Nashoba Regional School District


Information fluency

Standards and Benchmarks

Pre K - 12

Nashoba Regional School District Technology Literacy and Information Fluency Standards and Expectations

Work in this document is based upon the standards outlined in the Massachusetts Recommended Pre K-12 Technology Literacy Standards, October 2007 and the Massachusetts Recommended Pre K-12 Information Fluency Standards, February 2007.


The 2007 NRSD PreK-12 Technology Literacy and Information Fluency Standards and Expectations document are the result of the dedication and effort of many dedicated staff. The work here reflects… We acknowledge the efforts of…


The Nashoba Regional School District acknowledges the contributions made to the development of these materials by the

First Name Last Name / First Name Last Name
Overview and Organization


Statement for the rationale of combining the PreK-12 Technology Literacy and Information Fluency Standards and Expectations standards …The role of technology and information literacy in today’s local and global society/workforce.

Unique to this document is a combination of Technology Literacy and Information Fluency Standards and Benchmarks. Standards and benchmarks that originated from the Massachusetts Recommended Pre K-12 Technology Literacy Standards are identified with (TL) and Expectations that originated with the Massachusetts Information Fluency Recommended Pre K-12 Standards are identified with (IF).Statement of how and why these standards are separated by grade level spans…The difference between the concept of “exploratory skill” (grade K-2) vs. “standard” (grade 3-12).

Like all of the core NRSD curricula documents, the Technology Literacy and Information Fluency document includes the following key components:

Big Ideas: The enduring understandings of the big picture of learning. Big ideas are transferable beyond the scope of a standard. One or more big ideas for each of the standards have been identified. Concepts associated with big ideas increase in complexity by grade level.

Essential Questions: Provocative, student-friendly questions designed to engage student interest and guide inquiry into the important ideas in a field of study. Essential questions are intended to stimulate discussion and rethinking over time. By answering essential questions, students come to understand the Big Idea.

Benchmarks: Statement discussing E -Exposure, I- Introduced, R-Reinforced, and M- Demonstrating Mastery. Statement about the integration/infusion of these benchmarks into curriculum……

The skills and concepts enumerated in this document can be attained by students in a variety of ways:

·  While learning the content of the curriculum in everyday classroom activities

·  Activities in Computer Labs and Media Centers

·  Specific course work (e.g., taking a graphics design course)

·  Independent study (e.g., supporting a specific project)

·  Extracurricular activity (e.g., publishing a school newsletter)

Table of Contents

Technology Literacy and Information Fluency Grade Pre K 6

Exploratory Concepts: Basic Operations and Productivity Tools 6

Exploratory Concepts: Ethics, Society and Safety 6

Exploratory Concepts: Problem Solving and Communication 7

Exploratory Concepts: Appreciate Literature 7

Technology Literacy and Information Fluency Grades K - 2 8

Exploratory Skill: Basic Operations and Productivity Tools 8

Basic Operations (1.1 TL) 8

Word Processing and Desktop Publishing (1.2 TL) 8

Database and Spreadsheet (Tables/Charts and Graphs) (1.3 TL) 8

Internet and Multimedia (1.4 TL) 8

Exploratory Skill: Digital Citizenship in the Classroom, Ethics, and Safety 9

Ethics (2.1 TL) 9

Use Information: Ethical (4. IF) 9

Classroom/Society (2.2 TL) 9

Health and Safety (2.3 TL) 9

Exploratory Skill: Research and Information Fluency; Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making; Communication; and Creativity and Innovation 10

Define an Information Task (1. IF) 10

Develop Information Seeking Strategies (2. IF) 10

Locate and Access Information (3. IF) 11

Gather and Use Information (3. TL) 11

Use Information: Evaluate and Extract (4. IF) 11

Evaluate (7. IF) 11

Participate in Collaborative Activities (6. IF) 11

Problem Solve (3.2 TL) 12

Communication & Collaboration (3.3 TL) 12

Synthesize Information (5. IF) 12

Exploratory Skill: Appreciate Literature 12

Appreciate Literature (8 IF) 12

Technology Literacy and Information Fluency Grades 3 - 5 14

Standard: Basic Operations and Productivity Tools 14

Basic Operations (1.1 TL) 14

Word Processing/Desktop Publishing (1.2 TL) 14

Database (1.3 TL) 15

Spreadsheet (1.4 TL) 15

Internet, Networking, and Online Communication (1.5 TL) 15

Multimedia and Software Applications (1.6 TL) 15

Standard: Digital Citizenship, Ethics, Society, and Safety 15

Ethics (2.1 TL) 16

Use Information: Ethical (4. IF) 16

Society (2.2 TL) 16

Health and Safety (2.3 TL) 16

Standard: Research and Information Fluency; Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making; Communication; and Creativity and Innovation 17

Define an Information Task (1. IF) 17

Develop Information Seeking Strategies (2. IF) 18

Locate and Access Information (3. IF) 18

Research (3.1 TL) 18

Use Information: Evaluate and Extract (4. IF) 19

Evaluate (7. IF) 19

Participate in Collaborative Activities (6. IF) 19

Problem Solving (3.2 TL) 20

Communication (3.3 TL) 20

Synthesize Information (5. IF) 20

Standard: Appreciate Literature 20

Appreciate Literature (8. IF) 20

Technology Literacy and Information Fluency Grades 6 - 8 22

Standard: Basic Operations, Concepts, and Productivity Tools 22

Basic Operations (1.1 TL) 22

Word Processing/Desktop Publishing (1.2 TL) 22

Database (1.3 TL) 23

Spreadsheet (1.4 TL) 23

Internet, Networking, and Online Communication (1.5 TL) 23

Multimedia and Software Applications (1.6 TL) 23

Standard: Digital Citizenship, Ethics, Society, and Safety 24

Ethics (2.1 TL) 24

Use Information: Ethical (4. IF) 24

Society (2.2 TL) 24

Health and Safety (2.3 TL) 25

Standard: Research and Information Fluency; Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making; Communication; and Creativity and Innovation 25

Define Information Task (1. IF) 25

Develop Information Seeking Strategies (2. IF) 26

Locate and Access Information (3. IF) 26

Research (3.1 TL) 27

Use Information: Evaluation and Extraction (4. IF) 27

Evaluate (7. IF) 27

Participate in Collaborative Activities (6. IF) 27

Problem Solving (3.2 TL) 28

Communication (3.3 TL) 28

Synthesize Information (5. IF) 28

Standard: Appreciate Literature 28

Appreciate Literature (8. IF) 29

Technology Literacy and Information Fluency Grades 9 - 12 30

Standard: Basic Operations, Concepts, and Productivity Tools 30

Basic Operations (1.1 TL) 30

Word Processing/Desktop Publishing (1.2 TL) 30

Database (1.3 TL) 31

Spreadsheet (1.4 TL) 31

Internet, Networking, and Online Communication (1.5 TL) 31

Multimedia and Software Applications (1.6 TL) 32

Web Authoring and Publishing Tools (1.7 TL/NRSD) 32

Standard: Digital Citizenship, Ethics, Society, and Safety 32

Ethics (2.1 TL) 33

Use Information: Ethics (4. IF) 33

Evaluate (7. IF) 33

Society (2.2 TL) 33

Health and Safety (2.3 TL) 34

Standard: Research and Information Fluency; Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making; Communication; and Creativity and Innovation 34

Define Information Task (1. IF) 34

Develop Information Seeking Strategies (2. IF) 35

Locate and Access Information (3. IF) 35

Research (3.1 TL) 35

Use Information: Evaluate and Extract (4. IF) 36

Participate in Collaborative Activities (6. IF) 36

Problem Solving (3.2 TL) 36

Communication (3.3 TL) 37

Synthesize Information (5. IF) 37

Standard: Appreciate Literature 37

Appreciate Literature (8. IF) 38

Technology Literacy and Information Fluency
Grade Pre K

Exploratory Concepts

Exploratory Concepts: Basic Operations and Productivity Tools

Students will begin to recognize the main components of a computer as well as identify other types of everyday technology (i.e. computers, cameras, audio/video players, cell phones, televisions, traffic lights, wrist watches, coffee makers, cash registers, etc.) Students will explore open-ended developmentally appropriate computer applications in a manner that is engaging and playful.

Big Idea:

Technology is a tool that helps us perform tasks and create products.

Essential Questions:

What is technology?

Can technology be helpful?

The following are suggested activities.

· Students and teacher discuss a variety of technology tools and the tasks they helps us to perform or the product that they helps us to produce.

· Students are provided opportunities, at the teacher’s discretion, to explore an open-ended software programs on a classroom or lab computer.

· Teachers model the use of a digital camera to document student experiences and products.

Exploratory Concepts: Ethics, Society and Safety

Students will be able to follow classroom rules surrounding the use of technology in the classroom.

Big Idea:

Technology needs to be used carefully and safely.

Essential Questions:

What does it mean to be careful when you are using something?

What are some of the rules that we should have in our classroom that will help us to use our technology safely and carefully?

The following are suggested activities.

· Students help create classroom rules regarding the use of technology and agree to follow them.

· Students draw pictures representing the rules.

Exploratory Concepts: Problem Solving and Communication

Students will begin to explore the use of technology to problem solve and communicate.

Big Idea:

Technology can be helpful to solve problems and can be used to talk to or send messages to others.

Essential Questions:

What are some of the ways that we could send a message or talk to someone that is not in the classroom?

What would they need to get the message, hear us or see us?

The following are suggested activities.

· Students discuss, with the teacher, technology tools that help people communicate with each other.

· Teachers model the use of a computer to watch an educational video or visit an educational website with the class.

Exploratory Concepts: Appreciate Literature

Technology Literacy and Information Fluency
Grades K - 2

Exploratory Skills and Expectations

Exploratory Skill: Basic Operations and Productivity Tools

Students will become familiar with the technology and information literacy tools available to them in their classroom, computer lab and library. By the end of grade 2 students will be able to perform basic computer skills and demonstrate an understanding of the basic functions and applications of a computer.

Big Idea:

Technology is used a tool for learning.

Essential Questions:

How can a technology tool help you learn?

What do you need to know about using technology in order to help you learn?

By the end of second grade, students will have been introduced to and provided opportunities to REINFORCE the following skills…

Basic Operations (1.1 TL)

· Demonstrate beginning steps in using available hardware and applications (e.g., turn on a computer, launch a program, use a pointing device such as a mouse). (1.11)

· Explain that icons (e.g., recycle bin/trash, folder) are symbols used to signify a command, file, or application. (1.12)

· Identify, locate, and use letters, numbers, and special keys (e.g., space bar, Shift, Delete), on the keyboard. (1.13)

· Recognize the functions of basic file menu commands (e.g., New, Open, Close, Save, Print). (1.14)

Word Processing and Desktop Publishing (1.2 TL)

· Use a word processing application to write, edit, print, and save simple assignments. (1.21)

· Insert and size a graphic in a word processing document. (1.22)

Database and Spreadsheet (Tables/Charts and Graphs) (1.3 TL)

· Explain that computers can store and organize information so that it can be searched. (1.31)

· Use a simple computer graphing application to display data. (1.32)

Internet and Multimedia (1.4 TL)

· Demonstrate understanding that the Internet links computers around the world, allowing people to access information and communicate. (1.41/NRSD)

· Demonstrate the ability to use tools in painting and/or drawing programs. (1.42)

Exploratory Skill: Digital Citizenship in the Classroom, Ethics, and Safety

Students will understand age appropriate rules in school that pertain to technology use that will help them to be good classmates. Students will be introduced to the steps in evaluating resources for their appropriateness, select the best and extract the relevant information. Students will practice ethical behavior and respect for intellectual property rights.

Big Idea:

There are rules that that help us to use technology safely and responsibly. There is a process to evaluate and synthesize information. Students need to begin to understand the concept of copyright and fair use.

Essential Questions:

We read and listen to information from the Internet, television, radio, books and magazines almost every day. Should we believe all of it?

Why do people publish information, create movies, and songs? Is it important to know the creator or author?

Are we always safe when we use computers? Why or why not?

The computer lab and the library have rules for using technology; should we have classroom rules when we use our computer(s), digital camera(s) or other technology tools?

By the end of second grade, students will have been introduced to and provided opportunities to REINFORCE the following skills…

Ethics (2.1 TL)

· Follow classroom rules for the responsible use of computers, peripheral devices, and resources. (2.11)

· Demonstrate awareness that media is owned by the person(s) who created it. (2.12/NRSD)

Use Information: Ethical (4. IF)

Ethical Behavior in Information (4.c.)

· Indicate the source of information (4.28)

· Identify author and title of an information source (4.29/NRSD))

Classroom/Society (2.2 TL)

· Explain why there are rules for using technology at home and at school. (2.21)

· Identify the purpose of a media message (to inform, persuade, or entertain). (2.22)

· Describe how people use many types of technologies in their daily lives. (2.23)

Health and Safety (2.3 TL)

· Follow the school rules for safe and ethical Internet use. (Use of Internet in this grade span is determined by district policy.) (2.31)

· Demonstrate knowledge of ergonomics and electrical safety when using computers. (2.32)

· Demonstrate understanding that a password helps protect the privacy of information. (2.33/NRSD)

Exploratory Skill: Research and Information Fluency; Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making; Communication; and Creativity and Innovation

Students will be introduced to the research process. Students will organize new information to construct a product that communicates the results of their research. Students will participate effectively in groups to pursue and generate information. This may include both self and peer evaluation.

Big Idea:

The act of researching involves the ability to effectively use tools and resources to find, organize and make sense of information. Problem solving and decision making comes from looking at information in different ways and sharing ideas with others. There are a variety of tools and resources that help us organize, share and present new knowledge.