Poverty-Environment Partnership
Country Analytic Work
-- Africa --
/ SenegalActivity: /
Mainstreaming Environment into PRSP: M&E, follow-up of planned environment-related activities specified in Senegalese-PRSP.
Status: / StartingFunding: / BMZ/GTZ 25000 EUR
Contact: / Dr. Michael Siebert,
/ SenegalActivity: / Elaboration of Action Plan to Combat Desertification: Poverty has a strong focus in the action plan.
Status: / Completed
Funding: / BMZ/GTZ
Contact: / Dr. Michael Siebert,
/ CameroonActivity: / Assisting in developing and implementing a sustainable and poverty oriented Forest Action Plan
Status: / Ongoing
Funding: / BMZ/GTZ
Contact: / Klaus Mersmann,
/ MaliActivity: / Implementing Convention on Desertification and environmental policy advise
Status: / Ongoing
Funding: / BMZ/GTZ
Contact: / Mr. Dr. W. Hoffer,
/ BeninActivity: / Forestry administration reform; Pilot Community involvement and income generation in teak afforestation management
Status: / Ongoing (until January 2006)
Funding: / BMZ/GTZ, 722.000 EUR
Contact: / Yves Pieper,
/ Ivory CoastActivity: / Transformation of public forest-administration in business-center (SODEFOR); Development of small enterprises of production and transformation of forest products (honey, snails, vegetables)
Status: / Ongoing (until 07/2004)
Funding: / BMZ/GTZ, 1.036.000 EUR
Contact: / Martin Neumann,
/ Ivory CoastActivity: / Advisor on Forest and Environment Policy; Financing of Protected Areas and Forest Management
Status: / Ongoing (until September 2006)
Funding: / BMZ/GTZ, 1.657.000 EUR
Contact: / Alan Walsch,
/ Ivory CoastActivity: / Management and Financing Models of Taï-Parc
Status: / Ongoing (until September 2006)
Funding: / BMZ/GTZ, 3.200.000 EUR
Contact: / Jörg Maxin,
/ MadagascarActivity: / Forest and Environment Policy; Advising National Forest Program and National Environmental Action Plan with strong focus on financing strategies and poverty reduction aspects.
Status: / Ongoing (until March 2004)
Funding: / BMZ/GTZ, 2.430.000 EUR
Contact: / Christoph Schäfer,
/ MozambiqueActivity: / Note on Environmental Issues and the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper – Assessment of PRS Progress
Status: / Completed 2002
Funding: / App. 30,000 DKK
Contact: / Andreas Jensen, Technical Advisor, or Lars Mikkel Johannessen, Technical Advisor,
/ TanzaniaActivity: / Notes on the Status of Environmental Issues in Tanzania PRSP (14-12-2001) and Tanzania Assistance Strategy – Assessment of Tanzania PRS Progress
Status: / Completed 2002
Contact: / Jan Riemer, Technical advisor,
Activity: / Support for Environmental Assessment and Management: Supports decentralised environmental management through improved service delivery for poor communities. Development of Governorate Environmental Action Plans which involve poverty-environment data gathering and analysis e.g. poverty-environment mapping.Status: / Ongoing
Contact: / Jean Paul Penrose - Phil Jago -
/ EthiopiaActivity: / Institutional Analysis to Enhance Environmental Management (a Country Environmental Analysis): Contains poverty-environment analysis, analysis of environmental aspects of key policies and plans including PRSP, and analysis of institutions and capacity for environmental management.
Status: / Ongoing to approx Oct. 2003
Funding: / Approx $150,000 – co-funded with World Bank
Contact: / Magda Lovei at World Bank () or Yolande Wright ()
Activity: /Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Ghana Poverty Reduction Strategy: Appraising the environmental risks and opportunities of the PRSP. Aims to allow the PRSP to better address pro-poor sustainable growth plus develop appropriate poverty –environment indicators for M&E.
Status: / OngoingFunding: / Funded by Royal Netherlands Embassy with DFID technical support
Contact: / Jean Paul Penrose –
Activity: /PEAK – Platforms for Environmental Action in Kenya: Promote understanding of environmental rights and responsibilities and increased public participation in environmental decision-making. Likely to fund analytical work.
Status: / OngoingFunding: / DFID US$ 3.4 million
Contact: / Izabella Koziell -
Activity: /Jigawa Enhancement of Wetlands Livelihoods Project: Support sustainable and equitable access to and use of common property resources in the Hadejia Nguru Wetlands working with stakeholders across Government and civil society to achieve this.
Status: / OngoingFunding: / DFID
Contact: / Adiya Ode -
or Jean Paul Penrose –
Activity: / Support to Rwandan government Land Policy: Land Reform Specialist is providing policy and analytical support, which includes funds for analytical work. Based in the Ministry of Land, Human Settlement and Environment.Status: / Ongoing
Contact: / Yolande Wright -
/South Africa
Activity: / Support to National Treasury to assess opportunities for environmental taxation: Study to assess opportunities for restructuring and creation of new environmental taxes which are pro-poor. Study including vehicles, energy, water, waste and mining.Status: / Ongoing
Contact: / Julian Harlow - or Beth Arthy –
/South Africa
Activity: /Consolidation of Municipal Transformation Programme: Improved environmental governance of local government
Status: / PlannedFunding:
Contact: / Beth Arthy –
Activity: /Support to Water SWAp: P-E links to water & sanitation and health (environmental health, disease and family planning, malaria, traffic accidents and respiratory infections)
Status: / OngoingFunding:
Contact: / Simon Kenny (DFID Infrastructure adviser seconded to MFPED) –
Activity: /Support to the Uganda Participatory Poverty Assessment Project (UPPAP): P-E links drawn out of the 2nd participatory poverty assessment (PPA). This includes a specific case study running parallel to the main PPA, focused on establishing poverty environment linkages direct from the poor themselves.
Status: / Completed – but dissemination is ongoingFunding: / £15,000 for the Poverty-Environment Case Study
£7,000 for dissemination
Contact: / Claire Ireland -
Activity: /CSO engagement in poverty-environment policy debate: To improve efficient and responsive action by environmental CSOs in poverty-environment debates in the pursuit of sustainable poverty eradication.
Status: / OngoingFunding: / Approx US$ 22,000
Contact: / Claire Ireland –
Activity: / Support integration of environment in PEAP revision through facilitating a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): Aiming to improve the GoU ability to include environmental issues in PEAP through undertaking a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) process.Status: / Ongoing
Funding: / Approx US$ 60,000
Contact: / Claire Ireland –
Activity: / Support to mainstreaming cross-cutting poverty issues in NAADS and PMA: Enable PMA and NAADS to ensure effective mainstreaming of key cross-cutting poverty issues (primarily sustainable natural resource management and environment, HIV/AIDS, gender, and youth), building on existing research, strategies and recommendations.Status: / Ongoing
Funding: / Approx US$ 75,000
Contact: / Claire Ireland –
Activity: / ENR-SWG - the Environment and Natural Resource Sector Working Group responsible for compiling the natural resource and environment MTEF: Development of an environment and natural resource SWAp, studies on poverty-environment linkages so as to influence the PEAP, workshops on the importance of the environment in local development planning and the design of a monitoring system.Status: / Ongoing
Contact: / Claire Ireland –
Activity: / Addressing the Determinants of Agricultural Competitiveness (working title): P-e links to agricultural and land reformStatus: / Planned
Contact: / Beth Arthy –
/ ZambiaActivity: /
Environmental health and urban livelihoodsStatus: / On-going
Contact: / Yusaf Samiullah –
Name of Agency: EC
/ EgyptActivity: / Country Environmental Profile: – A review of key environmental issues in Egypt: Increasing demand for scarce water resources (for drinking water and irrigation) leading to drastically decreased per capita resources in the future as a result of population increase.
Status: / Completed
Contact: / Simon le Grand
Activity: /Poverty and Environment Initiative: Support for a comprehensive programme on integrating environment into poverty reduction planning and policy processes, within the context of the National Strategy for Economic Recovery and the PRSP, including poverty-environment analytic work.
Status: / StartingFunding: / $50,000 for preparatory phase (funded by DFID and EC)
Contact: / Chris Gakahu ()
Activity: / Integrating Environment into the Poverty Reduction Strategy Process: Support for a comprehensive programme on integrating environment into poverty reduction planning and policy processes at national and district levels, including poverty-environment analytic work and development of poverty-environment indicators .Status: / On-going
Funding: / $200,000 (through the Poverty and Environment Initiative funded by DFID and EC)
Contact: / Katrin Lervik (); David Howlett (DFID Adviser seconded to UNDP – )
Activity: / Pilot project on Incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment into the PRSP processStatus: / Ongoing
Contact: / Katrin Lervik (); David Howlett (DFID Adviser seconded to UNDP – )
Activity: / Poverty-Environment Mapping Pilot ProjectStatus: / On-going
Funding: / $25,000
Contact: / Arnaud Comolet ()
Activity: / Integrating Environment into the National Poverty AssessmentStatus: / Planned
Funding: / $50,000 (through the Poverty and Environment Initiative and the UNDP Drylands Development Centre)
Contact: / Mfaro Moyo (); Peter Hazlewood ()
/ KenyaActivity: / Integrated assessment
Status: / Planned starting September 2003 end November 2006
Funding: / $1,000,000
Contact: / To be determined
/ MozambiqueActivity: / Integrated assessment
Status: / Planned starting January 2004 end November 2006
Funding: / $1,000,000
Contact: / To be determined
/ CameroonActivity: / Integrated assessment
Status: / Planned starting January 2004 end November 2006
Funding: / $1,000,000
Contact: / To be determined
/ Tunisia or MoroccoActivity: / Integrated assessment
Status: / Planned starting January 2004 end November 2006
Funding: / $1,000,000
Contact: / To be determined
World Bank
/ NigeriaActivity: / Poverty-Environment Linkages in the Natural Resource Sector: Empirical Evidence from Nigerian Case Studies with Policy Implications and Recommendations (Sample of 120 hh x 2 sites with analysis of NR utilization per quintiles).
Status: / Results published & presented to government in November 2002
Funding: / N/a
Contact: / Indu Hewawasam, Sr. Environmental Specialist,
/ KenyaActivity: / Impacts and Costs of Climate Variability and Water Resources Degradation (Aggregate macroeconomic damage estimates of production losses, replacement costs, etc.)
Status: / Draft presented to government. Final version expected first half of 2003
Funding: / N/a
Contact: / Rafik Hirji, Sr. Water Resources Specialist,
/ NamibiaActivity: / Poverty Impacts of Community-based NRM (Household survey sample of 1000 among communities in northern Namibia)
Status: / Results expected mid-2003
Funding: / N/a
Contact: / Kirk Hamilton, Lead Environmental Economist,
/ UgandaActivity: / Poverty-NRM Links in Uganda (Combined household survey and physical soil sampling)
Status: / Starting up, with output expected in 2004
Funding: / $480,000
Contact: / Kirk Hamilton, Lead Environmental Economist,
/ TanzaniaActivity: / Poverty & Environment in Tanzania (Qualitative policy analysis)
Status: / Report expected first half of 2003
Funding: / N/a
Contact: / Indu Hewamasam, Sr. Environmental Specialist,
Ministry of Environment (Algeria) & World Bank
/ AlgeriaActivity: / National Action Plan for Environment and Sustainable Development
Status: / Completed
Funding: / USD
Contact: / Mourad Khelladi () or Maria Sarraf ()
/ TunisiaActivity: / Cost Assessment of Environmental Degradation
Status: / Draft ready, expected to be completed in April 2003
Funding: / Approx. $50,000
Contact: / Maria Sarraf ()
/ MoroccoActivity: / Cost Assessment of Environmental Degradation
Status: / Initiated, expected to be completed in June 2003
Funding: / Approx. $50,000
Contact: / Maria Sarraf ()
/ EgyptActivity: / Cost Assessment of Environmental Degradation
Status: / Completed
Funding: / Approx. $70,000
Contact: / Maria Sarraf ()
/ EgyptActivity: / Country Environmental Analysis
Status: / Expected to be completed in June 2003
Funding: / Approx. $100,000
Contact: / Sherif Arif ()
/ TunisiaActivity: / Country Environmental Analysis
Status: / Expected to be completed in June 2003
Funding: / Approx. $100,000
Contact: / Sherif Arif () or Aziz Bouzaher ()
/ EgyptActivity: / Water Resources-Implications for Income and Health of the Poor
Status: / To be initiated
Funding: / Approx. $250,000
Contact: / Sherif Arif ()
Name of Agency: Minister of Land Management, Urban Planning, Housing and Environment, Kingdom of Morocco & UNDP Capacity 21
/ MoroccoActivity: / National Action Program for Environment
Status: / Completed
Poverty-Environment Partnership
Regional/sub-regional and Cross-country Analytic Work
-- Africa --
/ Congo BasinActivity: / Developing mechanisms for regional approaches in managing transboundary natural resources (forest); “Yaoundé Process”
Status: / Ongoing
Funding: / BMZ/GTZ
Contact: / Klaus Mersmann,
/ Namibia, Malawi, Botswana, MozambiqueActivity: / Identification and implementation of income generating activities based on sustainable forest management
Status: / Ongoing until 09/2006
Funding: / BMZ/GTZ, Approx. $200.000
Contact: / Overall: Dr. Christian Fedlmeier; C.P. 2766 Maputo; Mozambique; Email:
Namibia: Jericho Mulofwa; Forestry Department;
Malawi: William Chadza; Wildlife and Environmental Society of Malawi (WESM) Email:
Botswana: Douglas Thamage; Veld Products Research & Development; Email:
Mozambique: Roberto Meneses; Grupo de Trabalho Ambiental; Email:
/ Namibia, Malawi, Botswana, MozambiqueActivity: / Continuation in assistance on the marketing of products from sustainable forest management and supplementary income generating activities
Status: / Ongoing until 09/2006
Funding: / BMZ/GTZ, Approx. $200.000
Contact: / Overall: Dr. Christian Fedlmeier; C.P. 2766 Maputo; Mozambique; Email:
Namibia: Jericho Mulofwa; Forestry Department;
Malawi: William Chadza; Wildlife and Environmental Society of Malawi (WESM) Email:
Botswana: Douglas Thamage; Veld Products Research & Development; Email:
Mozambique: Roberto Meneses; Grupo de Trabalho Ambiental; Email:
/ Mali and Burkina FasoActivity: / Poverty and vulnerability study by Stockholm Environment Institute
Status: / Ongoing end June 2003
Contact: / Tomas Andersson, Sida