Parks & Beautification Committee

Meeting Minutes

September 25, 2014



Thursday ▪ September 25, 2014 ▪ 7:00 p.m.

17 North 100 East, Monticello, UT

1. Call to Order - The regularly scheduled meeting of the Parks & Beautification Committee was called to order by Chairperson Carol Van Steeter at 7:05 p.m.

2. Roll Call – The following persons were present for all, or portions of the meeting.

City Officials

Assistant City Manager Oliver Crane

Committee Members (Cross off those who are not in attendance)

Carol Van Steeter

Heidi Pehrson – not present

Shari Griffin – not present

Jeff Frost

Anna Curtis



3. Minutes Review/Approval - The minutes of August 28, 2014, were reviewed. Correction on name of Visitor

MOTION was made by Carol Van Steeter to approve the minutes of the August 28, 2014, Parks & Beautification Committee Meeting. The motion was seconded by Jeff Frost and passed unanimously.

4. Public Comment


5. Yard Award Update

The last yard award was given in September. A total of 8 awards in a period of 4 months. A list will be created of award recipients to give to Muhlestien’s Greenhouse for award redemption purposes, along with a thank you for the donations.

6. Silent Auction Event Fundraiser

Ideas were discussed.

7. Schedule Flower Pot Removal Date

There was a discussion concerning the disposal of flower pot contents. Suzanne Duke will be contacted for advice on whether to save the grasses for future use. The flowers were watered until the middle of September. 1-2 dozen pots still look good - others are finished.

MOTION was made by Carol Van Steeter to remove the flowers from Main Street on Sat. Oct. 4th at 8 am. The motion was seconded by Jeff Frost and opened for discussion.

Carol Van Steeter - Aye

Heidi Pehrson- not present

Shari Griffin- not present

Jeff Frost- Aye

Anna Curtis- Aye

The motion passed/failed

8. 2015 Flower Pot Funding

Many years ago, the Parks & Beautification Committee volunteered to have the budget cut to zero when the City was in financial trouble. The Committee has worked hard over the past several years to fundraise, continue the Main Street flowers and to create new projects. They are hoping the City will bring back a yearly budget. The 2015 flower pot funding could come from that budget if it were made available.

9. Upcoming Agenda Items

Added to next agenda.

10. Other Business

ACM Crane announced the Harvest Festival on Oct. 25th; the next meeting will be held on Oct. 30.

11. Adjournment

MOTION was made by Jeff Frost to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. The motion was seconded by Anna Curtis and passed unanimously.

ATTEST: ______

Cindi Holyoak, Recorder, CMC

Minutes APPROVED by: ______DATE: ______

Carol Van Steeter, Chair

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