Illinois RTI Network
Tier 2 involves supplemental interventions that are provided with an increased level of intensity in addition to core instruction for small groups of students who show some risk of not meeting grade level standards. Tier 2 interventions usually involve additional practice and skill building.
Purpose: To evaluate a district or school team’s strengths and potential areas for improvement on various components of Tier 2. Directions: Mark the number corresponding to your level of implementation for each item and note evidence and potential areas for improvement in the notes column.
Checklist for Tier 2 Logistics
NotEvident / Somewhat
Evident / Very
Evident / Notes / How do you know?
- WHO receives a Tier 2 intervention including:
- Cleardecision rules are defined.
- Process is established that focuses on groups of students rather than focusing on one student at a time.
- District & school staff has been trained & understands process & decision rules.
- Regularly scheduled meetings occur to determine who receives Tier 2.
- Meeting agenda is reflective of process for determining Tier 2 recipients.
- Decision rules are applied consistently.
- Instructional needs for groups of students determined using data based decision making including:
- Teams conduct group level analysis of screening data (e.g., quadrant sort, error analysis of screening data, group diagnostic assessments, pre-assessments, formative assessments, lesson studies).
- Teams usemultiple data sources to determine instructional needs of these students.
- Teams createsupplemental groups based on the instructional needs of the students.
- Selecting evidence based Tier 2 strategies/interventions including:
- Empirical data exist as documentation of efficacy for the intervention or strategy.
- Critical features of effective instruction are incorporated.
- School/district has the capacity and resources to implement the intervention/strategy.
- Strategies/interventions alignwell with Tier 1 core program and the needs of the students.
- Allocate staff/volunteer resources to meet Tier 2 needs including:
- Decision guidelines for determining number of students receiving Tier 2 are partially based on staff resources.
- Team considers families of intervention delivery & all staff/volunteers when determining who will provide the interventions.
- Interventionist skills/characteristics are matched to the intervention (e.g., have appropriate education & training given the complexity of the intervention).
- Scheduling Tier 2 interventions including:
- A process exists and is used for determining desired schedule & current state.
- Schedule has low number of fragmentations of school/district day for teachers and students.
- Resources are maximized through consideration of families of intervention delivery & consideration of all school personnel and volunteers.
- Schedule allows for flexibility based on decision rules.
- Progress monitoring measures include: *Refer to Progress Monitoring checklist for
- Empirical data exist documenting the progress monitoring tools are appropriate for their intended purpose
- Progress monitoring data are being collected twice a month or monthly
- Evaluate fidelity of Tier 2 interventions including assessment of[KC1]:
- Attendance and interruptions to intervention (e.g., canceled due to teacher meeting/crisis; student absences)
- Fidelity of instruction (e.g., essential strategy components; effective instruction components; etc.)
- Intervention acceptability
- Fidelity of progress monitoring
- Evaluate the effectiveness of Tier 2 interventions including:
- Clearly defined decision rules are established
- Staff have been trained and understand the process & decision rules
- Regularly scheduled meetingsoccur to evaluate the effectiveness of the Tier 2 interventions.
- Meeting agenda is reflective of process for determining Tier 2 effectiveness.
- Process is established that focuses on groups of students rather than focusing on one student at a time.
- Decision rules are consistently applied.
- Communication of intervention process with parents and students, including:
- Parents are informed in advance that their child is in need of and will be receiving interventions.
- Interventions are explained to parents and the student so they understand them.
- Progress monitoring data are regularly shared with parents and the student.
- Strategies connected to school-based interventions that parents can implement at home are identified and explained.
Illinois RTI Network, 2013
[KC1]This is different from other stems, so change it back if you want. Was just trying to avoid using the words “are assessed” or “is assessed” at the end of each of a-d.