
Process Information Management



Version 6.4

February 2017


Noncommissioned Officer Academy

Human Resources Advanced Leaders Course

Process Information Management


Lesson Author: AG Branch, ITD

Date prepared: January 2013

Last update: February 2017

1. SCOPE: Process Information Management is a 4-hour lesson. The purpose of this lesson is to examine the Army’s HR applications and systems and to identify where and how these systems and applications can be accessed.

This lesson builds on previous studies of:

·  Coordinating Personnel Support.

·  Delivering Essential Personnel Services Support.

·  Providing HR Services.

Students will reach the following lesson outcomes through assigned readings, actively participating in class, and completing the practical exercise:

·  Identify where and how to access Active Component Army HR systems and applications.

·  Identify where and how to access Reserve Component Army HR systems and applications.


This lesson supports TLO4, Implement Man the Force. In addition this lesson supports or reinforces the following ELOs:

·  Update the Officer and Enlisted Records Brief

·  Review Enlisted Promotions and Reductions

·  Review a Completed Evaluation Report

·  Process Leaves and Passes

·  Conduct Personnel Readiness Management

·  Review the Process of Enlisted Distribution and Assignments (EDAS)

ELO 4.1:

Action: Process Personnel Information Management

Condition: Mid-grade HR Leaders in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercises, case studies, personal experience, handouts, discussion and an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors.

Standard: Application includes:

Standard: Application includes:

1. Identification of AKO

2. Identification of DCIPS (FWD)

3. Identification of DEERS/RAPIDS

4. Identification of eMILPO

5. Overview of IPPS-A

6. Identification of FMSWeb

7. Identification of PERSTEMPO

8. Identification of EDAS

9. Identification of TOPMIS II

10. Identification of iPERMS

11. Identification of RC HR systems

Learning Domain: Cognitive

Level of Learning: Application


a. Study Requirements:

Study: None

Read: FM 1-0, Human Resources Support, Chapter 3, Section V (12 pages)

Review: ATP 1-0.2, Chapter 6

Scan: None

b. Bring to class: NA

c. Be prepared to answer or discuss the following:

1)  HR systems and applications used by the Active Component Army.

2)  HR systems and applications used by the Reserve Component Army.


TLO 4.0 – Implement Man the Force Assessment Plan

Module Assessment
Contribution to Group Work / Written Communication / Oral Communication / Module
Post-Assessment / TOTAL
20% / 20% / 10% / 50% / 100%
ELO 4.1 / Process Personnel Information Management
ELO 4.2 / Conduct Personnel Readiness Management
ELO 4.3 / Process the Enlisted Distribution and Assignments
ELO 4.4 / Review the Officer Distribution and Assignments Process
ELO 4.5 / Coordinate the DCS Program
ELO 4.6 / Conduct Personnel Accountability
ELO 4.7 / Process a Personnel Asset Inventory
ELO 4.8 / Employ the DTAS
ELO 4.9 / Perform TPS Functions
ELO 4.10 / Process Strength Reports
ELO 4.11 / Prepare the Unit Status Report
ELO 4.12 / Review the HR Authorization Report

Contribution to Group Work. See ALC Contribution to Group Work Rubric for specific grading criteria.

Written Communication. During this module you are required to prepare an Information Paper explaining the criticality of HR Information Systems. See ALC Written Communication Rubric for specific grading criteria.

Oral Communication. See ALC Oral Communication Rubric for specific grading criteria.

Module Post-Assessment. A comprehensive post-assessment consisting of multiple-choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank and ordering questions will be administered via Blackboard Academic Suite upon completion of the module.