Rearsby Scene September 2012

Jottings September 2012

None of us will forget August this year with the lives of all of us made joyful by not only the successes of our athletes but also by the efficient organisation and the colourful spectacles at the beginning and conclusion of the Olympics. No doubt many of you will have attended some of the competitions – in fact you may have joined the crowds at games you had no knowledge of – well no names but they were uplifted by being part of the occasion. Now we can enjoy watching the ParaOlympics and admire the athletes overcoming their disabilities and training to reach such a high standard.

It was amazing that, for most of the time, the weather in London was so much better than in our locality. Were you out in that dreadful hailstorm with the hail like jagged golf balls. My greenhouse was damaged and so many cars suffered numerous dents in their bodywork. It was quite a frightening experience. I was sitting by a window and was convinced that it would be shattered.

The ‘War of the Roses’ has broken out again – so if you have an opinion do voice it.

Most of you will have heard of the death of Marjorie Deadman who held a unique place in our community. One of her foremost aims in life was her support for the Mothers Union charity ‘Chalet Holidays’ which organises holidays for deprived families in the Leicestershire area. Month after month she collected unwanted garments and bric-a-brac for twice yearly Rummage Sales.They were well known for bargains and anyone who has manned the stalls well knew the torrent of bargain hunters who rushed towards the bric-a-brac stall at the end of the old village hall.

The Sales were well attended by dealers and others with queues snaking round the Village Hall. Helpers were recruited from members of the WI as well as the Mothers Union. Those of us who stood behind the bric-a-brac table at the end of the hall braced ourselves for the initial rush. Clothes, shoes, books were ignored until later!

The money raised over the years must have amounted to thousands of pounds. None of this would have been achieved without Marjorie’s drive and enthusiasm.

She was a talented dressmaker and many a bride has gone to the altar sure in the knowledge that she looked her best. Only a few years ago Marjorie made the blue robes worn by the Choir of Rearsby Parish Church – the Church in which she worshipped Sunday by Sunday.

The truly beautiful flower arrangements decorating the Church at her thanksgiving service illustrated her love of the Church and her love of her garden and of flowers – and the respect in which she was held.

If you have been on holiday, I hope you enjoyed it and if you are about to depart, come back refreshed. If you would then like a challenge why not join the team of Rearsby Scene – especially if you have a particular interest such as St. Michael & All Angels’ School.

Mary Beskeen

Notes on the Parish Council Meeting held on the 2nd August at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Present; Councillors

Peter French (Chair) John Blankley, Martin Cooke, Janette Jones, Simon Chenery, Ian Christy-Smith, Mrs. S Norledge (clerk)

In Attendance, P.C. Thomas Longden, Steve Hampson (County) Matthew Blaine (Borough) 5 members of the public.

Police Matters. Crimes reported involved the theft of motor car number plates, and a purse from inside a parked vehicle. Residents of Gaddesby Lane are urged to take note of vehicles parked at the top of the lane, if they look suspicious take details and telephone to P.C. Thomas Longden, who will deal with the matter. In future, as well as reporting to the Parish Council, PC Longden will be sending a report to Rearsby Scene, and the first of these follows.

Rearsby Roses Development. The owners of this proposed development have mounted an appeal against Charnwood Borough Council’s refusal to grant planning permission. Rearsby Parish Council maintains their original objection.

Street Lighting. Residents are reminded that change is due to take place in the autumn, see how they affect you.

Flooding Along Brookside. Flood warden Ron Lilley reported that the warning system situated on Brookside was now repaired and operative; also the Environment Agency agreed that the excess vegetation in the brook should be removed, to reduce flood risk.

Council Matters. The councilors agreed in principle to set up a spread sheet, as this could be used as a more effective way of conducting business.

Local Government. Matthew Blaine informed the meeting of important changes coming to local government, these included the process involved for electing a police commissioner and changes to the way council tax is administered and collected.

Caught Reporter

To contact Rearsby Parish Council Email the Clerk, Sue Norledge, at

Police Report

Over recent months there has been continual drug activity on Gaddesby Lane. Vehicles are regularly parking at the top of Gaddesby Lane and their occupants smoking Cannabis, so I therefore would like all local residents to call in any suspicious activity that they may come across at this location and record the vehicle registration numbers. This will then allow me to identify potential perpetrators. I anticipate that this area is more than likely used by local dog walkers, so their observations might be particularly useful.

I have attended the report of an attempted burglary at a dwelling in Queniborough recently. The suspect tried to slip the Yale Lock, possibly using a piece of plastic. Fortunately entry was not gained as the occupant was in at the time and was able to secure the door.

In addition to this I have also been informed that a white LDV van has been circulating around East Goscote, entering factory units and being a general nuisance. In addition to this, apparently it has been seen following an ice cream van in East Goscote and waits for residents/families to exit their properties, so that they can have sneak around the rear of properties to look for items to steal.

P.C. Thomas Longden E-mail:

Planning Applications

Tue, 24 Jul 2012


Prune back 1 Sycamore, 8 ornamental Maple and Beech trees and 50% crown reduce 2 Conifers

2 & 4 Mill Road Rearsby Leicestershire LE7 4YN

Mr Philip Burdett

Tue, 14 Aug 2012


Discharge of Condition Nos. 8, 9 and 13 of P/12/1189/2. (Highway improvements, highway clearance methods, tree and hedge protection).

Land off Weston Close, Rear of 6 New Avenue, Rearsby.

Jelson Ltd

Mon, 02 Jul 2012


Erection of two storey extension to rear (S.E. wing) of nursing home.

Rearsby Residential Home Ltd 34 - 36 Station Road Rearsby Leicestershire LE7 4YY

Rearsby Residential Home Ltd

Tue, 14 Aug 2012


Site for the erection of detached bungalow to rear of nursing home to provide staff accommodation.

Land rear of 34 - 36 Station Road Rearsby Leicestershire LE7 4YY

Rearsby Residential Home Ltd

Mon, 13 Aug 2012


Site for erection of 60 dwellings following demolition of nursery buildings and formation of site access. (Revised Scheme P/11/2795/2 refers)

Former Rearsby Roses Limited Melton Road East Goscote Leicestershire LE7 4YP

GEG Properties

Important Notice from Rearsby Parish Council

Planning application P/12/1709/2 Former Rearsby Roses Ltd. Melton Road. East Goscote. Demolition of existing single storey nursery buildings. Site for erection of 60 dwellings, and formation of site access. (Revised Scheme P/11/2795/2 refers)

Anyone wishing to comment on the revised scheme is urged to write individual letters. Please be aware that any comments made on the previous application are not automatically transferable and your comments must be made anew.

Please ensure that the planning application number P/12/1709/2 is clearly shown on all documents and it should be delivered by not later than 3rd September 2012.

Write to: Neil Thompson, Planning Services, Charnwood Borough Council, Southfields, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 2TN


Or add comments via the planning explorer website: then go to planning explorer and follow the links.

·  We strongly suggest you copy your letters and / or write to your Borough Councillors Matthew Blaine and Stephen Hampson and your local MP.

·  E.mail Matthew Blain:

·  E.mail Stephen Hampson:

Peter French (Chair: Rearsby Parish Council)

Footnote: Anyone wishing to comment on the planning application should if possible do so by the official deadline of 3rd September. However should anyone not be able to meet this date, then please write in as soon as possible stating your express wish that your comments be taken into account irrespective of the deadline.

The Battle for the Winds

I was lucky enough to be in Weymouth at the start of the Olympics and the town was buzzing with expectation. The ships and harbour were bedecked with bunting as were the hotels along the seafront, their patios clothed in stunning floral displays.

An area of beach was cordoned off forming a giant arena with two huge television screens showing live coverage of the sports. A large stage, covered by a canopy looking like a giant sail, hosted a variety of musical events.

The story “Battle for the Winds” tells of an heroic quest to free winds from across the region for the London 2012 Olympic sailing events and was enacted by various theatre groups. The wind gatherers from neighbouring counties paraded along the busy esplanade with their curious looking wind machines created by local artists and transported on lorries. In the evening an audience of thousands packed into the beach arena to see a theatrical and artistic spectacle with acrobats and pyrotechnics.

Then, for the final spectacle, 2012 people from across the country prepared to wade into the sea – and I was one of them. The atmosphere was electric as the expectation of creating something special, mounted. At dusk we assembled along the beach in groups of 30, all wearing dark clothing, and were given our “torches”. Each group filed round to dip our torch firstly into a container of paraffin, then into the lighted flame. With an arm’s length between us (for safety) we were instructed to keep the torch erect to avoid the flame burning away too quickly. After more fireworks, we waded, in our ranks, torches erect, like warriors into the sea. We were originally told that our group would probably only wade to thigh level. Not a bit of it; we were encouraged to keep going until the water was past our waists! As we turned and stood there, looking at this spectacular scene of 2012 lighted flames stretching the length of this huge bay from sea to shore, I realised that I was taking part in something truly memorable. My teeth were chattering my torch shaking but the cold could not extinguish my flame or my feeling of elation. Crowds filtered onto the beach and promenade to watch this final act which symbolised driving away the legendary “Doldrum” and releasing the Olympic winds so that the sailors could compete and bring home gold for Great Britain. I think we did a good job.

As my friend and I walked or rather “squelched” home I heard the remark,

“They deserve a gold medal for doing that”. My thoughts were: Wow! I did not need a medal; to me the experience of taking part was pure gold.

Ann Breeley

Forthcoming Events – September 2012


From The Blue Bell Hoby - 8 Mile route. £5.00 entry

includes food. T

WEA autumn term

History Mysteries is the subject chosen for the new term. As usual it will be held at Rearsby Village Hall starting Monday 17th September at 10.30am. The course will run for 10 weeks and will be taken by Richard Smith, a new speaker to our group. The cost is £52.50 unless there is a concession. Looking forward to seeing you on the 17th.

Jeannette Buswell


Including Craft and Painting demonstrations

with opportunities to have a go yourself!

Rearsby Village Hall on Saturday 13th October

& Sunday 14th October 2012 at1pm - 4pm

Admission £1 (inc. one free tea/coffee)

Everyone Welcome

GIFT/ CRAFTFAIR Saturday November 3rd

Rearsby Village Hall 11am – 4pm

Christmas Gifts for all the family

Refreshments available all day. Proceeds for St.Michaeland All Angels’ Church, Rearsby


Computer courses at Rearsby Village Hall Autumn 2012

Why not come and join one of our computer courses this autumn? There are two friendly tutors to support you all the way. There is absolutely no pressure, progress at your own pace. All courses are 3 weeks duration and cost £20 for the course except Getting Started( 1) which is only 2 weeks and costs £15.

Computer Workshop –newcomers. Tuesday am. 9.30 – 12.00. Commencing 18th September, continues in 3 week blocks.
These sessions are aimed at relative newcomers to computing. We will try to solve any problems you may have and also introduce you to some new topics that were not covered in the beginners’ courses earlier this year. Please note that the topics will be repeats of those already covered in some previous workshop sessions. You may bring your own laptop if you prefer.
Basic Digital Photo Editing - need to be able to use the mouse and keyboard
Tuesday pm 1.30 – 4.00 October 2nd, 9th & 16th.
Use free ‘cloud computing’ software to improve colour, brightness and contrast. Remove unwanted areas of a photograph and apply special effects.
After 3 weeks there will be the opportunity to take part in a ‘digital photography workshop’ where you can experiment with your own photographs and learn further techniques.
Getting Started (1) – the basics – you CAN do it!
Wednesday am 9.30 – 12.00 September 19th & 26th
Taster sessions to get you started. Learn how to use the mouse and keyboard if you have not had a go before. Find out how to start up and close down a computer and begin to gain confidence by performing simple tasks.
Getting Started (2) –building a solid foundation – you should already be able to use the mouse and keyboard
Wednesday am 9.30 – 12.00 October 3rd, 10th & 17th
Build on your basic knowledge by creating simple documents. Learn how to save your work and to be able to fund it again! The things you learn in these sessions will be invaluable when you progress further and when you use the internet.
Getting Started (3) – Using the Internet & email -
An introduction to the Internet and searching for information.
Wednesday am 9.30 – 12.00 October 31st, November 7th & 14th
Have your own email address and send/receive emails. Find out how to send and receive attachments. If you have not done ‘Getting Started (2)’ please contact us to determine whether or not you have the relevant experience to take this course.

If you have any queries or to book a place please contact Lyn or Dave Palmer Details of further courses will be in the next ‘Rearsby Scene’