AP Environmental Science Midterm Study Guide
Use your textbook and notes to make study notes on the concepts below, you can use your notes on Monday for a review game to earn extra credit
Understand the idea of the degradation of a shared common resource and some solutions suggested
Know one of the main reasons we have environmental problems
Know the 1st and 2nd Laws of thermodynamics
Know what tipping point and synergistic interactions are
Know what feedback loops are
Know the difference between abiotic and biotic factors.
Know the difference between detritivores, omnivores, carnivores, herbivores and decomposers
Know the reactants and products of aerobic respiration
Know the difference between food webs and food chains, biomass and trophic levels
Understand the percentages of energy lost and gained within a food chain
Know what NPP is and which ecosystems have more or less (fig 3-16) pg 64
Know how humans alter the water cycle and nitrogen cycle
Which of the nutrient’s most limits plant NPP?
A large proportion of earth’s sulfur is stored where?
The difference between species, ecological, functional and genetic diversity
Define evolution
Define natural selection and understand how the process works, especially reproductive success
Define ecological niche, know what it includes
Know the difference between specialist species and generalist species
Define the following roles found in a niche: native, indicator, keystone and foundation species
Difference between predation, mutualism, commensalism, parasitism,
Define competition (inter and intra), competitive exclusion principle, and resource partitioning
Define coevolution
Define, biotic potential of a population
Define carrying capacity (K)
Difference between the two types of reproductive strategies: R-selected and K-selected
Population density: difference between density-independent population control and density –dependent population control, know examples
Difference between primary succession and secondary succession
Why has the human population grown exponential over the last 100 years?
How do you calculate population change (formula)?
What is total fertility rate?
What factors affect birth and fertility rates?
What factors decrease the likelihood a couple will have a child
Know what the different shapes tell you about population growth (look at pg 131 fig 6-8 know how to read them) Ex: A country with zero growth
Demographic transition model: know what happens to birth rates, death rates during each stage. Know what the stages are called Ex: industrialized
Know policy details for China pg 135
How is the atmosphere divided up?
Where does weather form (layer)?
What causes prevailing winds?
Know basics of ocean currents
Most important factor in determining a biomes location
Most important factor determining climate
Know basic abiotic and biotic characteristics for the following biomes savanna, tundra, tropical rainforest and temperate deciduous forest
Most solar radiation occurs where?
What is the rain shadow effect?
Which biome is most impacted by humans?
Know the layers of the ocean and lakes
Difference between oligotrophic and eutrophic lakes
Human impacts that affect freshwater systems
Know what happened at the Aral sea
What is background extinction?
Define an endangered species/ extinct, Look at figure 9-5 pg 188
Which type of habitat destruction kills the most species?
What is habitat fragmentation?
Problems with invasive species and their characteristics pg 201 Fig 9-17
Read case study polar bears pg 203
What is CITES pg 206
What is the endangered species ACT pg207? What changes are proposed
What organisms have benefited the most from wildlife refuges?
What other things are done to help endangered species? 208>