Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Alex Taek-Gwang Lee
Department of British and American Cultural Studies
School of Global Communication
Kyung Hee University
South Korea
1. Present Position
Professor in the Department of British and American Cultural Studies, Kyung Hee University, South Korea
2. Previous Employment
2005-2007 Assistant Professor of Cultural Studies in the Department of English, Kwangwoon University, South Korea
3. Degrees
2000 - 2004 Ph.D. in Cultural Theory, The University of Sheffield, UK
Dissertation: An Aesthetic between Utopia and Reality: The Ideas of Realism in Western Marxism
1998 - 1999 MA in Philosophy, University of Warwick, UK
Thesis: The Representation of Death: Benjamin and Heidegger
1996 - 1998 MA in English, Pusan National University, Korea
Thesis: Deleuze’s Machinic Imagination
1968 - 1995 BA in English, Pusan National University, Korea
Thesis: The Logic of Postmodernism
4. Grants Awarded
2015-2017 Korean Research Foundation
Project: Images contra. Concepts
2009 – 2011 Korean Research Foundation
Project: Benjamin and Theology
2008 - 2009 North East Asian Studies Foundation
Project: The Image of Japanese in Hollywood War Film
2007 - 2008 Korean Research Foundation Leading Scholar Award
Project: Derrida and the Political
2006 - 2007 Korean Research Foundation Early Scholar Award
Project: Lacan and Science
5. Publications
Books (Korean)
2014 The Meaning of Park Guen-Hye
2014 On Life
2014 The Utopia of Van Gogh and Gauguin
2013 Fail Better: Conversations with Zizek, Ranciere, Baumann, and Spivak
2013 Framing a Witch
2012 The Politics of 99%
2011 This Is What Cultural Criticism Means
2011 The Age of the Impressionists
2010 The Fate of Theories after Althusserianism: Derrida, Zizek, Ranciere and Badiou
2009 The Rudeness of Good News: An Analysis of Korean Popular Culture
2008 On Futurism
2008 Strolling About in the Waning Season of Medieval Age: From Bosch to Rembrandt
2008 Nation, the Sublime Object of Korean Popular Culture
2007 Impressionists and Pre-Raphaelites
2002 The Obscene Fantasy of Korean Popular Culture
2002 The Theatre of Deleuzian Philosophy
1997 The Encounter between Alienation and Heroism: An Analysis of Korean Cartoons
Books (English)
2016 The Idea of Communism Vol. 3 (Co-editing with Slavoj Zizek)
Books in Translation
2013 This Is Not a Diary (From English to Korean)
2011 Pantone: The History of Color (From English to Korean)
2009 New Left Review in Korean (From English to Korean)
2005 A Philosopher’s Journey into Rehe (From Korean to English)
2002 Fredric Jameson (From English to Korean)
2002 The Irresistible Rise of Harry Potter (From English to Korean)
Essays in Refereed Journal (English)
2015 “Neo-liberalism and the Humanities in South Korea: Foucault’s Viewpoint”, The Taiwanese Journal of Comparative Literature
2015 “A Schizoid in the Limit of the National Body: The Politics of a Time-Image in Ming-Liang Tsai’s Films”, Literature and Film
2006 “Realism Without Lukacs”, Peer English
2005 “In between Reality and the Real: On Zizek’s Politics.” Journal of Korean English Language and Literature.
2004 “The Politics of Realism: Lukacs and Reflection Theory”, The Anachronist
2004 “Literature as Philosophy: Benjamin and Deleuze” Criticism and Theory
Essays in Refereed Journal (Korean)
2014 “The Egalitarianism of Twitter: Considering the Desire of Clicktivism”, Humanities Studies
2012 “Divine Materialism: Walter Benjamin’s Theologico-Politics”, Criticism and Theory
2011 “The Influence of American Soap-opera to the Idea of Family in Korea”, Religion and Theology
2011 “Beyond the Logic of Multiculturalism: On Zizek’s Critique of Pluralism”, Studies on Language and Culture
2010 “Deleuze and Ranciere: On Aesthetics and Politics”, Criticism and Theory
2009 “How Could Art be the Political?: Raciere and Negri”, In/Outside: English Studies in Korea
2009 “Pre-Raphaelites and the Distribution of the Sensible”, Journal of Korean English Language and Literature
2009 “Spectre and Justice: Derrida’s Politics”, Criticism and Theory
2009 “War and Otherness: Japanese in Hollywood Film”, North East Asian Studies
2008 “The Arcades Project and the Politics of Reading”, Criticism and Theory
2007 “Pixar Animation and Digital Mimesis”, Literature and Film
2007 “Science Fiction and the Condition of Psychoanalysis”, Studies in English Literature
2007 “Rethinking Theory”, In/Outside: English Studies in Korea
2007 “Two Attitudes towards Gaze: Sartre and Lacan”, Studies in Comparative Literature
2006 “Lacan’s Concept of Science and Subjectivity”, Criticism and Theory
2005 “Art and Morality: John Ruskin’s Idea of Art”, Studies in Nineteenth English Literature
6. Presentations in Conference
2015 “Face and Mask: Reading Deleuze with Fanon”, International Deleuze Studies Conference in Asia, Manipal.
2015 “A Lacanian Approach to Fanon”, Criticism and Theory Conference, Seoul.
2015 “Neo-liberalism in Asian Contexts”, Korean Modern Fiction Studies Conference, Seoul
2014 “The Natural Ontology of Commodification: How Could Commodity Be Our Own Identity?” Historical Materialism Conference, London
2014 “Biopolitics and Social Evolutonism in Asia”, The European Society of Literature, Science and the Arts Conference, Turin.
2013 “Communism and the Void”, The Idea of Communism Conference, Seoul.
2013 “Alternative Modernity: Cinema and Asian Modernization”, ICLA, Paris.
2013 “Althusser and Deleuze”, The 1st Asian Conference of International Deleuze Studies, Taipei.
2012 “Right-Wing Sartre?” ACLA, Providence, RI.
2012 “Profane Illumination: The Birth of Civil Religion”, Religion and War Conference, Seoul.
2012 “Self-organisation beyond Governmentality”, Gwangju Biennale Workstation.
2011 “A Philosopher’s Suicide: On Deleuze’s Death”, The Korean Society of Rhetoric Studies Conference, Seoul.
2011 “The Presence of Cultural Studies in Korea”, The Korean Society of English Language and Literature Conference, Onyang.
2011 “Towards Geo-cinematology: Negotiating the Identity of Asian Cinema”, Busan Film Forum, Busan.
2010 “Walter Benjamin and Method.” Biblical Studies Conference, Seoul.
2010 “Impossible Representation: On Zizek’s Multiculturalism.” Association of Language and Culture Conference, Seoul.
2010 “Deleuze and Ranicere.” The 3rd International Deleuze Studies Conference, Amsterdam.
2010 “Ranciere and the Political.” Criticism and Theory Conference, Seoul.
2010 “The Political Meaning of a Public Square in Seoul.” 7th Cultural History Conference, Seoul.
2009 “Democracy and Desire: An Analysis of 2008 Candle Demonstration in Korea.” The Korean Society of English Literature Conference, Kyungju.
2009 “The Rise of Deleuzian Politics in Korea.” 2nd International Deleuze Studies Conference, Cologne.
2008 “A Deleuze-Benjamin Connection.” 1st International Deleuze Studies Conference, Cardiff.
2008 “The Meaning of 2008 Candle Demonstration in Korea.” International Relations Conference, Seoul.
2007 “Science and Psychoanalysis.” Criticism and Theory Conference, Seoul.
2006 “Pixar and Mimesis.” Criticism and Theory Conference, Seoul.
2005 “The Reception of Lacan in Korea.” The Korean Society of English Language and Literature Conference, Gwangju.
2004 “The Spectacle of Korean Blockbuster Films.” The Spectacle of the Real Conference, London.