Portal/WAMAS CombinedSteering CommitteeMeetingAGENDA

Item / Topics / Time / Lead / Notes/Follow-up
Welcome/Introductions / 1:00PM
10 min. / Joy Paulus
1 / Portal Steering Committee Items:
  • Update on Server Environment Fix
  • Develop List of Data & Service Creation Back Log:
  • Develop Hand Over Tasks List & Detailed Documentation
One Note – tabs based documentation
ASK /WaTech SharePoint / Secure Box/
  • Other items as identified
  • New item: Serving WA Base maps – Mobile base maps
DNR, ECY, DOT, LNI – base maps built for their review and
Work to build a Base Map Library for WA on AGOL
For mobile devices need Sync able service hosted on AGOL / Steve Vaughn
Don Saul
Jenny Konwinski
Rich Kim / Notes: Net Ops worked with vendors on switches, and upgrades. iSCSI mismatch resolved and data loading is happening easily now. What’s moving
  • Kent data, StreetMap,
  • 6 City/Co. imagery data sets
  • 7010 server test/dev maxed out and being cleared of un-needed data
  • Parcels & city/UGA will be next once Rich finishes the gaps
DNR & LNI will talk more at the next Portal meeting about base maps
2 / WAMAS Steering Committee Items:
  • User Support - challenge with NAT IP’s
  • Status on MAF & Melissa Data Needs– Need updated MAF
  • Mapping QA/QC Tool – Nathan, Jenny, Mark, Don Steven, Michael working on this 11/23
  • Other items as identified
- Melissa add on called Right Fielder Object (parcer) – approved for adding to site license (DSHS purchase)
- Ewan wants to hit REST services - Steve will have that and GeoJason output ready in month or so / Joy Paulus
Jenny Konwinski
Technical Team /
  • Standing up WAMAS server will be the next item for Sys Ops. Things to consider… Figure out the approach for doing failover & consider clustering so the data stays in sync.
  • Melissa data & locator file are loaded
We need to test the locator on test on 23rd – Steve to send Joy & Jenny a files to test. Jenny will be working with Mark on getting the Map QA tool up on WAMAS test server
  • WAMAS FME will be put on production. Certificate resolved and ready to move with final test
  • We need updated MAF. Provide David with disk drive & will drop off. Need data before 22nd – joy will notify David to schedule the transfer.

4 / Closing Comments/Adjournment
Next Meeting –November 10, 2016– 2nd Thursday of every month / 2:10PM
5 min. / All Participants