Welcome new and returning members of the John Drugan Dragon Band!

As a part of the Dragon Band, you are committing yourself to a music program which is dedicated to continuing traditions of outstanding musicianship and school pride. The success of the John Drugan Dragon Band will depend on the loyalty, cooperation, and dedication of each and every one of you.

This booklet is for your reference. Please read through it carefully sign and return all acknowledgement pages by Friday, August 5th.


The following objectives have been developed to encourage the highest standards of musicianship and self-discipline.

I.To develop a clear-thinking individual

A.To develop self-discipline

B.To develop good working habits

C.To assume responsibility

D.To develop a healthy competitive spirit

E.To develop a cooperative attitude

II.To work for continuous musical growth

A.In the school

1.To develop an appreciation for good music

2. To promote high standards of performance

3.To maintain a well-organized band

4.To encourage the students to continue their musical growth and experience from middle school to high school and beyond

B.In the community

1.To encourage music in the home

2.To cultivate good public relations

3.To encourage attendance at professional music events

4. To contribute to the spirit and morale of the school


Beginning Students learn basic fundamentals of playing the band instrument. No prior musical experience is required. Classes are offered for flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone, and tuba. IMPORTANT: Please DO NOT purchase or rent instruments until your child has been tested on different instruments. Once you have been assigned an instrument to play on it is highly recommend that you try your personal best and stick with that instrument. Remember, Rome was not built in a day, it takes time, patience and lots of smart practice to play your instrument.

Returning Students will be expected to advance their musicianship by becoming a role model to beginning students and applying prior knowledge to excel on their instrument. They are also encouraged to try out for All Region Band, play a difficult solo at Solo and Ensemble contest, and always be the top performers of their section. Aside from our holiday and end of the year concerts, advanced band members will also have performances at the “Americas High school Band Night” football game in September and our SISD and UIL Band Contests in February and March. Attendance will be very important.


  • Be respectful of yourself as well as others
  • Be on time and set up as carefully as possible
  • Be prepared and have all materials
  • No bullying, arguing, rude gestures, teasing or put-downs allowed.
  • No food, drink, candy or gum inside the band room
  • No electronic devices allowed

The consequences for breaking any classroom or school rule will be handled as stated in school’s Student Code of Conduct.


Musicians must meet expectations to achieve their goals. Participation in band is a privilege not a right. Discipline problems of any kind will not be tolerated. Classroom disruptions are a waste of time and energy. They also create an unpleasant rehearsal for everyone. Behavior problems can result in reassignment to a different band, and in persistent cases, the student may be denied the privilege of participating in band.


  1. Verbal Praise (and lots of it!)
  2. Gift Incentives (Stickers, Pencils, Buttons, Erasers, Magnets, Etc.)
  3. Possible reward days (work with smart music program, musical puzzles, musical games)
  4. Seasonal Rewards (Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s, Easter)


All grades are recorded and kept on file in a grade book (hard copy) and will be transferred to an electronic grade book. Parents/guardians who use the districts parent portal will see grades updated on a weekly basis. If you have a question about your child’s grade, feel free to email or call and I will gladly provide you with a current grade. When a student is in danger of failing, I will do my best to notify the parents.

Students will receive grades for the following:

Participation - Students will be graded on a daily basis for participation. Students are eligible to receive a “100” for having their materials. Participation grades will be averaged on a weekly basis.

Performers Etiquette- Students will be earn grade based their ability to come prepared to class, follow directions given in class, interpreting music correctly, follow and obeying classroom rules.

Practices Logs- Students will be given a practice logs to fill out on a daily basis to record and keep track of their musical progress. Parents will be required to sign practice logs on a daily basis. Logs are due every Mondayat the beginning of class and will count for a major test grade.

Playing Tests - Students will be tested once a week on an assigned part from their music or book. Students will be able to retest after school so they can make a higher grade. This year we will be using Smart Music which will also be a part of the student’s grade. Grading remains the same, the student can retake the assignment until they get a good grade. Smart Music is available in all practice rooms in the Band Room. A student version of Smart Music is available for home use for $36 (for 1 year), strongly recommended but not required. For purchasing and other information please visit

Theory- Students will be given a theory worksheet periodically.

Performances - Students are required to play at all band performances. Every performance is counted as a major test grade. If the student does not attend, grades will suffer, with the exception of excused absences and emergencies. Please let the director know in advance when possible for an alternative grading assignment

Extra Rehearsals and Sectionals - Students will be asked to participate in some extra rehearsals outside of the regular school times. If the student does not attend, it may affect the ensembles success in the future, with the exception of excused absences and emergencies. Please let the director know in advance when possible.

**I will try to avoid conflicts with other school functions. Students will be excused for religious activities. If you have a routine doctor’s appointment, please try to schedule it around sectionals and regular band classes. If other unavoidable conflicts are brought to the director’s attention in advance, they can usually be excused. However, during the time directly preceding a major performance (see the enclosed calendar), i.e., band contest, absences will be accepted only in cases of extreme emergency. Absences may easily keep a student from performing, lower his/her seating, and/or lower the grade.


If you absent the day of the test or are not happy with the test grade that you earned, you may retest. You must advise Mr. Padilla in advance and you may only retest after school. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to set up a time and to prepare for your retest. You will have until Friday, of the same week, to make-up a grade. A retest does not mean that your grade will automatically be raised. However, your grade WILL NOT be lowered on a retest.


An extra 100 in participation may be given for the following:

  • Attend live musical performance and bring program (includes El Paso Symphony, UTEP Wind Ensemble, El Paso Wind Symphony, Armed Forces band, etc.)
  • Attend an Americas Band Concert or Football Games (Watch the marching band!!!)
  • Attend a Marching Band Competition and bring ticket or program

*If no program is available, student may write short paragraph about their experience to get credit.

* Dates will be given to students ahead of time and posted on John Drugan Band Website


Practice is often fun and sometimes a chore, but is always necessary. The best way to make practice time more enjoyable is to get into a regular routine of practicing every day. (Beginners start at 15 to 20 minutes a day then increase practice times as your endurance improves) When your playing improves, all the time spent practicing will have been worthwhile and the band improves as a whole. Daily practice is expected and required. Instruments and music folders left at school overnight, especially on weekends, will affect the Nine-week’s average.



Private study is very helpful for any student, however, is not required. Private lessons may help the student progress twice as fast as group instruction and may help the student better prepare for participation in band activities, region band auditions, and solo and ensemble. If you are interested in private lessons for your son or daughter, please contact the director.


Texas law mandates “No Pass, No Play” for all extra-curricular activities. A grade of 69 or below on a report card will deny you competitive performance privileges. If everyone implements the following suggestions, we can minimize the problems which eligibility presents:

*You are in school to do one thing, which is to learn. Do everything you can in order to understand what the teacher is presenting.

*Do all of your homework and hand it in on time.

*Prepare all tests and projects well in advance.

*Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Extra help is usually available during lunch or after school. Don’t wait until the last minute! If you don’t understand something, go in and seek help right away. Each student needs to assume responsibility for his/her grades and practicing. Students need to realize that their grades and practicing have the potential to affect other people. Students with repeated academic difficulties may be denied participation in many activities.


The school district sponsors a Solo-Ensemble Festival every year. The work of students on an individual basis on either solos or in small ensembles can provide the student with an excellent musical experience and is strongly encouraged. Assistance with finding appropriate music and preparation for performance is also available for the Band Director.


The Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) sponsors a series of auditions to all eligible students in grade 7 through 12 for the purpose of selecting students for participation in All-Region Bands. A list of required audition music will be available from the director. Any student interested should see the director as soon as possible. The preparation for the All-Region Band auditions will greatly improve student’s musical ability and the audition itself will provide valuable experience for future auditions.(Note: All Honor Band Student must participate in the All-Region Audition)


Fundraising activities are essential in building and maintaining any outstanding organization. All students are strongly urged to participate in fundraising since they are the ones who benefit from the proceeds. Proceeds are used to offset the cost of trips, purchase equipment, music, contest entry fees, and transportation costs, etc. Parents and students need to understand that the student will be held responsible for returning the money or merchandise at the end of the fundraiser.


Students must come to class prepared with:

  1. Pencil – Please no pens, markers, colorful, glittery, messy items.
  2. Binder notebook - one inch- black 3 ring binder with 10 plastic page protectors for their sheet music.
  3. Instrument and its accessories – students will be given a set date to when this will be needed.
  4. Books and Music – All Beginning band students need to purchase "Essential Elements 2000 Book One” at any music store. *This is not needed until instruments are selected*; Advanced players will need “Foundations for A SuperiorPerformance” “I Recommend Book”
  5. Wire Music Stand – Please purchase this for home practice. Every student MUST buy a personal stand. They run anywhere from $8-$50. Our local music stores will have good, solid, cheap stands when you purchase you books and materials.
  6. All students will also be issued sheet music for which they will be heldresponsible.

Band Uniforms

During formal concert performances, ALL Band students need to wear

  1. solid black dress slacks (example: Dockers)
  2. black dress shoes
  3. black socks
  4. White, long sleeve, buttoned, collared dressy shirt.


Brass students must oil instruments once a week and when needed.

Woodwind students must apply cork grease to areas needed once a week.

Clarinet/Saxophone players must have working, unchipped reeds

Brass Instruments / Woodwind Instruments
Valve oil or slide oil / Supply of at least 4 good reeds
Slide Grease / Cleaning cloth and swabs
Mouthpiece and mouthpiece brush / Reed guard to protect reeds from warping
Flexible "snake" for cleaning the inside / Cork grease
Percussion Instruments (only students who are pre-screened)
Stick bag / General Timpani mallets
Set of SD1 General snare sticks / Small/Slim Practice Pad
Hard rubber (no plastic) mallets for xylophone / Metronome

Beginning Woodwind Players will start a size 2-1/2 (2.5). Advanced Student must use a Size 3 or 3-1/2 Reed


IMPORTANT: Please DO NOT purchase or rent instruments until your child has been tested on different instruments. (Beginners Only)

Instrument Test and Selection

Students will be tested on ALL offered instruments in the course. Students will go over all instruments and their characteristics during the first few days of school. Mr. Padilla will carefully match each student to an instrument where they will have the greatest success.

Where to get Instruments:

In the majority of cases, students are expected to furnish their own instruments. The following music stores are available in the El Paso are for rental of instruments:

Olivas Music / Bertie’s Music / White’s Music Box
1320 N. Zaragoza / 1407 Lomaland Dr#101 / 1475 D George Dieter
El Paso, TX 79936 / El Paso, TX 79935 / El Paso, TX 79936
(915) 858-6700 / (915) 591-1759 / (915) 525-9052

*These stores are all stocked with supplies needed for each instrument*

The following exceptions are possible to get from the school: French horn, trombone, baritone, and tuba. Students renting the above mentioned instruments from SISD will need to return the required rental agreement cards and $45.00 fee before an instrument is issued. Supplies still need to be bought from the music store.

Care of your instrument

  • Students are responsible for the care of their own instrument.
  • See “materials needed – equipment and supplies” above after you have chosen an instrument and keep them handy at all times.
  • If you think something is wrong, show it to me first, I may be able to fix it without the need of a repair shop. THIS WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. If your instrument must go to the repair shop, please bring the claim tag from the music store which is repairing the instrument to avoid lowered grade for no instrument. Student must still have other materials handy and still must participate in class even though their instrument is not in hand
  • PLEASE avoid taking out your instrument and showing it off or playing it outside campus when waiting for your parents to pick you up. Others will not know the sensitivity of your instrument and will try and grab it or play it. You can also get injured if others try and joke with you. (I have witnessed people get hit in the face)
  • DO NOT let others play your instrument.


  1. Bring instrument to designated storage area of class room before(band room will be open at 7:30AM) school officially starts. Statistics show that an instrument is more likely to be stolen or damaged if a student carries it with him/her throughout the school day.
  2. When it is time for band class, make sure you are in your seat ready to start class when the bell rings
  3. Backpacks will go in a designated area in the classroom
  4. Mr. Padilla WILL allow students to pack everything away with plenty of time before the bell rings to dismiss students.
  5. When class ends please storage instruments and supplies in the correct location
  6. Do Not forget to Pick up your Instrument after school to practice at home

Avoiding Stolen Instruments Outside Class

  • Every student should be very cautious while carrying their instruments. DO NOT LEAVE IT UNATTENDED.
  • Students need to LABEL ALL PERSONAL EQUIPMENT. Many of the cases look the same, so be aware. Many students tie a colorful ribbon around the case handle for easy recognition.
  • The district does not carry insurance for personal property, and neither SISD nor its employees can be held responsible for loss or damage to an instrument.
  • The Band Director will record the serial numbers for all school and personal instruments. Parents should also record the serial number of the instrument and keep it in a safe place at home.
  • It is strongly suggested that parents insure their child's instruments. This includes any school-owned instrument checked out to a student. Your family insurance agent should be able to provide the necessary information.