.15pm meet outside the Hippodrome. Led by Health Trainers and supported by People First. Aimed at adults with learning disabilities, those recovering from illness / injury or those wanting to progress onto brisker, longer walks. (open group) / Tracey Smith:
Learning Difficulties Health Trainer team Coordinator
0117 922 3442
Westbury Walkers / Weekly Tuesday morning / 60 – 90 minutes / 2
3 / Mainly meeting outside Lloyds Chemist on Canford Lane. This is a community walking group for the over 50’s.(open group) / Jean Maish (Volunteer)
0117 3301194

Wild Walks for Wellbeing
(Old Market) / Thursday afternoon walks / 60 – 90 minutes / 2
3 / Meeting at Trinity Community Garden or Wesley Chapel in the city centre. For adults with mental health issues. Walks are led by volunteers with fortnightly walks led by a funded nature guide. Membership by introduction at 6 weekly taster walks.(Specific membership group) / Andrew Scott (volunteer)
07548 320 164