TAFE Illawarra
Expression of Interest Form – Semester 2 2012
All Expressions of Interest must be received
by 19 November 2012
Expressions of Interest can be lodged by any of the following methods:
·  E submit to
·  Submit to your local Campus Customer Service Centre - clearly marked for the attention of BAIT Faculty – Wollongong West Campus


Only complete this form for courses which require you to submit an Expression of Interest.

Please ensure to answer all questions

Section A: Personal Details

Family Name
First Name / Other Names
Date of Birth
Day/month/year / Gender Male Female
Postal Address
Suburb / State / Postcode
Country (if not Australia)
Email Address
Residential Address
(if same as Postal Address write “as above”)
Suburb / State / Postcode
Telephone / Work
Telephone / Mobile
What is your TAFE NSW Student Number
(if you already have one)

Section B: Course Preferences

What course do you want to apply for? Certificate IV in Small Business Management
What campus do you want to study at?

Part C: Education and Training

What is your highest completed school level?
What other qualifications have you completed?
Note: You may be required to provide certified copies prior to confirmation of your enrolment.

Part D: Career Goals

Why do you want to do this course?
What relevant work or life experience do you have that will help you complete this course?
What skills do you think are required to be successful in your chosen career area?

Part E: Declaration

The information I have given you is correct. I consent to TAFE Illawarra obtaining personal information necessary to assess my application. I understand that this application does not guarantee a place in the course.

Tick box

EOI Version 1 Date Published: 12 July 2012