Four Rivers Basin Team Meeting


July 20, 2000


Jane Benson MARC/MSU

Lee Colten Division of Water, Frankfort

Robert Dunn Marshall Co. Health Department

Margo Farnsworth Cumberland River Compact

Robert Johnson Jackson Purchase RC & D

Tony Luciano Kentucky Div. Of Forestry

Jere McCuiston Kentucky Emergency Mgmt.

Kevin L. Murphy Paducah-McCracken Co. J.S.A.

Joe Primicias Purchase ADD

Shannon Sutton DOW – Madisonville R.O.

Robert Wise Coordinator, 4RBT


·  Judy Peterson sent news publication copies from the Kentucky Waterways Alliance.

·  Bob Johnson distributed cards from CareBar as a possible fundraiser for the Foundation via the Internet.

·  Margo Farnsworth stated interviews for the Red River groups are going on now.

·  They have a $5,000.00 grant from a bank to do a brochure.


Bob Wise presented information regarding a grant that had been applied for to be used to fund the status report reprinting. We still need another $5,000. Any ideas?

Web Page:

We can use the web page from the DOW for the FRBT. Kevin Murphy is working on a web page design thru one of his employees and perhaps we can have a rough draft by next meeting to review.

Media Events: Steve Vantreese from The Paducah Sun had an excellent news article on the 4RBT in a recent issue. A very good article for our organization.

Bob Wise is still working on a radio program and trying to obtain info on getting a video made. Bob Johnson stated that a nearby county had one made at a cost of $4,200 for the 10-minute presentation.

Lee Colten, DOW, said we were doing well and to keep up the good work. The Status Report is now on the DOW web page for public access. Monitoring is still going on statewide and some interesting numbers are coming in. The 2001 State Fair is going to be based on a watershed theme; more info will be coming later concerning this. Bob Wise is assisting the Frankfort Sampling Team, when available, to do TMDL sampling.

Field Trip:

Tony Luciano, Ky. Div. Of Forestry, told the group that the Forest Conservation Protection Act passed by the last legislative session is now in effect and among other requirements, requires all logging sites to have a master logger on site. After briefing us and distributing copies of a fact sheet on the FCPA and a Field Guide to Best Management Practices for Timber Harvesting in Ky., we were escorted by Mr. Luciano to two logging areas nearby where we observed some practices that affect non-point source erosion and soil sediment which wash into our streams.

We observed some practices that had a negative impact as well as practices that had a positive impact. In addition we were shown the variety of natural reproduction that was coming back as well as a variety of wildlife and songbirds that were observed on site. This field trip was to show our members first hand what we are discussing when we discuss non-point source pollution.

Next Meeting:

Our next meeting will be at the Hancock Biological Station, Thursday Aug. 17, 9:30 a.m. A field trip to view a pump-out station is planned as part of the meeting.

Meeting adjourned.