Chemistry Class Policy–2016/2017
Dr. Brinkman
Phone: (973) 331 – 7100 ext. 2842
Welcome to your Chemistry class for the 2016-2017 school year. I am excited about the year ahead and hope we can work well together. Below are some rules for the classroom. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask me. Please know that I expect you to work to your potential, respect and integrity.
Daily Requisites for this Course:
a)A notebook and a folder of your choicewhich you will use to store your class notes from in-class discussions, handouts, and graded labs.
b)Notebook checks will occur periodically and count toward your marking period grade.
b)Your covered textbook. We will use the book in class.
c)Proper writing utensils.
d)A calculator.
e) A good attitude and an open mind.
- Respect the learning process. This means being personally prepared for class, being on time,remaining attentive during lessons, following the teacher’s directions, and focusing on the assigned task.
- Respect your classmates’ person and property. The classroom environment must be one in which everyone must feel comfortable. Make only positive comments and leave others’ personal belongings alone. Treat others as you would expect to be treated.
Your grade for this course will be determined using a simple total points system. The larger the assignment, the greater the number of points it will be worth and therefore the greater impact it may have on your grade.
grade = [(total points earned) / (total points possible)] x 100
- Tests: Worth between 80 and 120 points each. There are usually 2-3 tests per marking period. The format may include multiple choice, short answer, and problem solving.
- Labs: Worth 5-10 points. Unless otherwise stated, all lab reports are due on the following lab day. Each lab group is required to hand in their own lab reports, unless specified by the teacher. All partners are expected to participate EQUALLY. A 20% point deduction will be made to any student not contributing to the success of the lab with their lab partner.
- Quizzes: Worth between 5 and 20 points each. There will be three types of quizzes:
- Homework Quiz: These will be based on homework assignments that have been assigned and collected.
- Reading Assignment Quiz: These will be based on pre-assigned reading assignments form the textbook.
- Lab Quiz: These will be based on the lab experiment scheduled for that day to determine who has read the lab handout prior to beginning the lab.
- Homework & Classwork: Worth 5-10 points each. Homework assignments will range from handouts to textbook problems.
- Notebooks: Worth 10 points. Students who have successfully passed all notebook checks at the end of the marking period will receive 10 points. No credit will be given if any notebook checks are incomplete.
- Extra Credit: Science department policy does not allow for extra creditassignments. My advice to you is for you to study and learn the material. Should you have difficulty with the material, come see me for extra help as soon as possible.
Classroom Procedures:
The daily procedure for the classroom is to be seated and ready when the bell rings. Sharpen all pencils and get yourself ready for class before the bell rings. Please be on time to class. Please remain seated until dismissed by the teacher. The bell does not dismiss you. Only the teacher can dismiss students when the lesson is completed and the room is in satisfactory condition.
Homework is essential to maximize your learning. It allows you to practice, study, and prepare for class discussions, projects and tests. Independent practice and study outside the classroom setting is where the most learning takes place. Homework is due at the beginning of the period on the due date assigned. Late homework is not acceptable, and will be result in a zero grade for that assignment. The only exceptions will be for an excused absence (illness, fieldtrip, etc.)
- If you are absent, you must initiate a conversation with me on the first day back in class.
Absent for Tests:
- If you are absent on the test day, you need to be prepared to take the test on your first day back in class.
- Make-up tests will be given after school only and not at lunch.
- If you do not make up your test in the time allotted, you will receive a grade of zero.
Absent for Labs:
- Late labs reports will not be accepted and result in a zero grade.
- All labs are made-up after school only. There will be one day each week set aside for lab make-ups. Pay attention to the weekly schedule. Under no circumstances, can labs be made-up during lunch or during the normal school day.
- Long term absences will be handled on an individual, case by case, basis.
- If you do not make up your lab in the time allotted, you will receive a grade of zero.
Extra Help:
Extra help is available by appointment. It is not provided during the lunch hour, as I typically teach a lab class during lunch. In addition, I must stress that academic classes take priority. I will not make accommodations for extracurricular activities or sports. (Unless it is an event that is held during school time or you have to go away for that activity or sport).
Classroom Disruptions: Classroom disruptions interfere with the learning process. In order to have a functioning educational environment, inappropriate classroom disruptions will not be tolerated. Talking to other students while I'm talking or while another student is talking is NOT tolerated. You must raise your hand to participate in classroom discussions. Being disrespectful is not tolerated.Per the School Board’s policy, electronic devices, especially cell phones are not permitted in the classroom.
Acknowledgement of Rules
The above mentioned items are a brief list of the rules and procedure to be followed in chemistry in order to have a functioning classroom environment. I have read the above classroom rules and UNDERSTAND that these rules, as well as the ones stated in the student handbook, must be followed to promote a positive and conducive environment for learning. I understand that there will be repercussions for anyone disobeying these rules in the classroom.
Student Name (Print):______
Student Signature: ______
Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Name (Print) : ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Date: ______
Parent/Guardian E-mail: ______
Parent/Guardian Contact Number: ______