Agenda No / Topic / Item Owned by / Timing
Standard Agenda Items
Meetingopened at 7.10pm / Fiona L
Present: Nicole Georgopoulos, Aisha Strutt, Shereen Gleeson, Penelope Lowery, Carol McKenzie, Sue Nash, Suzi Foley, Anne Cain, Aneela De Soysa, Toni Gwynn-Jones, Kaz Ely, Catherine. Marker, Ros Slater, Rhonda Foley, Anna Cook, Laura Mukherjee, Claire McGurk
Apologies:Bev Orr, Alison Grimes
Special Visitors: Nicole Georgopoulos & Aisha Strutt
Report from Aisha and Nicole re: GAP Girls Advisory Panel.
Aim is to have 1 rep from each region. GAP is a chance for youth to have a say in State decisions, to have girls involved in decision making. Reps have regular contact with leaders overseeing GAP and met the women organising on state programs. Aim for this year is to publicise GAP to the youth of the region and start communication between Guides in the ACT Region to their representatives, Nicole & Aisha. Towards of the end of the year applications open for 2016 reps. Please encourage seniors to attend the Youth Forum at Glengarry.Nicole & Aisha handed out flyers and information sheets for distribution and display.
Minutes for meeting 12 February 2015 were emailed to all. Corrections – add P. Lowery apologies / Cathy M.
Business Arising – see open actions below
Specific Agenda Items
Treasurer– Report tabled, Fiona spoke to the report.
Requests for payment, not in the budget
  1. Recommendation for grant from Val Stanek Travel Fund – see attached from Jodie Lawler. She recommended that we make a decision and pass on to Merrell and Val. Meeting decided Jodi needed to provide further information about her exact costs.
  2. Gang Show commitment – suggest $400 Region had previously paid an amount. After discussion Fiona L moved that the Region pay $400 to the costs of Gang Show 2014, seconded Rhonda Foley. Carried
  3. Archery Training –Linda Jacob -Heydon; Karen Williams -Alpen; Rochelle Shilling Queanbeyan have all gained their qualifications and now assist with Region archery days. Moved Sue Nash that K.Williams, R. Shilling and L. Jacob or their Support Groups be reimbursed for the cost of their training. Seconded Suzi Foley. Carried.
/ Alison
Program Advisor –Kindling 10/11/12April online now, on Facebook, applications will be sent 14 to 30 yr olds.Crafty Capers 20/21April for 5 to 17yrs Pre-jamboree camp this weekend. 10 pre-junior Guides went to the Joey Mob Riot on Thursday. Keep sending risk management forms with sleepover forms.
Girl Made project – Tammy Hackett is our region liaison / Suzi
Outdoor activities – reports attached (Feb, Water activities/Great Bunya Gathering)
Risk Management templates now on web / Michelle K
L&D Advisor –
Camp Leader Indoor and Outdoor Coursesgoing ahead at Innabaanya, 21 and 22 March. 6 for Indoor, and 7 for Outdoor. 5 from NSW and rest from our Region. Helen Beasley assisting with Outdoors as two trainers couldn’t be found. Tuggeranong South is doing the QMing.
Leader/Manager Reviews – more on that in G-News from last Friday.
Still with GGA HR department for refinement, but what we know so far…
Leader and Manager reviews will take place every two years, and the appropriate Manager will conduct the Review. Likely to include points such as:
  • Ensure you are meeting the responsibilities of the role to which you are appointed.
  • Keep your first aid up to date.
  • Complete appropriate reports.
  • Attend relevant meetings.
  • Keep a log of your learning and how you implemented it into your role.
Learning Partner Get Together – this happened a couple of weeks ago. Some useful stuff, watch out for more info to be emailed to LPs and District Managers. / Rhonda
OP Report– More people are now active. Bosum Buddies want Leaders to assist with a BBQ on 30 May. OPs will need assistance from other leaders. / Anna
Special Needs Report /Jamboree LiaisonPre-Jamboree camp this weekend. Chance to get to know each other and learn basic skills needed at camp. Any Guide can earn the badge. / Helen B
Equipment Service/office report - Report to be emailed to all. Plenty of hoodies and jackets at the moment. More Thinking Day badges in shop. Guide shorts and posters now in stock. 20 March Sue’s last day in shop. Jo Shilling will run the shop in her absence. / Sue N.
Campsite report –
Fire permit for March obtained. Reminder that campers MUST phone 6200 4111 before ANY fire – cooking fire or campfire – is lit. / Anne
Majura LandCare Group reportThe Group is still lobbying to obtain 99 year leases and turn the Valley into a rural tourist trail. / Cathy
Properties report No report / Michelle K
International/ World Guiding – Thinking Day report attached / Katrina
Region Leader –
Since last region meeting:
Attended Market Day at ACU with Anna Cook. Collected 7 names.
Attended Thinking Day at Innabaanya
Visited Bega Guides (24/2) & Merimbula Guides (26/2)
Visited Black Mountain Guides with prospective leader
Attended Morning tea at RMC with Anna, who spoke very well to the crowd. Expecting a donation from them
Attended Region Colours workshop
Attended Cuboree 2017 initial organising committee
Note I need assistance on 28 March for the Community Expo in Kingston (11-4pm) / Fiona
District Reports –
Alpen needs another leader as Tara is joining the army. Goulburn is OK at the moment. Amanda Cooper has returned. New cupboards are installed. Council wants to build a sporting complex next to the Guide Hall. Tuggeranong need Support group executive members. Queanbeyan girls attended International Day of Prayer, Gabby Matthews gained her QG. Ginninderra’s AGM is 22 March.Murrungundie - all good. Woden – Liz Jolly retiring, Emma Newbry is back in Canberra and helping but still need more leaders, girl numbers are almost full. Received a bill from Scouts for $9,000. Toni is asking for further clarification. South Canberra still needs more leaders,AGM is 31 March.
ANZAC Day 100 Anniversary 2015–
Rosemary sprigging to be held at Wanniassa hall on 22 April. All welcome.
Sleepover in Campbell for girls staying with leaders or female carers. 40 girls coming from interstate. North Sydney, Lithgow & Bathurst coming,
Invites have gone to other region managers for their girls. Interest has been shown from Central West (Lithgow & Bathurst), North Sydney, Merimbula so far. Region only catering for interstate people.State Commissioner also attending.
WIP: Members will be needed: to work out flag numbers – Kaz has asked for districts to advise of flags held/available for use; work out accommodation arrangements; transport; actual flag poles/spikes etc....WIP...... We will need adult helpers on Friday evening, Saturday morning
Further info will come out soon. / Kaz
Any Other Business
  • Test & Tag – In future can be Region based. Dan Hopkins will do all our testing. If all agree Rhonda will pass on District Managers details to Dan who will then contact them to arrange a day and time. Dan will bill Region itemised by District. He will charge $5 per electrical item. He will also do the fire extinguishers and RCDs. He is able do items within the ACT only.
  • Asbestos approach – region based - Robson Environmental will do the checks on all halls built before 1984.
  • Gutter cleaning – region based – Fiona took a list of districts interested in having their gutters cleaned, other Districts interested should notify Fiona.

Next meeting - Thursday 9 April 2015 7pm
Dates for reminders/notification:
13/15 March Region camp – Jamboree prep camp
21 March Archery – Queanbeyan hall
Guide shop open
21/22 March Camping training (for leaders) Innabaanya
28 March Adventure in Gardens – Mt Annan
Community Expo – Kingston
Relay for Life – AIS
FD09 Training
3-6 April Easter
10/11/12 April KINDLING gathering for 14-30 year olds, at Cottermouth
20/21 April Craft Capers
24 April Sleepover prior to Anzac Day ceremonies & march
2 May Campfire building workshop, Innabaanya2-4pm
30 May Bosum Buddies BBQ at Bunnings Fyshwick
Reminder to all to think of people entitled to an Award eg Long Service, Good Service, Asia-Pacific

Open Actions (For review at Mtg)

No / Action / Owned by
Who will do it / Target date
Website –Claire thanked people who sent replies to her email re districts. Claire will be asking others for more information egOlaves.
Fiona to do 2 paragraphs on the Region
Anne to do same for Innabaanya.
Claire would like to do profiles on Region people to put up on the web. / Claire
Majura Hall – Price agreed $100,000 + GST.Have not yet received formal advice that the Board/Finance committee have agreed to the sale price. Still subject to the lease being transferrable. / Fiona
Hike Day – Is another district willing to organise a date in 2nd term? 3rd term? 4th term
Need a district to run the hike this year. Yass and Gungahlin interested
Future workshops: Now
Advocacy– CeliciaBoughn
Building a Campfire – 2 May2-4pm venue Innabaanya – Cathy Marker
Leader Update workshop - timingstill to be decided
Leaders need to manage risks with all situations, including those in the hall. This should be noted on the Unit’s program. / Anna Cook Cathy
Poppies Anna Cook wants to make 100,000for Anzac Day see new Facebook page. Tie into Remembrance Day. She aims for them all to be finished by Remembrance Day 2018.
Breastcare bags – ongoing project - finished bags to office please
Ros Sim Training Room – ongoing project Need sign. Will need repaint, adjust layout a little etc, create kitchenette only with storage, install hot water, add flyscreens & remove bars,
Region Good Turn 2015 – Bosom Buddies If not going to attend BBQ then please encourage your District to do something for Bosom Buddies. Bosom Buddies women will come and talk to Districts.
Archery needs more equipment
Not enough interest was expressed so no bus has been organised for Adventure in the Garden.
A Region meeting will be organised in Goulburn when Ros returns from her trip
Meeting closed at9.15pm.

Re: Treasurer’s report – item 1 - request

I have been selected to participate in an International Guide event. While I am not the primary contingent leader, I will be escorting the girls attending the Peak and Fun Camps in July and August this year in London and home after the camp.( I am not actually attending the camps myself)

I am doing this as the primary contingent leader Amanda Steele is not returning to Australia after the camp, so I am fulfilling the duty of care requirements so the girls (including my daughter) can attend.

I wanted to request that Region use their International travel fund to reimburse me for the administrative expenses ($250) associated with the contingent as detailed below.

Due Date / Amount Due / Date Received / Amount Received
/ International contingent fee / 15-Dec-2014 / -$80.00 / $0.00
International contingent support fee / 15-Dec-2014 / $80.00 / $0.00
Event fee / 15-Dec-2014 / $80.00 / $0.00
International Scarf / 15-Dec-2014 / $15.00 / 9-Feb-2015 / $15.00
Administration fee / 15-Dec-2014 / $150.00 / 9-Feb-2015 / $150.00
/ Event fee / 15-Feb-2015 / -$80.00 / $0.00
/ Food at camp / 15-Feb-2015 / -$125.00 / $0.00
Food at the camp / 15-Feb-2015 / $125.00 / $0.00
Overseas component travel Ins / 15-Feb-2015 / $85.00 / 9-Feb-2015 / $165.00
TOTALS: / $250.00 / $330.00

Jodi Lawler

Outdoor Activities Report for February 2015

Received Applications to Camp

Terri Zimmerman - AIS Athletics Track - Alpen District - 28-29 Mar 14 - Expedition (controlled)

Helen Beasley - ACT & SE NSW Pre Jamboree - 13-15 Mar 15 - Outdoor (established)]

Ros Slater - 1A West Goulburn - 27 Feb - 1 Mar 15 - Outdoor (bush)

Karen Ely - Innabaanya - 1st Ginninderra Tassie Devils Senior Guides - 13-15 Mar 15 - Outdoor (established)

Karen Williams - Windy Acres Campsite - Alpen Senior Guides - 6-8 Mar 2015 - Outdoor (established)

Jo Shilling - Innabaanya - 2nd Queanbeyan Guides - 13-15 Mar 15 - Indoor

Evaluations Received

Peta Wright - 2nd Ginninderra & Ginninderra Senior Guides - 18-19 Oct 14 - Outdoor (established) Report

Michelle Kothe - ACT & SE Region - 21-23 Nov 2014 - Outdoor (established) Report

Fiona Langford - ACT & SE Region - 21-23 Nov 2014 - Indoor Camp Report

Ros Slater - State Event - 1-2 Mar 14 - Expedition (controlled) - Report

Helen Beasley - Various Units - 14-15 Feb 15 - Indoor - Report

Upcoming Assessment Camps

Stella Murphy - Bowning Campsite - Yass Flexible Unit - 20-22 Mar 2015 - Outdoor (established) assessment

Emily Brown - Murrungundie Guide Hall - Murrungundie Southern Cross Guides - 27-29 Mar 15 - Indoor Assessment

Adventurous Activities

Kirsty Warren - 3A North Canberra Rosellas - 8 Mar 15 - Canoeing

Robyn Dixon - Black Mountain Brownie Unit - 12 Mar 15 - Canoeing

Tina Fisk - Various Units - 1 Mar 15 - Canoeing

Tina Fisk 1st North Canberra Gumnut Guides - 27 Feb 15 - Canoeing

Aimee Kent & Ros Slater - 3rd Goulburn Ranger Guides - 11 Feb 15 - Canoeing

Aimee Kent & Ros Slater - 3rd Goulburn Ranger Guides - 25 Feb 15 - Canoeing

Sheree Avard - Woden Guides - 16 & 23 Mar 15 - Canoeing

Annie Lindsay - Mt Taylor and Weston Creek Guides - 7 Apr 15 - Indoor Rockclimbing

Adventurous Activity Reports

No adventurous activity reports received

Completed Outdoor Modules

Helen Beasley - 228094 - 29 Jan 2015 - Conduct Canoe Kayak Activities - Endorsement

Property Inspections Submitted

Kilto Scout Camp - Taralga Road Goulburn - Ros Slater - 4 Jan 2015

Michelle Kothe

March 2015

Water Activities Report February 2015

Unit Canoeing:

Christin Fisk conducted the following canoe events: 1st North Canberra Gumnut Guides 26 February.

Emily Brown and Christin Fisk supervised the safety of the following event: Kuringa Guides rafting in slow flowing and shallow water – please note this is a not-so-adventure activity – 4 March.

Emily Brown and Melanie Broadbent conducted a canoe event for 3a Canberra (Rosella) Junior Guides on Sunday 8 March.

Christin Fisk and various other leaders conducted a canoe event to clean up the shore of Lake Ginninderra on Clean Up Australia Day. It was windy but uneventful.

Dragon Boating

Our trip to Jindabyne was a huge success! Every girl made a friend and enjoyed the paddling and sleepover. I wrote a piece for Waratah.

Our next event will be the National Capital Regatta on 28 March. Sandy Thomas is the contact for this regatta.

School Holidays event

I plan to have a canoe and kayak trip in Jerrabomberra Creek for canoe leaders and guides who have achieved Trefoil 3 canoeing during the next school holidays.

Christin Fisk

11 March 2015

Jamboree Attendees


Melanie / Broadbent / Leader / 3A Canberra Rosellas
Teresa / McTaggart / Leader / 4th Canberra St Johns
Helen / Beasley / Leader / 1st Melba
Joyce / Neilsen / Leader / Goulburn (1a) 1A Dolphin Guides


giulietta rose / field / 4th st johns nth canberra act
Aisha / Strutt / MurrungundieMonkeez
Mardi Kate / Boa / Ngunnawal Second Guides
Victoria Marie / Broadbent / 2nd Ginninderra
Koki / Aitkin / 4h Canberra St Johns
Emily Kate / Croft-Sharp / Pioneer
Ashleigh / Eason / Hawker
Imogen Sophia / Rayner / 1st Melba
Daisy / Coloton / 5th Tuggeranong South
Danielle / Howse / 2nd Ngunnawal Guides
Bronte / Sheaves / MurrungundieMonkeez
Caitlin Rose / Beasley / Monkeez
Amber / Mcleish / 2nd Ginninderra
Kenzie / Todd / 2nd Ngunnawal Guides
Nicole Oldman / Georgopoulos / 1st Ginninderra Tassie Devils
Gabrielle / White / 3rd Goulburn Ranger Guides
Gemma Lee / Hollands / 1A West Goulburn
Annalise / Denney / 3rd Ranger Guides
Emily Rose / Ahearn / 1A West Goulburn
Alesha Melanie / Hassett / 1A West

ACT & SE Region Thinking Day 2015


Attendance list:

See attached

Some numbers:

115 people on site during the day

20 Leaders

17 family members

78 girls (11 without a consent form and whose parent/s did not stay on site)

$160.25 raised for the Thinking Day fund

25 boats

Ginninderra – 12

Nth Cba – 8

Alpen – 3

TuggSth - 2

6 (I think) boat races – very exciting and very close finishes!

10 fun developing-partnerships activities working towards WORLD PEACE

3 excellent Guides Owns compiled and well-run by Meg Jones, Nth Cba Junior Guide Leaders, and Anna Cook

1 Guest speaker – Fran Reynold, Board Member, UN Women Australia who gave an interesting and engaging talk about the work of UN Women and how we can all be involved in making the world a better place

29°C top temperature – although it felt hotter than that during the closing ceremony!

8 Districts represented:

Numbers by District (includes girls, leaders and family members)

Alpen – 21

Ginninderrra – 40

Gungahlin – 1

Murrungundie – 9

Nth Cba – 23

Queanbeyan – 6

TuggSth - 5

Wanniassa - 4

No form and not on Region membership list – 4 2 Judges:

Leanne Lowery (Kowarry)

Anne Cain (Mog)

4 prizes:

Best Decorated:

1st Hawker Bluegum Junior Guides, Ginninderra District -

Aqua Fish made by girls from 3A Rosellas Junior Guides North Canberra. The boat was made by Elizabeth Anderson, Emily Graham, Alys Robertson and Elaine Hansen. Only Alys and Elaine were able to race but all four contributed to boat design.

Individual boat:

Vicky Brown, Ginninderra Gumnuts, Ginninderra District won the individual boat race.

Merika Cup:

Merika Cup was won by Juliet Skinner and Sammi Moore from North Canberra Guides using a boat built by 2nd Ginninderra Guides nicely demonstrating the partnership theme of the day.

1 insect bite

1 twisted ankle

A couple of tumbles during races.

Feedback received so far has indicated that everyone enjoyed the day…

“Enthusiasm was high and we all had an awesome day.”

“All our girls had a great day.”

“The girls really enjoyed themselves and I am pretty sure the highlight was the dry regatta.”


Kaz Ely Laura Mukherjee

24 February 2015 .