On the 29th of August, 1869, the family of Johan Hermann Bernard Klitz arrived in America at Clinton Castle Gardens in New York after have having sailed on the ship “ FreihardelFreihandel” from GermanyPrussia. On the 31st of August, 1869, his son, Johann Engelbert Klitz arrived atClinton Castle Gardens, New York, having sailed on the ship “Argonaut”. The year of 2019 will mark the 150th year of their arrival and LET’S CELEBRATE.

At the Klitz Family Reunion, Labor Day week-end in Holyoke, 2015, we discussed “The Celebration” to be held at the Klitz Family Reunion, Labor Day week-end 2019. Yes, I know that is 4 years from now, but we want to make sure that all everyone knows far enough in advance so that arrangement can be made. Why so far in advance you ask, ? because Because we plan on inviting the Klitz Family from Germany and the Henry Klitz family to help us celebrate.

We have jotted down some thoughts:

When: Labor Day Week-end 2019…..Saturday 1:00pm to Sunday 4:00pm.

Who: Host Family ______with all of the Klitz Kids helping ….as this will be a very large group. We will need the help of the younger generation for this celebration. The children of my generation will be in charge of the food. It is probably time to get them involved in this Family Reunion tradition anyway.

Where (TBD): Saint Wenceslaus Church basement

VFW in Dodge

Dodge Auditorium

We will need most of the celebration inside indoors because of the displays, etc. that we will have there for the entire week-end.

Who to Invite: Members of the John C. Klitz Family

Members of the Henry Klitz Family

Members of the Klitz Family in Germany


Begin the celebration at 1:00 pm

Meet at______in Dodge 1:00 to 3:002:30 Register and pay for dinners and receive program for the week-end. We will need a program because of all the different activities taking place on the week-end. Visit and view the numerous displays

2:30….travel to Deb and Robert’s farm….The Klitz Farmstead……..For Opening of the Week-End end

3:00………. Opening prayer for the week-end

Welcome from the John Klitz Family – Speaker TBD

Welcome from the Henry Klitz Family – Speaker TBD

3:30-4:15 Presentation on the Klitz Family from 1700 to 1869arrival to Nebraska and life on the Farmstead

4:30 to 6:00 travel back to Dodge and view displays and visit

6:00 to 7:00 Dinner

7:00 to 9:00 visit and view displays

9:00 lock doors………………housekeeping chores


9:00 to 10:00………. Out door Home Mass at the Klitz Homestead with Father Sam Hayes, who’s whose mother was VeronicaKLitz Klitz Hayes, as celebrant…. with the music, Deacon, altar servers, lectors, EME’s, gift- bearers, etc. from the Klitz Families. For those not going to the Home Mass the ______will be open at 9:00.

10:00 to 11:00…… visit cemeteries…..family grave sites will have white flags(maybe make special reunion flags) for ease of finding. [We will have a binder with the photos of the tombstones and who is buried in what cemetery.] [Maybe maps with the program.]

Olean Cemetery……………………….in country by Olean Church

Saint Peter and Paul Cemetery, Howells….North east of Howells

Saint Joseph Cemetery, Dodge Hwy 91 and west entrance to Dodge

Saint Wenceslaus Cemetery North east of Dodge


Visit and view displays

11:00 to 12:00 View video and presentation of ancestors in Germany 1700-1869 plus a 2 to 5 min. talk from some, three to five people, who have been to visit the homeland. Maybe Klitzes from Germany will say a few words.

12:00 to 1:30 Dinner

1:30 to 2:30……Presentation on the Klitz Family from 1869 to 1950

2:30 to 3:30……..Story telling time….have 5 or 6 people lined up to tell stories to get it going…………………And of course ……..In German tradition………coffee and cake, cookies etc. to be served.

3:30 to 4:00…..saying our Good- Byes…Play recording of National songs of Germany and America…..one member of the John Klitz Family and one Member of the Henry Klitz Family and one member of the Klitz Family from Germany saying our good-byes.

4:00 to 5:00 Housekeeping chores

We will have forms to order and pay for any or all of the printed material , the presentations and videos that will be use at the reunion.

For displays we will have….4 foot x 25 foot Family Tree that the German Klitzes gave us.

Show Card and 3- ring binder for each generation taken from the Klitz Family History Book[will have 5 copies of History so all who want to read it can]

Table of “Old Stuff” with card of what it is and who owns it.

We will celebrate the 150th year of the homesteading of the Klitz farm at the Klitz Family Reunion, on Labor Day Week-end of 2021. For it is written………………………………………..

That the said Johan Klitz entered upon and made settlement on said land on the 20th day of August, 1871, and has built a house thereon, a frame and sod house combined, 12X16 , board roof, one door and two windows and has lived in the said house and made it his exclusive home from the 20th day of August, 1871, to present time…………..

We will have chair persons to help ramrod different parts of the week-end

Chairs Needed………


Home Mass


Saturday Food

Sunday food

Sale of items

