March 2, 2009

District Office



President of the Board, Ish Medina, called the meeting to order at 5:35 P.M.


Present were Board Members: Wayne Bishop, Ish Medina, Nicole Crabb, Denis O’Connor and Susan Abe.

Lt. Col Joseph Slavick was also present.

Others present: Superintendent Debra Pearson, Tami Johnson, April Roach, Stacy Januaro, Aimee Zarges, Nichole Steenberg, John and Janet Mckee, Roger Abe, Justin Guzman, Kyle Eneix, Cat Bentley, Sue Willey, Ronna Eaton, Mirna Gonzalez, Johnnie Thompson, Sue Snyder, Georgeann Giles, Marie Sprugasci, Debby Heenan, Tom Heenan, Adelle Wapple, Jodie Almond, Trisha Wilcox, Joyce Willey, Maddy Trask, Lori Thomas, Philip DeCoster, Kathleen Decoster, Edena Miller, Brian Miller, Kathi Sisk, Tonya Hern, Kirsten Carlin, Rick West, Becky Hill, Fausto Lopez, Heather Gasper, Lisa Carter, Bobbi Brown, Wendy Cabrales, Chad and Laurie Wilkins, Michele Shaw, Jim Shaw, Carrie Grummert, Brandi Loutzenhiser, Patricia Williams, Happines Davis, Charles Sherman, Michelle Williamson, Lisa Penaska, Martha Ferguson, Josephine Hamm, Jackie Drossner, Heather Slauzis, Kenzie Slauzis, George O’Neal, Donna Graham, John Wagner, Kathleen Griego, Liz Toscuno, Richard Benz, Melanie Phillips, Diane Waltz, Nick and Paula Lamb, Melissa McMullen, Maria Hicks, Cassy Guter, M.J. Bolin, Janelle Wilburn, Valerie Smith, Karen Lewallen, June Eberhardt, Leann Weldon, Glen Weldon, Mark Yedivak, LuAnn Pelegrino, Cindy Hardee, Sue Sherman, Gail Diaz, Rene Diaz, Shannon Nystrom, Laura High, Cathi Bradshaw, Marianne Miller, Helga Myles, Jo Moniz, Cory O’Neal, Tracey Green, Eva Palmer, Laura and Wayne Cottrell, Gretchen Steinke, Edward Cotney, Brenda Harter, Joanne Bass, Debbie Schoeppach, Alicia Celedon, Stephanie Irvine, Dawn Rodman, Erin Oakes, Alisa Bradbury, Melissa Jensen, Lynn Etzler, Bridget Webb, Nicci Ottagan, Mike O’Hayan, Stacey Salazar, Laura Fennel, Laura Michel, Tara Aroz, Jodie Jacklettand Connie Walczak.

Board Minutes

March 2, 2009

Page Two


Action Item – 08/09-35

It was MSCU (Crabb-Bishop) to approve this action item.

  1. Be it resolved that the minutes of January 15, 2009 were approved
  2. Be it resolved that the minutes of February 12, 2009 were approved
  3. Be it resolved that the minutes of February 19, 2009 were approved
  4. Be it resolved that the following personnel items were


Booth, Emily / Presentation Marketing Specialist 3.75 hrs. / 1/13/2009 / Grant
Price, Tonya / Preschool Assistant Teacher/Clerk 3.5 hrs. / 1/12/2009 / LT Presch
Hayes, Quiana / Food Service Worker 3.5 hrs. / 1/30/2009 / BR
Kuhns, Terra / Preschool Assistant Teacher/Clerk 3.5 hrs. / 3/20/2009 / LT Presch
Polines, Clemente / Para Educator-Special Education 3 hrs. / 1/16/2009 / WE
  1. Approved the Bills and Warrants.


Johnna Bartholomew stated that she has heard that the District was considering the merger of Bear RiverSchool and WheatlandElementary School. Ms. Bartholomew stated that she was concerned that the community had not had input and if this was discussed in closed session, that was not appropriate procedure.

Melissa McMullen stated that she was interested in how the two schools would be merged. Ms. Salazar stated that she moved to Wheatland because of the schools

Stacy Salazar expressed concern about the possible merger of the two schools. She said that it would not be wise for the board to vote on the merger without input and comment from the community.

Laura Michel said that she concurs with the leap in logic. She questioned the cost savings with the merger of the two schools. It would be very costly to move all of the equipment and prepare Bear River for elementary students. Ms. Michel suggested that the district office be moved to the Bear River campus. Ms. Michel asked why the administrators received a COLA. She suggested that the administrators give back the COLA that was negotiated. Ms. Michel asked Mr. Bishop if he represents the community. Mr. Bishop stated that the five board members do represent the Wheatland Community. He said that it is very clear that there is a financial crisis in California. Education is taking a big hit. The declining enrollment continues. Mr. Bishop stated that they are kept apprised of the budget and financial situation by Tami Johnson and Ms. Pearson. Mrs. Johnson does a thorough power point presentation several times a year.

Board Minutes

March 2, 2009

Page Three

Sue Abe stated that the financial crisis in California and specifically with WheatlandSchool Districthas come at no surprise, however, now we are being questioned as to whether we are moving too quickly. The enrollment is and has been declining for years. The revenue from the students on the base has been cut in half. At every board meeting over the past year or so, Tami Johnson and Ms. Pearson has presented the bleak finances for education in California. Ms. Abe stated that it has been frustrating that parents and staff have not attended those meetings, rather than staying home and watching television.

Michelle Williamson reported that in her research that the State of California, there is a mandate of a 3% reserve. Ms. Williamson stated that the WheatlandSchool District has a 27% reserve. She is concerned that the board members receive health benefits that are paid for by the District. She believes that the superintendent needs to look at her salary. Ms. Williamson stated that California requires that each district only have a certain percent of teachers with a CLAD. She stated that research proves that students learn better in small class sizes. Ms. Williamson stated that the community elects the board members. The board has an obligation to consider the comments.

Phil DeCoster stated that the District needs a plan of action. They need to analyze all aspects. He stated that he does not want his child to attend a K-8. Several cost saving measures would include cutting the boards health benefits, reviewing the superintendents salary, and cutting the consultants. Mr. DeCoster stated that as a community that some changes can be made. He said the community can vote the board out of office.

Laura Fennel stated that she moved to Wheatland for the education and smaller class sizes. She said that the board is elected by the community and would like for them to consider what’s best for the students.

Trisha Wilcox said that she understands the economic crisis in California. It is not only in education, but in the private sector also. Her children are attending the WheatlandSchool District on an interdistrict transfer. It is an excellent school district, however she does understand that cuts needs to be made.

Melissa Luevano expressed concern about class size reduction. She stated that Marysville and Yuba City will be keeping the program. Sue Abe stated that when her sons were in school, that the classes had in excess of 30 students. She stated that she has been on the Wheatland School District Board for over 19 years, however, this is one of the hardest times for districts. Mr. DeCoster said that she should not be proud of serving on the board for 19 years.

Board Minutes

March 2, 2009

Page Four

Alisa Bradbury stated that she does understand the economic situation. However, the District is accountable to the community that elected them and has options. She suggested that the district office be closed. Ms. Bradbury said that is appears that the decision has already been made regarding the merger and class size reduction. She questioned the timeliness and distribution of the board packets.

Marianne Miller stated that since Ms. Abe’s children were in kindergarten, that the standards have changed. Most students are leaving kindergarten reading. Ms. Miller said that as with most of the teachers in the WheatlandSchool District, her heart is into teaching. Ms. Miller is concerned that if the class sizes are increased, that enrollment will go down. Laura Michel stated that teaching to standards is not going to be easy with 30 students in each class.

Kristen Carlin stated that she worked for Measure R. She is committed to this community and is upset that the community has not been asked for input. Ms. Pearson stated that the community meeting was front page of the newsletter that was mailed to each home. The announcement of the community meeting was in the Wheatland Citizen and posted at the school sites. About 15 community members showed up.

Brandi Loutzenhiser stated that she is disappointed that the board is not responding to the questions and concerns of the community and staff. Paul Boylan introduced himself as the attorney representing the District. He stated that he specializes in educational law. Community is always welcome to address the board at public meeting. However, the board is not required to respond. Mr. Boylan stated that specific criteria must be met for a closed session and rules and procedures do apply. He stated that for a regular board meeting that the agenda must be posted 72 hours prior to the meeting, and 24 hours prior to a special meeting.

Shannon Nystrom stated that the school district where she is employed, will continue with class size reduction. Ms. Nystrom asked if it was possible to have budget workshops with the staff and community.

Leann Weldon stated that the Tier One funding will not be reduced. That would include class size reduction. Ms. Weldon’s opinion is that it will not really save the District money by cutting it.

Board Minutes

March 2, 2009

Page Five



It was MSCU (Bishop-Abe) to approve this action item.

Tami Johnson provided a PowerPoint presentation on the Second Interim budget. The overview included the revised budget for 2008/09 and the multi-year budgets for 2009/10 and 2010/11. She began by thanking those members of the audience who stayed to hear about the State fiscal crisis that is impacting our district so drastically. She recapped what has happened at the State this year with regards to a budget. The first budget was passed 85 days late and was obsolete by the time it was signed due to declining revenues. The first special session of the legislature in November resulted in no action, while the second special session’s action was vetoed by the Governor. Each delay in implementing changes to the budget by the State has cost billions of dollars in revenue lost and expenditure reductions that were not implemented timely. The third special session resulted in an unprecedented multi-year budget by the State. It was passed by the legislature on February 19, 2009 and signed by the Governor on February 20, 2009 and covers both the remaining 2008-09 and 2009-10 fiscal years. Included in that budget were extreme mid year cuts to education, including additional cuts to the revenue limit and many of the categorical programs. Ms. Johnson also discussed the well publicized State’s cash flow problem and the problems that the new State budget causes the district by deferring our state revenues. Ms. Johnson stated that she has severe doubts as to whether the current State budget will hold up through 2009-10 due to the economic climate and the structure of borrowing included in the budget.

Ms. Johnson then went on to detail the losses in revenues since First Interim. The Revenue Limit has been cut by $333,712.83 and the categorical programs have been redefined into three tiers of programs. Tier I categorical programs received no cuts and also have no flexibility in the use of the funds. This includes programs such as home-to-school transportation, special education, and the after school grant. Tier II programs received 15% cuts in the current year and additional cuts of 5% for next year but have no flexibility. This includes programs such as English Language Acquisition Program and Pupil Testing. The majority of the categorical programs are Tier III programs which received the same cuts as Tier II programs but which allow flexibility with a public hearing. Tier III includes programs such as Arts & Music Block Grant, Community Based English Tutoring, School & Library Improvement Block Grant and GATE. Ms. Johnson reported that this equals $88,563.99 in Tier II & Tier III programs cuts for this year. The district had previously adjusted its categorical budget by 6.5% in impending cuts and adjusted the remaining cuts as of Second Interim. Ms. Johnson also spoke of the addition of two

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March 2, 2009

Page Six

new After School Demonstration Grants totaling $75,000 which were added to the budget at this time for both revenues and expenditures.

The District is continuing to deficit spend by $1,405,676.81 in 08/09 following the $1,045,571.97 of deficit spending in 07/08. This leaves only 5% in Unrestricted Reserves in the General Fund (utilizing lottery to meet a part of the Designation for Economic Uncertainty.) Yuba County Office of Education has advised the District that it must balance its budget by 09/10.

On the multi-year projections for 09/10 and 10/11, the District has cut another $2.9 million in expenditures which follows the expenditure cuts of $2 million which were implemented in the 08/09 budget. The budget assumptions for next year included $850,000 in savings per year from combining the Bear River and Wheatland Elementary sites. An audience member questioned whether this assumption should have been used since the Board had not taken action on that item yet. Ms. Johnson replied that budget assumptions must be finalized two weeks before a board meeting in order to incorporate them into the financial documents. She also stated that if an assumption proved to be wrong, then the financials would have to be redone (i.e. Third Interim). She spoke of the positive certification that the District had given to its Second Interim financials with the assumption that the two schools would be combined for a savings and that if the Yuba County Office of Education did not agree, that they would most certainly redo the certification to a qualified status. That would require the District to present a Third Interim budget.

The Board went into Closed Session at 7:52PM

Return to Open Session– 10:15 PM


It was MSC (Crabb-O’Connor) to approve this resolution. Wayne Bishop voted against this resolution, stating that he feels that suspending class size reduction is a sad necessity. However, Mr. Bishop, at this time can not support the procedure that the District is using for layoffs. This resolution will suspend class size reduction and adopted the District’s certificated seniority schedule and reduce certificated staff. The merger between Bear RiverSchool and WheatlandElementary School was tabled.


Resolution – 08/09-17

It was MSCU (Crabb-Abe) to approve this resolution.

Board Minutes

March 2, 2009

Page Seven


STAFF – Resolution – 08/09-18

It was MSCU (Abe-Crabb) to approve this resolution.


TIE-BREAKING PROCESS – Resolution – 08/09-19

It was MSCU (Abe-Crabb) to approve this resolution.

6.0ADJOURNMENT– 11:05 P.M.

Respectfully submitted:

Debra Pearson


WheatlandSchool District