Growth Voucher Guidance
The following list is intended to help you through the Growth Voucher process.When a projecthas been identifiedwith yourAdvisorplease follow the stages outlined. This will help to ensure that your project is successfully completed.
Before the project begins
1)Your advisor will help you your application and project specification which outlines what you require from your intended supplier. / 2)You can then use this specification to send to potential suppliers and ask them to quote for the piece of work required. All pieces of work require 3 quotations. We don’t have an approved list of suppliers, it’s an open competition. /
3)Staff at Growth Lancashirecan help you with assessing the quotations using relevant documents to arrive at the chosen supplier. /
4)Fully complete the Growth Voucher Application Form outlining the project requirements, the company background and highlight the need for a Growth Voucher and benefits. Be sure to stress all the benefits and opportunities the funding could produce.Submit the application along with the supporting documents for approval. This could take up to 2 weeks. If there are any queries we will contact you so the process could take longer /
5)Once approved, a Growth Voucher Agreementwill be emailed to you, print, sign (wet signature) and postto the Accrington address below.Keep a copy for your records. /
6)Instruct your supplier to start work on the project. Please note that any expense incurred before the project commencement date of the Agreement is ineligible. /
7)Register as a supplier and provide your bank account details on line through Lancashire County Council’s secure portal. /
If you need help phone the Supplier helpline on 01772 534966. /
In order for a company to register as a supplier you first need to obtain a DUNS
number from /
8)Tell us your Lancashire County Council supplier number and we will give you a Purchase Order number. /
Once the projecthas completed
9)Inform us that the project is complete and that you have paid the supplier. We will email the claim form. / 10)Once we are satisfied with the project completion, you will need to request an invoice from your supplier and then pay them. We will then email a Purchase Order number and a link to a website which contains the forms to complete and return to us.
11)Complete and post to the Accrington address below:
-A copy of the invoice from your supplier
-Evidence of payment made to supplier i.e. copy of bank transaction.
(If paid by cheque we need copy of the full cheque. If paid by BACS we need
copy of the BACS run clearly showing the name of supplier)
-Your invoice with a Purchase Order number made payable to Lancashire County Council (see below). In the body of the invoice enter the details of the project and the total costs, including the grant and Growth Voucher amount - exclude VAT.
-The completed Growth Voucher Claim Form. /
12)When we have received and checked the documents, Lancashire County Council will pay you via BACS. /
13)At the end of the project and up to two years after, we will ask for evidence about progress and the impact on the business. You may be asked to take part in our marketing publicity. /
[Your Company Name] INVOICE
[Your Company Slogan]
[Town, County Postal Code]
Phone [01234 567890] Fax [01234 567890]
VAT No’ [If applicable] / INVOICE No [100]
DATE: 8 December, 2018
Purchase Order Number [12333]
Billing Address:
Lancashire County Council
PO Box 78 County Hall
For: [Details of the project e.g. web development]
Total Project Cost: [Full amount of the project]
1 / Growth Voucher Amount: [Grant funded portion of the project] / £0.00
SUBTOTAL / £0.00
VAT / -
TOTAL DUE / £0.00
Make all cheques payable to [Your Company Name]
BACS Details
Bank:Account Name:
Sort Code:
Account Number:
If you have any questions concerning this invoice, contact [Name, Phone Number, E-mail]