Pursuant to Wisconsin State Statues 19.84 the Plan Commission of the Town of West Point will hold a meeting on Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., at the West Point Town Hall, N2114 Rausch Road, Lodi, Wisconsin, to consider the agenda set forth below.
Members of the Town of West Point Board may attend the Town of West Point Plan Commission meeting at the above time and place. Members attending this meeting are gathering information regarding the following agenda. No votes or other actions will be taken by the Town Board at this meeting.
- Call to Order – Roll Call and State of Public Notice
- Approval of Agenda
- Approve minutes – March 5, 2015
- Swear in Plan Commission members: Kevin Kessler Ron Grasshoff
- Correspondence
- Citizen Input on non-agenda topics. The Plan Commission welcomes citizen input on any agenda or non-agenda topic, but will not discuss or take action on any topic that is not on the agenda. The Plan Commission reserves the right to limit the duration of citizen statements and will not engage in debate with a citizen presenter.
- Public Hearing to Receive Comments on the Proposed Revisions of the Town of West Point’s Road and Driveway Ordinance
- Public Hearing for Rezoning of Parcels for Beau and Rick Lane W12145 Slack Road, Lodi, WI. 53555 - Tax Parcel # 75.C & 75.D in Sec. 12, T10N, R7E, Town of West Point and Kenneth & Priscilla Orvold, W12140 Hillcrest, Lodi, WI 53555 – Tax Parcel #75.D2 in Sec. 12, T10N, R7E, Town of West Point The Rezoning request is to rezone the parcels from A-1 Agriculture to R-1- Single Family Residence.
- Public Hearing for a Conditional UsePermit for Merrimac Snack Shack LLC, Zachariah Davenport, Casey Davenport, N2499 State Highway 188, Lodi, WI. 53555 - Tax Parcel # 11040-28 in GL 1, Sec. 11, T10N, R7E, Town of West Point. The Conditional Use Permit request is to operate a walk-up ice cream / food restaurant and maintain a single family residence.
- Easement for Inglewood Prairie Susan Sykes for parcel #970.0
- Variance, for a David Mitchell to Sections 16-110-030(1), 16-110-030(2) , and 16-130-020 2 of the Columbia County Zoning Ordinance and to Section 16-5-30 of the Columbia County Shoreland / Wetland Ordinances of the Columbia County Zoning Ordinance at W12618 Pleasant View Park Road, Parcel #11040-716.02 Sec. 11, T10N, R7E, LT 2 CS#4046-28-39, Town of West Point.
- Rezoning of Parcels 75.D & 75.C for Beau and Rick Lane and 75.D2 forKenneth & Priscilla Orvold.
- CUP for Merrimac Snack ShackLLC, Zachariah Davenport, Casey Davenport, N2499 State Highway 188, Lodi, WI. 53555
- Informal Presentation by Brian Breunig about building a house on at vacant lot at N2326 Trails End, Lodi.
- Driveway Ordinance
- Town Board Report
- Set Next Meeting Date
- Adjourn
Dated this 5thday of May, 2015
Taffy Buchanan, Town Clerk