Pre-AP English I Class Syllabus
Course Description
Students enrolled in Pre-AP English I continue to increase and refine their communication skills. High school students are expected to plan, draft, and complete written compositions on a regular basis. Students edit their papers for clarity, engaging language, and the correct use of the conventions and mechanics of written English and produce final, error-free drafts. In Pre-AP English I, students practice all forms of writing. An emphasis is placed on organizing logical arguments with clearly expressed related definitions, theses, and evidence. Students write to persuade, to report, and to describe with an emphasis on expository and literary writing. Pre-AP English I students read extensively outside of class with intense focus in the classroom in multiple genres from world literature such as fiction, nonfiction, dramas, poetry, media literacy, expository, persuasive, and procedural texts originally written in English or translated to English from Asian, classical Greek, European, African, South American, and North American cultures. Students learn literary forms and terms associated with selections being read. Students interpret the possible influences of the historical context on a literary work.
Major Works
*Students need to obtain each book we study. We encourage students to have their own books so that they may annotate. However, students may check out books from the library or from the teacher. Books may also be on their devices.
Fall Semester
To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee)
The Odyssey (Homer)- excerpts are provided by teacher)
Spring Semester
The Crucible (Arthur Miller)
Of Mice and Men (John Steinbeck)
Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare—in the literature textbook)
Class Supplies:
Binder + 8 dividers
1-subject spiral notebook
Blue or black ink pens
Loose-leaf paper – COLLEGE RULED ONLY!
1 subject spiral notebook
Flash drive
Teacher Information
Lisa Atieno
Room 2108
Conference: 2nd Period
Tues, Thurs – 6:30-7:05 A.M.
Mon, Tues, Wed – 2:30 – 3:15 P.M.
OR by appointment
**Tutoring times are subject to change based on my Academic Decathlon practice schedule. Notice will be given.
Mrs. Atieno’s Expectations, Policies, & Procedures:
My Expectations:
- Each day you enter our classroom, you are in a safe place to express your academic opinions and feelings freely and without judgment. Be mindful of the fact that you may not always agree with what another student is saying, but please respect their confidence for participating. Disrespect of any kind WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Blatant disrespect towards me or another student will result in swift consequences.
- You are responsible and accountable for your own actions. I hold my students to an incredibly high standard. When you’re in my class, you are expected to come prepared with all your materials and be ready to learn.
The Bottom Line…
- I am incredibly passionate about teaching reading and writing. I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t. While I don’t expect any of you to go out into the world and become English teachers, I do expect you all to walk into my class ready to learn. Put away all distractions, and be present in your own learning. I have no patience for those who feel the need to take away from another student’s learning.
- The daily average for homework will be 30-45 minutes. Students are often assigned reading or long-term projects that require them to plan their time carefully so that they are not overwhelmed by deadlines. Developing self-discipline in the areas of time management is a goal of this class.
- If you would like to attend a tutorial session, please let me know ahead of time. If my tutoring times do not fit your schedule, contact me so we can plan a time that fits for everyone. Be aware that tutoring is not held Monday morning and Friday after school.However, if you commit to coming in for tutoring, do not stand me up like your ugly prom date! SHOW UP!
Late Work:
- Late work loses 10 points per day off of the grade earned. This includes both major and daily assignments. After three days the assignment is not eligible to be turned in and the student will receive a zero on the assignment and the assignment is not eligible for reassessment/retakes.
- Students will be permitted a reasonable opportunity to redo an assignment or retake a test for which the student received a failing grade. Each assignment or assessment may only be redone once—within 3 days of grade being posted or returned and during tutorials. A grade of 70 is the maximum that a student can earn on a re-evaluation. If a 70 is not earned, the higher of the two grades will be posted to Skyward.
- Warmups are NOT allowed for reassessment/retakes.
- Grades will be based on the following:
- Daily Assignments (Including participation)
- Quizzes
- Tests/Projects
- Six Weeks/Final Exams
Daily Work/Quizzes/Assignments40%
Exams, Projects60%
Please note: Some quizzes, projects or assignments may count twice. Students will be notified in advance of those grades, which will be weighted more heavily.
Absences/Make-up Work
- Students have one class day per day absent to complete make-up assignments. Any previously assigned work due the day of the absence is due the class day the student returns. Teachers may consider the extenuating circumstances of individual students and allow more time to complete the assignments. Students who fail to complete make-up work within these guidelines will receive a grade of zero on the assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what assignments were missed during his/her absence. I have a “makeup work” station in my classroom that has the daily agendas and handouts. Please set up a professional email immediately. This is my primary form of communication, and you will be expected to communicate professionally.
Students are welcome to bring devices; however, they should be used for learning. Students may not use devices to record, store, or transmit any type of image, sound, or video from campus during school activities and/or hours, except for approved projects with the express permission of the teacher.
The Pre-AP Commitment
Let me first remind you of the expectations of a Pre-AP student. Intentionally, these courses are more challenging than our regular English classes. It is important for Pre-AP students to realize the following:
a. Most of the assigned reading will be done outside of class;
b. Pre-AP students will be analyzing literature as we read it;
c. Students will be writing extensively about the literature as well.
In order to participate in the course, you must agree to the workload and commit to performing on a high level. You won’t be given passing grades that you do not earn. You will have to work hard..If you wish to remain in Pre-AP English I, please sign (along with your parent) below, acknowledging that you both understand that the Pre-AP/AP English course:
• … requires a serious commitment of time and effort on the part of the student,
• … involves heavy reading, writing and participation components,
• … necessitates that all required reading be done in advance of class discussion,
• …demands that the student consistently write essays which meet a higher standard and expectation level than a regular English course, and
• …places responsibility upon the student to submit all assigned work by set deadlines.
Pearland High School Honor Code
It is expected that students will…
- Exercise academic honesty in all aspects of their work.
- Prepare sufficiently for all types of assessments.
- Seek extra help from teachers.
- Avoid engaging in cheating, plagiarizing, and lying.
- Use sources in the prescribed manner.
- Report any violations of the Honor Code.
The Honor Code expressly forbids the following academic violations:
Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to:
• Copying another person’s work.
• Allowing another person to copy your work.
• Using unauthorized notes, aids, or written material in any form during a test.
• Unauthorized use of technological devices (cell phones, cameras, ipods, games, etc) while taking an assessment. During assessment, visible electronic devices are deemed as cheating. No exceptions.
• Talking; copying from another person’s paper; giving or receiving information by signs, gestures, or deception during any type of assessment.
Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to:
• Presenting someone else’s work as your own, including the copying of language, structure, programming, computer code, ideas, and/or thoughts of another without proper citation or acknowledgement.
• Copying word for word, without using quotation marks or giving credit to the source of the material.
• Failing to use proper documentation and bibliography.
• Having someone else do assignments which are then submitted as one’s own work.
Examples of falsification/lying include, but are not limited to:
• Making an untrue statement verbally or in writing with the intent to deceive.
• Creating false or misleading impressions.
• Forgery of official signatures.
First Violation of Honor Code
1. A student shall receive a “0” for the school work, and is subject to a “U” in conduct, and disciplinary action.
2. Retakes will not be allowed for assignments associated with cheating.
3. A student is not eligible for final exam exemption in course where cheating took place.
Second Violation of Honor Code
1. A student shall receive a “0” for the school work, and is subject to a “U” in conduct, and disciplinary action.
2. Retakes will not be allowed for assignments associated with cheating.
3. Students who are enrolled in advanced academic courses (Pre-AP/AP) will lose weighted GPA for course.
4. A student is not eligible for final exam exemption in any course.
5. A documented finding of academic dishonesty shall be reported on the student’s college application.
6. Students in violation of the Honor Code may be removed from the National Honor Society, National Junior Honor Society, and any other Honor Society that is an organized school program.
Pre-AP English I Student/Parent Contract
As a student, I have read, understand, and agree to the following terms and guidelines laid out by Mrs. Atieno, with the support of PHS and PISD administration, in the 2017-2018 Pre-AP English I Course Syllabus. If I knowingly disregard the policies, I will accept the consequences of my actions.
Print Name/Class Period Signature Date
As a parent/guardian, I have read, understand, and agree to the same terms and guidelines set for my student, and I will join Mrs. Atieno,PHS, and PISD to support the enforcement of the policies and the consequences described. I also agree to contact Mrs. Atieno if any questions arise about the policies stated and/or the progress of my student.
Parent/Guardian #1Relationship to student:
Print Name Signature Date
I would like to be contacted by:
Phone: (Home)
Parent/Guardian #2Relationship to student:
Print Name Signature Date
I would like to be contacted by:
Phone: (Home)