Submissions must be emailed or faxed to Todd Barnell by April 29, 2011. , phone: 928-523-3840, fax: 928-523-1266.

Check one box: Break Out Session Training Poster Session

Provide the following information in addition to a detailed explanation of your proposed presentation/exhibit:

Session Title: Spills, Releases, Horror Stories and the Same old Same old: What can Tribal UST Inspectors learn from these?

Who will be presenting? Pinu'u Stout

Presenter/ Primary Contact Name: Pinu'u Stout

Organization/Tribe: Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Council (ENIPC) Office of Environmental Technical Assistance (OETA)

Address: 4004 Carlisle Blvd. NE Suite N

City: Albuquerque State: NM Zip: 87107

Phone: 505-692-8772 Fax: 505-884-0846 E-mail: or

Other Presenter Name(s) / Organization/Tribe(s):

Please describe the level of expertise and qualifications of each presenter: 500 character limit

Pinu'u Stout is in her 5th year with the ENIPC Underground Storage Tank Program. By education a Metallurgical and Materials Engineer, by nature able to look at the big picture and keep the details in mind. Her tenacity, and the dedication of the many stakeholders has seen the compliance rate grow from 36% to about 76%. (Some rate it higher, but Pinu'u is a stickler…) Anyone in the tanks field knows everyday is a learning experience..what shall we learn today?

Please check the area most closely related to your proposed presentation:

Solid Waste Management (including collection, source reduction, and emerging technologies)

Hazardous Waste Management (including collection, storage, reduction, and emerging technologies)

Contaminated Sites (including Brownfields, Superfund, and Mining)

USTs and ASTs

Emergency Response and Risk Assessments (including oil spill response)

Grass Roots/Community Involvement Efforts

Other (please describe)

Session Description: Please include the content of your session, skills that participants will learn, and expected outcomes. Include any base knowledge/skills you require from participants.

1,000 Character limitIn this session we will examine real-life scenarios encountered by a Tribal UST Inspector. We will examine the events and outcomes and learn how to further assist Tribal UST Stakeholders in the prevention and detection of UST Releases. As time permits session attendees are invited to share their field experiences and observations.

Moderator: (please check one)

From your organization or community:

In need of moderator (moderator will be assigned by the planning committee)

Logistical Needs: Please check the estimated amount of time requested for your proposed presentation:

Breakout Sessions

45 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes

Training Sessions

4 Hours 8 Hours

A/V Equipment:

Other Needs: This could be either a breakout session or a training - depending on your needs and time available.

Once the planning committee has reviewed your proposal, you will be notified by ITEP if your presentation has been placed into the conference agenda.

There are limited funds available for financial assistance. Click on the type of assistance you are requesting: Travel Per diem Lodging