DMC/14/2/Comp.89/2004/ 5th April, 2004
Smt. Lado DeviComplainant
268, F-7, Hauz Rani,
Malviya Nagar,
Opp. Press Enclave,
New Delhi – 110 017
Dr. V.K. Mehta (DMC Regn. No. 5947)Respondent
Dr. Mehta Urology & Surgery Centre
H-16-B, Saket,
New Delhi – 110 017
The Delhi Medical Council examined a representation of Shri Kishore M. Gajaria, Advocate on behalf of Smt. Lado Devi against Dr. V.K. Mehta of Dr. Mehta Urology and Surgery Centre, forwarded by Medical Council of India, alleging medical negligence on the part of Dr. V.K. Mehta of Dr. Mehta Urology and Surgery Centre, New Delhi (referred hereinafter as the said Hospital), in the treatment administered to the complainant (Smt. Lado Devi) at the said Hospital.
The Delhi Medical Council perused the complaint, reply of Dr. V.K. Mehta, case papers of Mehta Urology & Surgery Centre and Safdarjung Hospital and heard the following in person :-
( 2 )
-Smt. Lado Devi
-Dr. V.K. Mehta
-Dr. (Mrs.) Divya Sharma
-Dr. V.P. Sharma
-Dr. Arti Mittal
-Dr. M.S. Chaudhry
Smt. Lado Devi was admitted in Mehta Urology & Surgery Centre with pain abdomen and she was 6 months pregnant.
The patient had Intra Uterine Death on 18.8.2002 at 7.30 PM, for which she was induced using Injection Syntocinon, she delivered on 19.8.2002 at 20.00 Hrs. There was complication of retained placenta which was managed by doctors at Mehta Urology & Surgery Centre, following the patient developed PPH which was managed and ultimately to save the life of the patient, subtotal hysterectomy was done at Mehta Urology & Surgery Centre. Thereafter the patient was transferred to Safdarjung Hospital. During the hospitalization, management of the patient was done satisfactorily except that no coagulation studies were done which was essential in this case as this was a case of IUD, in which coagulopathies are known to occur.
It is observed that Dr. V.K. Mehta has been trained as a General Surgeon and as a Urologist. He has requisite experience as a General Surgeon and Urologist. It is observed that Dr. V.K. Mehta is practicing in areas, which are beyond the scope of his training, qualifications and experience. This Council directs him to restrict himself to practice the skills in which he is qualified and trained. Warning is issued to Dr. V.K. Mehta, censure to be recorded in State Medical Register.
Complaint stands disposed.
By the order of and in the name of
Delhi Medical Council
(Dr. S.K. Khattri)
Copy to :-
1)Smt. Lado Devi, 268, F-7, Hauz Rani, Malviya Nagar, Opp. Press Enclave, New Delhi – 110 017.
2)Dr. V.K. Mehta, Dr. Mehta Urology & Surgery Centre, H-16-B, Saket, New Delhi – 110 017.
3)Medical Council of India, Aiwan-E-Galib Marg, Kotla Road (Opp. Mata Sundari College for Women), New Delhi – 110 002 (With reference to your letter No. MCI-211(2)(206)/2003-Ethical./9324 dated 30.10.2003).
(Dr. S.K. Khattri)