KVHRA Board Meeting Minutes
June 13, 20129:00am to 11:00am T & B Celebration Center
Present:Barry Martin,Jeanine Libby, Bryan Flagg, Kristy Gould, Susan Ouellette, Cathy DeMerchant, Lisa Madore, Sandy Turner, Annett McLaggan, Laurie Page, andValerie Cote
Absent: Lila Hallowell
Meeting Minutes
- April 11, 2012, minutes – Approved
Today’s Meeting ~Maine Legislative Update
- 30people were in attendance including (1) speaker and (1) sponsor
- 30 signed up in advance
- 0 cancel – 0 replacements
- 6 were no shows
- 1at the door
- Money received at the door - $0.00
Board Votes
- New Member –Cherie Champe, HR Administrative Specialist at Kennebec Behavioral Health and Alison Lincoln-Rich HR Manager at Kent Hills School asking for a Professional. Both were voted in as a KVHRA member.
Program Committee
- Sandy had a successful program meeting with a lot of great program ideas that were submitted by everyone. Meanwhile, she is now just tweaking it as she is looking to move April to August and add in Sept through to Dec 2013 in with this program year. Looking to get as much up front as we can asking for the speakers bio and sending out the invoicing to the program sponsors.
Membership Development
- There as more discussion on the membership development needs to see if someone can assist with personalizing welcome letters out to new members. .
Membership Roster
- Annett and Laurie – what a great team!
- Cathy gave a great overview of our finances at the general meeting.
- $2,600 in certification money available.
- Reviewing the National SHRM Convention – possibly send the president every other year.
- May want to review Maine HR Convention next year and award board members free Dinner
Web Committee
- Kristy has done a fantastic job setting up the new web site for KVHRA and demonstrating it at the annual meeting. She and Val will e-blast the announcement out to all members.
College Relations
- Conference Call is set for the 29th with Southern Maine Focus Group.
Legislative/Governmental Affairs
- Looking as setting up a link from our web site to the State Council web site for updates in legislative / governmental affairs. Overall – great session this year.
Diversity and Inclusion
- No updates at this meeting.
Workforce Readiness
- The Waterville Chamber of Commerce will be working closely with the Waterville Public Library jobfair.
- Again, anyone that volunteers to participate in the workforce readiness program and such activities of this nature, should let Barry know to add it to our shape plan.
- Susan is currently still doing certification and pretty soon, she will be ready to pass it on as she starts to transition into President Elect position!
SHRM Foundation
- Lisa will work on 2012 SHRM Foundation donation for KVHRA
- The Strategic Planning meeting is set for July 19 and Annett will be doing the meeting minutes as Jeanine will be in PEI cycling the island for 7 days / 400 miles.
- Song on Face Book that was at the HR Convention to share with other board members.
- Remember that all board members are able to receive HRCI creditsand attend the Tuesday session of the HR Convention at no cost! Take advantage of it.
September 12, 2012–T & B Celebration Center in Waterville
Respectfully Submitted:______
Jeanine M. Libby, Board Secretary
Items in blue indicate a board vote