Symbols Project
For Unit 2: Government & Politics, we are going to have a project to demonstrate what we learned about Pharaohs, Democracy, and Republic. For this project, you are going to individually design a symbol that showcases connections between each topic. The symbols are going to be designed during class.Each student will be provided a sheet of paper. Markers, sharpies, scissors, tape, and glue are available to you.
- The symbol should contain visual representations of Egyptian Pharaohs, Greek Democracy, and the Roman Republic on one side of your paper. You may want to bring in any pictures from the internet, magazines, or clip art. Otherwise, you will draw the images on your symbol.
- On the other side of the paper, you will write 3 connections. You need to label each connection with the topic and information that it is about. For example, the first connection might look like this, “Egyptian Pharaohs: Temples.” Each connection should be a minimum of 2 sentences in the form of Fact/Fact Commentary.
- Comparison Connection using information that shows similarities between Egyptian Pharaohs
- Contrasting Connection using information that shows different sides (pro and con) of Greek Democracy
- Topic Connection using information that relates the Roman Republic to Pharaohs and/or Democracy
10 / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2 / 0
Symbol / Clear and detailed visual representation of Egyptian Pharaohs, Greek Democracy, and the Roman Republic / Clear visual representation of Egyptian Pharaohs, Greek Democracy, and the Roman Republic / Mostly clear visual representation of Egyptian Pharaohs, Greek Democracy, and the Roman Republic / Somewhat clear visual representation of Egyptian Pharaohs, Greek Democracy, and the Roman Republic / Unclear visual representation of Egyptian Pharaohs, Greek Democracy, and the Roman Republic / No visual representation
Pharaohs / Has accurate and relevant information that showcases strong comparing connections about Egyptian Pharaohs / Has accurate information that showcases comparing connections about Egyptian Pharaohs / Has information that showcases comparing connections about Egyptian Pharaohs / Has information that somewhat showcases comparing connections about Egyptian Pharaohs / Has information about Egyptian Pharaohs, but doesn’t showcase comparing connections / Does not showcase knowledge of Egyptian Pharaohs
Democracy / Has accurate and relevant information that showcases strong contrasting connections about Greek Democracy / Has accurate information that showcases contrasting connections about Greek Democracy / Has information that showcases contrasting connections about Greek Democracy / Has information that somewhat showcases contrasting connections about Greek Democracy / Has information about Greek Democracy, but doesn’t showcase contrasting connections / Does not showcase knowledge of Greek Democracy
Republic / Has accurate and relevant information that showcases strong topic connections about Roman Republic / Has accurate information that showcases topic connections about Roman Republic / Has information that showcases topic connections about Roman Republic / Has information that somewhat showcases a topic connections about Roman Republic / Has information about Roman Republic, but doesn’t showcase topic connections / Does not showcase knowledge of Roman Republic
Creativity / Demonstrates superior creativity / Demonstrates much creativity / Demonstrates creativity / Demonstrates some creativity / Demonstrates little creativity / Very little time or effort put into it