At Ian Stark Equestrian Centre, Greenhill,Selkirk, TD7 4NP

Sun 29th March 2015

Competitors will jump a course of show jumps followed by a course of cross country style fences all within the indoor school at ISEC.

Class 1 Max Height65cms. Restricted to horses who have not won at Riding Club Novice level or above or won or been placed in any BE event.

Class 2 Max Height 75cms.Restricted to horses who have not been placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd at Riding Club Intermediate show jumping level or at a BE80 event.

Class 3 Max Height 85cms Restricted to horses who have not beenplaced 1st 2nd or 3rdat Riding Club Open show jumping or BE90 level or above

Class 4 Max Height 95cms

Class 5 Max Height1.05M

Dress code – as for XC. NB Body protectors must be worn


The competition will run over a course of showjumps followed by a section of natural fences within the indoor arena. The cross country section will be timed and clear rounds will take precedence over anyone with jumping faults. The winner will be the closest to the optimum time over the timed section of the course.

The course will be split into 2 halves, the first will not be timed, and the second will be timed (1 time fault will be given for each commenced second under or over the optimum time allowed).

The 3rd refusal or the fall of horse or rider will be elimination

The winner will be the competitor with the lowest number of faults who is closest to the optimum time.

No watches will be permitted.

Horse and Rider combination may compete in 2 consecutive classes

Hard hats must be worn at all times when mounted

Horses and ponies must not be left unattended whilst tied to trailers / lorries

Entry fee: £15.50 per class. Send to: Miss J Swanston, 5 Burnflat Brae Hawick TD9 0DJ

Or enter online at

Closing date 23rdMarch 2015. Times will be available on Fri 27thMarch by phoning07565 748282(8-9pm) or by checking website

Spring Showcross @ ISEC on 29/03/2015


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