Faculty of Intellectual Disability eNewsletter – April 2013
Dr John Devapriam (Editor),
Dr Claudia Camden-Smith,
Dr Geoff Marston,
Dear Colleagues,
It is our pleasure to present to you the new format of the newsletter. We have moved from PDF to an e-newsletter format. We would like to thank Kasia Krawczyk, staff editor at the College, very much for her hard work over the years in putting together the PDF format of the newsletter. Geoff Marston, Claudia Camden-Smith and others on the previous editorial board have produced excellent newsletters over the years which have been very informative and interesting. It will be a tough act to follow. Geoff has completed his tenure as an executive member but has kindly agreed to stay on the editorial board to support us. John Devapriam has taken on the editor’s role from Geoff and Claudia is leading on the trainee’s section of the newsletter.
We have decided to go for the e-newsletter format which will hopefully be more interactive and user-friendly. We would like to see the e-newsletter as a means of communication between the executive committee of the Faculty and frontline clinicians, trainees and other interested parties. We shall endeavour to update clinicians with the work carried out by the executive committee members. Likewise, it would be great for clinicians also to communicate their opinions with regards to clinical practice in the field of ID, on College activities and national and regional policies. We will also be interested in local initiatives, events, innovative practice that happens locally in your regions and we would appreciate if you could share these via the newsletter to the wider clinicians working in the field of intellectual disabilities. We would encourage you to send in your articles by email to . We endeavour to bring out three issues of the e-newsletter per year.
In this issue we have some very interesting articles from clinicians and trainees who have been very active and interested in College activities. We have also got updates from the executive committee members on the work streams they are leading on in 2012-13. We would like to thank all the contributors for their input and special thanks to Veena Verdi at the College for her help with publishing.
We hope you enjoy this issue!