Name of Project: Introduction of High Technologies in Practical Activities of Surgery Service of Municipal Healthcare Institution Korsakov Central District Hospital (KCDH).
(“High technologies in healthcare system are not just a tribute to fashion, but the need dictated by the existing society development conditions” A.V. Fedorov, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences).
Name of organisation: Municipal Healthcare Institution Korsakov Central District Hospital (KCDH)
Project Director: A.E. Obgolts, Chief Physician of KCDH
Project Coordinator: A.S. Martynov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Attending Physician of Surgery Department of KCDH
Address of institution: 2 Fedko Str., Korsakov, Sakhalin Oblast, Russia, 694020
details / INN: 6504020670
KPP: 650401001
Payee: Federal Treasury Department (UFK) for the Sakhalin Oblast (FO 04, Municipal Healthcare Institution Korsakov Central District Hospital, client account 06054000120)
Payee bank: Main Cash Settlement Centre of Main Administration (GRKTs GU) of the Bank of Russia for the Sakhalin Oblast, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
Current account: 40101801900000010000
BIC: 04640100
Income code: 09230302030030000180 other gratuitous revenues of the institution
Telephone: +7 (42435) 2 25 02
Fax: 42435 22355
Project implementation term: / January 2008, thereafter continuously
Background and topicality, purpose and goals of the Project / An acute pathology of abdominal organs is one of the dominating aspects of practical surgery in KCDH. Complications during operations on abdominal cavity, too, are currently accounting for a large number of postoperative complications. It should therefore be noted that one of the basic reasons for the adverse results of many of the conditions in the field of urgent surgery and gynaecology consists in a late diagnostics of abdominal and chest organ diseases and the resultant complications.
Surgical treatment of the acute abdominal pathology could be improved through the use of abdominal endoscopy. In some cases, laparoscopy enables to make an earlier diagnosis and select the best treatment tactics.
A specific feature of KCDH Surgery Department consists in that the emergency surgical aid is rendered to the patients, having multiple injuries, multisystem wounds in the chest and abdomen, and neurological traumas, by general surgery practitioner in a single location.
In view of unavailability of the required equipment, the acute abdominal pathologies are often treated using obsolete methods, e.g. introduction of catheters in the abdominal cavity, or use of exploratory laparotomy. Reliability of the catheter-aided treatment is only 65%, while the use of exploratory laparotomy often involves traumas and in 21% of cases is unjustified.
Video endoscopic surgery has the following advantages: less time spent by the patient in the hospital, early rehabilitation and, hence, less time needed to regain work capacity.
In view of the above-said, there is now an imperative need that the district healthcare system should introduce a relatively low-traumatic and efficient method of video endoscopic surgery, by procuring a video endoscopic surgery rack.
The main goals and tasks of our Projects are therefore as follows:
ü  introduction of a video endoscopic surgery method for operative and diagnostics treatment;
ü  early and more precise diagnostics of the conditions requiring urgent surgical treatment and minimisation of traumatic diagnostics methods;
ü  creation of conditions as required for faster rehabilitation of patients after surgical and gynaecological treatment.
Scope of work as broken down into phases
schedule / ü  Preparation and implementation of managerial solutions regarding the activities of medical staff of surgery service for introduction of a video endoscopic surgery method: from January till February 2008.
ü  Procurement of required equipment (laparoscopic racks and required accessories): from January till February 2008.
ü  Training of medical staff to handle video endoscopic surgery equipment: 2008 (training of 2 operating surgeons at central bases and 2 instrument nurses at the Oblast base).
ü  Practical introduction of video endoscopic surgery method: February 2008.
ü  Monitoring of postoperative and postdiagnostics condition of patients who were operated on or diagnosed using laparoscopic rack: continuously, since introduction.
ü  Interview of the patients who were treated using laparoscopic method: from April till May 2008.
Expected results / ü  Performance of a number of abdominal operations with far less traumatic effect on the anatomy of the front abdominal wall (operations for resection of gall bladder).
ü  Improvement of the quality of patients’ life after abdominal operations.
ü  Reduction of postoperative complications.
ü  Minimisation of traumatic and unreliable methods of acute surgical diagnostics.
ü  Creation of conditions for medical staff for operative monitoring of patients’ treatment, and making timely corrections to the treatment process.
Project value / Total: 4,657,480 Rubles
Amount of funding using the grant / Total: 4,180,000 Rubles, including:
Ø  Procurement of laparoscopic rack: 4,180,000 Rubles
Amount of funding from other sources (partner’s contribution, KCDH’s own funds) / Total: 477,480 Rubles, including:
ü  Wages to the staff for 1 year: 411,280 Rubles (4 major specialists in operative treatment and diagnostics).
ü  Maintenance of premises: 54,200 Rubles.
ü  Maintenance of equipment: 12,000 Rubles.
Success criterion / Ø  Reduction of postoperative complications after treatment of abdominal organs (as supported by statistics, per the forms approved by the RF Ministry of Healthcare).
Ø  Patient satisfaction with the quality of operations (data generated in the course of interviews).
Ø  Number of patients examined using the equipment introduced into practical work (as supported by registers).
Why do you view the Project as “sustainable”? / Laparoscopic method of operative treatment and diagnostics is a high-technology healthcare element and will be in practical demand for a very long time (in the next fifty years!)
Municipal Healthcare Institution Korsakov Central District Hospital has the required staff, as well as informational, organisational and financial capability to continue the Project-related activities even upon formal expiry of the Project, and will therefore be able to ensure its sustainability in a proper way.
Experience and potential capabilities of major specialists / A.S. Martynov, Project Coordinator, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Attending Physician of Surgery Department, has sufficient experience of work using laparoscopic equipment; A.Yu. Ri, top-category doctor, Superintendent of Surgery Department, has a perfect reputation among the Korsakov District residents, and practices various operative treatment methods.
There is now a real opportunity to get procedural support and various consultations from the specialists of the Sakhalin Oblast Hospital and the Healthcare Department of the Sakhalin Oblast.

Project Coordinator A.S. Martynov