Access Database Repair Report


Date:04/03/2007 15:19:44

Case No:CA1133498

Cost of recovery

$57.21 US Dollars (Exempt from Sales Tax)

Submit payment using our secure server found at the following link:

As soon as payment is received, a technician will commence work on your corrupted database. You will then receive the file normally within one to two hours.

What we can recover

Tables (Summary)

Table NameRecord Count



Carers plan108



Client Home72









Please see the “Tables (Detail)” section for a more detailed breakdown of the recoverable Tables.


Age, Census, Current resident, Inactive List


Admin, Admission, Care, Census, Admission, Discharge, Deletedrecords, Report Date, RP, RPT,


Disclosures, Age, COLLEGEPHY, Credential, Census, labels, LENGTH


Admin, autoexec, Physician, Print birthday



Frequently Asked Questions

#1. How quickly can you recover our data?

Once payment is received we usually send you your database within two hours. Mostly, you will receive it a lot quicker than that. More rarely, it might take longer than 2 hours.

#2. Can you recover all our data?

In the majority of cases, we can recover most data. However, you will have to verify the level of data recovery by checking the above report for tables recovered and record counts.

Sometimes corruption destroys records, database objects, security, relationships or code behind Forms and Reports. Once they are gone, there are no clues left for us to know they were there prior to corruption. Fortunately, we can recover most data and objects the majority of the time. In many cases, you can use your repaired database without additional work. However, you might find it requires some amendments to get working as before. Or occasionally, you might find corruption has done significant irreversable damage to your data, tables, table relationships, structure, database objects or code behind Forms and Reports. In these cases we recommend you seek the advice of an experienced Microsoft Access developer. They will then bill you for any work done to get your recovered database fully functional.

Due to the nature of corruption, we cannot guarantee your database will be as it was prior to corruption. However, we do assure you that we provide probably the deepest level of recovery available on the market. We do this by using a variety of proprietory data recovery methods and choosing the most successful.

#3. Do I get my data back in Microsoft Access format?

Your repaired database will be in Microsoft Access format. Therefore, in most cases you can carry on using the database as before. However, you might need additional work to get it to work as before corruption. The section above has more information on this.

Please note that while we can repair all versions of Access, we can only supply it in Access 97, 2000 or XP format. Please contact us if you have an earlier version of Access. We still might be able to find a solution for you.

#4. What causes corruption?

The most common cause of corruption is due to not exiting Microsoft Access correctly or some form of abnormal termination.

Typical causes:

  • Power failure (e.g. during electrical storm)
  • Crashed Server or Workstation

Sometimes it is more difficult to diagnose why the database has become corrupted. One cause can be users running a query that takes some time to complete. They think their PC is frozen because they get the hour glass for a long time and then use Ctrl+Alt+Delete to restart their machine. Consequently the database - particularly if it resides on the rebooting users machine - is terminated without closing down in the normal way. This can cause corruption, particularly if done on a frequent basis.

Also, if you have a networking problem where a Client workstation is intermittently breaking its connection with the Server, this can lead to corruption.

Generally speaking, the longer you leave corruption, the worse it gets over time.

#5. How can I prevent future corruption?

There is no sure-fire way of preventing corruption. However, you can reduce the chances of data loss by doing the following:

  • Regularly Compact and Repair your database using the utilities found under the Tools menu within MS Access itself.
  • Create regular backups and check that the backup actually work! Quite often, we have had clients who thought their backups were working but they weren't. Get them tested periodically.
  • Educate end users to never use Ctrl+Alt+Delete to close down their PC if Access appears to hang. If Access does freeze, check that it is not just taking a long time to run some code, a report or a query. Sometimes when data volume is high or the query is complex, it can take quite some time for the action to complete. This can mislead you into thinking it has frozen.
  • If your database is frequently getting corrupted, check for possible dropped network connections.
  • Consider upgrading the backend to SQL Server if you have large numbers of users, are suffering from frequent corruption problems or the data is mission critical. SQL Server is a more robust database and you are much less likely to suffer data loss. The downside is it is more difficult to program and is expensive.


Field Count:Number of fields in table

Record Count:Number of records in table

Further Assistance

Should you have specific questions relating to your enquiry or this report, please email us at:

We are happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Tables (Full Detail)

Here is a detailed breakdown of table information.

Please note that if the “% Containing Data” column has a value of less than 100%, it DOES NOT mean that you have lost data. It just gives you an indication of how populated that field is. Please see Glossary for an example.

Table Name: Accounting


Record Count: 62 Field Count: 9

Field NameData typeSample Data






PhoneText(333) 456-4234


DescriptionTextBNM Overview

Date SentDate5/5/2005

Table Name: ADM


Record Count: 7 Field Count: 4

Field NameData typeSample Data





[The rest of the table data is cut off since this is only a sample]

This quotation is valid for 48 hours. All data will be deleted after 96 hours. © Access Database Repair 2007

Terms and conditions of this recovery can be found at

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