Oregon Department of Education Office of Educational Improvement

255 Capitol St. NE & Innovation

Salem, OR 97310 503-947-5796

NCLB (Titles IA, IC, IIA, IID, III, VA, VIB, and X) and Perkins (Perkins Basic and Perkins Tech Prep) grants managed by the Office of Educational Improvement & Innovation are eligible for carry-over. The Sub-grant Award Notification (SAN) indicates if carry-over is permitted. Unless otherwise stipulated the following rules apply to all carry-over requests.

General Rules:

·  Carryover requests have been incorporated into the electronic budget narrative system. Your district should make the carryover request after submitting the last claim for activities conducted prior to the end date of the grant. Once the last claim has been submitted, the system will accept the carryover request. All claims for expenses up to September 30 of the calendar year in which the grant ends must be submitted no later than November 15. All carryover requests should be submitted no later than December 15.

·  Unless otherwise negotiated with the sub-grant program manager, the carry-over period will not exceed June 30 of the next calendar year.

·  If carry-over is approved a SANs with a revised ending date will be issued to the sub-recipient.

·  In most cases, carry-over funds must be expended before new grant funds.

Specific Sub-grant Provisions:

Title 1A Basic Grants to LEAs

·  Can carry-over up to 15% of their allocation.

·  May request a waiver from the 15% limitation once in every three years.

Title 1D At Risk Children and Youth Grants to LEAs

·  Can carry-over up to 15% of their allocation.

Title 1C Migrant Education

·  Only Regular School sub-grants are eligible;

·  Carry-over is limited to 5%;

Title IIA Improving Teacher Quality

·  .Carry-over is limited to 20%

Title IID Enhancing Education Through Technology

·  Carry-over is limited to 20%

Title III Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students

·  Carry-over is limited to 20%, unless otherwise negotiated with the sub-grant program manager.

Title V-A Innovative Education

·  Carry-over is limited to 30%

Title VI- B Rural Low Income Schools(RLIS)

·  Carry-over is limited to 30%

Title VI-B REAP-Flex Funds

·  Carry-over is limited to 50%

Perkins Basic & Perkins Tech Prep

·  Carry-over is limited to 20%


Unexpended funds not approved for carry-over will be retained by ODE for reallocation to other eligible recipients.

The following NCLB competitive grant managed by the Office of Educational Improvement & Innovation is eligible for carry-over. The Sub-grant Award Notification (SAN) indicates if carry-over is permitted. The general rules listed above apply unless otherwise stipulated. Contact the grant manager regarding information for carry-over rules for other competitive grants.

Title X – McKinney-Vento Homeless Education

·  Carryover requests for competitive sub-grants from Title X (McKinney-Homeless) shall be made no later than September 30. A column is provided on the annual Title X Sub-grant Budget Form to itemize the use of carryover during the subsequent year. Sub-grantees are instructed to expend carryover funds before claiming funds from the next year.

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