Salem Chapel Vestry, Pencoed.
Present / Councillors: / Cllr J. McCarthy – Town Mayor/Chair
D. JohnBEM
Cllr R. Williams
R. J. Hancock OBE
J. Butcher.
Mrs J. Butcher
Mrs J. Ryan
Mrs M. Jones
M. Gregory
T. Thomas
In attendance: Geraint Thomas, Town Clerk and 1 member of the public.
7197 / Apologies for absence and dispensation.
Apologies were received from Cllrs. A. Williams, M. WaltersMrs J. McCarthy
7198 / Declarations of Interest (written).
Declarations of interest were receivedas indicated below:
Cllr R. J. Hancock - Item in Town Clerks’ Report regarding Office Accommodation
and Salem
Cllr M. Gregory - Item in Town Clerks’ Report regarding Office Accommodation
and Salem
Cllr D. John BEM - Item in Town Clerks’ Report regarding Office Accommodation
and Salem
7199 / Mayoral Messages/Announcements
The Mayor expressed his thanks to all involved in the Santa Parade:Switch-on of lights and Carols event which had been very successful .
7200 / To receive duly notified questions from the Public
Mrs Melanie Evans attended and addressed the Council in relation to clarification of her original letter in relation to the Town Council moving its Offices to Salem from the Welfare Hall..
The Mayor indicated that the matter was not up for debate and allowed comments on the subject matter of Mrs.Evans’ address
Responses were received as follows:
Cllr R.JHancock OBE responded as to the contractual nature of the matter rather than personal or political as implied by Mrs Evans
Cllr J. Butcher stated that he felt it was the right decision for the Town Council to move its Offices but he was not happy with the matter of dis-association of the Town Council with the Welfare Hall
The Mayor thanked Mrs Evans for her attendance and Mrs Evans responded by stating that she hoped that the situation could be improved / re-considered in the future bearing in mind what is good for the Community.
7201 / To receive the Police Report.
No member of the Police were in attendance the report received for November 2016 was accepted
Hendre 5714
2 Violence against the person Deri avenueDomestic incident
Violence against the person Min y nantVerbal altercation
Damage Wern degDamage Parking sensor
Damage Min y nantDamage to vehicle. reported
incident 1 month after damage occurred
Dog bite Min y nant rp admitted frightening dog
4 ASB calls
Felindre 5713
Damage Gwalia Roaddamage to rear window wiper
Damgae Clos santes fairPerson jumped on car Bonnet
Damage Heol PlousaneGraffiti on premises and vehicle
Damage Felindre roadDamage to garden ornaments
Theft and Handling Coychurch Road theft of front number plate
2 Theft and handlings Dual carriage way Theft from 2 parked vehicles
Violence against the personHeol Bryncwytnthreats
Violence against the personpen y bont road1 male assaulted.1 arrested
Violence against the personDual carriage wayroad rage. 1 cautioned
Violence against the personCoychurch RoadBeing dealt with by school liaisonofficer
Drugs Pencoed Cemetery Cannabis warning
3 ASB calls
Penprysg 5712
Damage Vale ReachDamage to vehicle window
Violence against the personPentre HowellHarassing texts. No further action
1 ASB call
It was RESOLVEDto note the report and await further statistical information in respect of October 2016.
7202 / To receive the minutes of the Full Council held on 9th November 2016(Appendix 1 ).
The above minutes were approved and accepted
7203 / To receive reports from representatives to outside bodies
The following reports were received as indicated
Organisation Presented by
Coity Walia Cllr J. McCarthy/Cllr D. John BEM
Pencoed and District Twinning Cllr Mrs J. Butcher
It was RESOLVED to accept the reports with thanks
7204 / To review the Regeneration Strategy
The Town Clerk made reference to the fact that there would be a meeting of the Projects Committee early in the New Year.
He stated that the drains had been sorted out at the Car Park and that he was receiving quotations for the car park to be re-surfaced.
It was RESOLVED to note the position
7205 / To consider the Town Clerk’s General report
The Town Clerk presented his general report.
Friends of Salem
AGM was held on 14th November 2016 and all Officers were re-appointed.
The Lease was still to be signed and signatures thereto were being arranged.
There was now a situation that had arisen on Monday 12th December 2016 whereby there was concern as to the access rights of the owners of Salem Villa and Salem Manse. This issue was being discussed with the Solicitor to the Presbytery and depending on his response/action thereto could have a material effect on the Lease to both the Friends of Salem and subsequently to the Town Council.
It was RESOLVED to note the position.
Quarterly Meeting with BCBC
The Town Clerk referred to the fact that progress was hoped to be made on the CAT transfers requested by the Town Council as there was now a replacement CAT Officer in BCBC.
It was RESOLVED to note the position.
Internal Dispute Resolution
The Town Clerk stated that he had been informed by Cllr A. Williams that the matter had been resolved.
It was RESOLVED to note the position.
Bridgend and Ogwr Food Bank
The Town Clerk reported that there was a need to promote the Foodbank as take-up had been marginal. He stated that the Offices at Salem would be a collectionpoint for donations. The Mayor indicated that he would be circulating more information regarding the Foodbank. Further collection points to be considered
It was RESOLVED to note the position.
Office accommodation update.
The Town Clerk reported that albeit his report indicated that the communications issue had been resolved he was now experiencing problems..
It was RESOLVED to note the position.
7206 / To receive a list of creditors from 1stNovember 2016 to the 30th November 2016
PAYEE Method Amount
Aw Salary / bacs / ****
GLT Salary / bacs / ****
Lex Leasing / dd / 384.18
BCBC / dd / 55.00
BCBC / dd / 109.00
Sol in Tech Phone / dd / 25.93
Sol in Tech Photo / dd / 41.15
Allstar / dd / 111.07
BT Mobile / dd / 15.19
Standard Life / dd / 100.00
Grenke / dd / 219.98
HMRC / bacs / 1096.02
GLT (Chain) / bacs43 / 13.98
Days / bacs44 / 792.00
Investec / bacs45 / 90.43
GLT Safety Tape / bacs46 / 26.00
B Williams Transport / 103400 / 200.00
Doug John / 103404 / 162.00
RBL Pencoed / 103401 / 50.00
Ystadwaun Grant / 103402 / 300.00
Indoor Bowls Grant / 103403 / 250.00
Pencoed Builders / bacs47 / 73.20
GBR (PPE) / bacs49 / 33.13
Sol in Tech / bacs53 / 360.00
Pure Tech Sounds / bacs54 / 270.00
Just Cloud ( GLT) / bacs55 / 178.27
Alcon (Drains) / bacs48 / 1182.00
Crackerjack(Fireworks) / bacs50 / 5037.57
Glt Xmas Expenses / bacs51 / 81.99
SET / bacs52 / 60.90
Expenditure marked **** £2959.13
Total Expenditure £14278.12
The creditors list was accepted
Thanks were noted from the Indoor Bowls for the grant given to them
7207 / Correspondence
The Town Clerk reported that there was no correspondence that needed to be brought to the Council’s attention
7208 / If appropriate, to receive items for future agendas.
There were no matters put forward for future meeting(s)
It was noted that matters pertaining to support for the Urdd Eisteddfod 2017 would be considered in the first instance by the Finance and General Purposes Committee.
7209 / To consider passing the following resolution:
That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.
The resolution was not passed

Meeting ended at8.00 pm.