U.S. History – ERA 5: CIVIL WAR (Study Guide)


Main Ideas:

  • Disagreements over slavery heightened regional tensions and led to the breakup of the union
  • Shortly after the nation’s southern states seceded from the Union, war began between the north and south
  • After four years of bloody fighting, the Union wore down the Confederacy and won the war.

Chapter 10: The Union in Peril (Causes of the Civil War)

  1. Describe the economic differences between the north and the south
  2. Identify each :
  • Missouri Compromise (1820):
  • Wilmot Proviso (1846):
  • Compromise of 1850:
  1. Define :Popular Sovereignty
  2. What does the term “Bleeding Kansas” refer to?
  3. Define: Abolition (or abolition movement)
  4. Who was John Brown? What happened at Harper’s Ferry?
  5. Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin? What impact did this novel have on northern society’s views of slavery?
  6. Discuss the Dred Scott case- what was the question brought forth in court, and what was the outcome?
  7. Who was elected President in 1860?
  8. Define: Secede/ secession
  9. Which Southern state was the first to secede from the Union?
  10. List the 6 southern states that seceded from the Union after Southern Carolina
  11. The “rebel” southern states formed the______of______, and they named ______as their President.

Chapter 11: The Civil War

  1. The Union army refers to the ______, while the Confederate army refers to the ______.
  2. List the 4 Border States. Which side did they fight on despite their “slave state” status?
  3. List 2 Southern Advantages and 2 Southern Disadvantages
  4. List 2 Northern advantages, and 2 Northern disadvantages
  5. Define: conscription
  6. Name the most celebrated African American regiment
  7. Union General Winfield Scott’s Anaconda Plan included 4 phases. List them
  8. What was the first major battle of the Civil war?
  9. What is an “ironclad”? list 2 examples
  10. List three examples weapons and/or technology that was introduced during the Civil War
  11. Why is the Battle of Antietam Creek considered a turning point in the war? (hint which side won?)
  12. “…all persons held as slaves within the rebellious states are, and henceforward shall be free."This is a quote from what important Civil War document?
  13. List the three limitations to the Emancipation Proclamation
  14. “ For score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” This quote is taken from what important civil war document?
  15. Name the Northern General who “captured” Atlanta, Georgia. Why were his methods controversial?
  16. Who is Clara Barton? Why is she considered an important historical figure in the area of health?
  17. What profession offered women opportunities during and after the war?
  18. After watching the documentary Rebel: Loreta Velasquez, Secret Soldier of the American Civil War, What are your thoughts regarding female Civil War Soldiers?
  19. The Civil War Began in the Year______and ended in the year______.
  20. Who assassinated President Lincoln? Where was he?
  21. Who is Mary Surat?