September 30, 2010 Quarterly Provider Meeting


With regard to NJSAMS and the technical nature of it; more help/staff is needed to address concerns.

Response- Each participating FFS agency is assigned to DAS staff to assist with Prior- authorization and billing questions. If questions require assistance from NJSAMS IT staff the DAS Prior-authorization contact will reach out to NJSAMS IT staff and follow-up with provider.

NJSAMS has an email account that providers are encouraged to use for questions, particularly if our customer service staff is on the phone assisting other providers with technical assistance needs. In addition, the emails of NJSAMS staff are listed.

Excellent assortment of presenters at today’s meeting. Thank you! In addition, many providers have aired their concerns about the overwhelming hours of staff time involved with NJSAMS entries.

Response- NJSAMS is designed to collect minimum data to address DAS’ needs as the planning, licensing and regulating authority for all substance abuse treatment in the State of New Jersey. In addition, data items are included to meet our Federal reporting requirements such as TEDS and NOMs to ensure we continue to receive block grant funding for treatment services. We have streamlined screens whenever possible. The estimated amount of time needed to complete the DASIE is about 10 minutes, admissions screens are approximately 10 minutes and about 10 minutes for the discharge screens (information automatically pre-fills for some of the items to reduce data entry time). This is assuming the screens are being completed on the computer with the client present.

There are additional clinical practice and assessment components of NJSAMS which require additional time to complete, such as the LOCI-Adult, LOCI-Adolescent, ASI, Biopyschosocial Assessment, Diagnostic Impression and CASI.

We hope to garner additional staff resources to continue to refine and streamline NJSAMS to improve it from the user perspective.

Please find a way so that we don’t have to do 2 assessments on each client – NJSAMS and an assessment that satisfies Medicaid and Joint Commission requirements.

Response- NJSAMS includes both an ASI and a biopsychosocial assessment module; the biopsychosocial module was developed to meet Joint Commission and other accrediting body requirements.

Three presentations seems too much. I feel two presentations at most with the rest of the meeting spent to address relevant issues/questions.

Response-Understood. We will make an effort to limit the number of presentations.

Some of the presentations qualify as training (like gambling)- give CEU’s for re-certification and it provides additional value to attendance.

Response- We can work to see and obtain CEU’s for planned presentations qualify; however, presentations are often not secured far enough in advance to obtain the approvals necessary for credits and are not long enough.

CEU hours should be given for LCADC/CADC and LCSW/LSW hours during these presentations? More of a learning session than meeting.

Response- See previous response.

Post the meeting date, location, time, and agenda on the DAS website before the meeting.

Response-The meeting announcement letter, including location, date and time, is currently sent out to the email distribution list in order for potential attendees to register for the meeting. We will make a concerted effort to include the agenda in this advance material.

Post Raquel’s updates/comments on the website- supplemental and clarifying printed materials are also very helpful to facilitate information sharing back at the agency (regarding Raquel’s updates/comments).

Response-Presentations from the meetings are available on the DAS website:

Post meeting virtually on the web with visuals of speakers for providers unable to make the meeting but however want to view meeting on web.

Response-Good idea – we will explore technical options for this.

Difficulty hearing (different microphone for speakers).

Response-This was our first attempt with a microphone and speaker system. It seemed to work better for some presenters than others who were more soft spoken. Our next meeting location is supposed to have a built in sound system so hopefully this issue will be rectified.

Discuss practical issues of DMHS and DAS merger.

Response-The divisions are currently meeting internally and with the Merger Advisory Committee to discuss the merger. Nothing has been finalized at this time.

Emailing questions prior to the meeting to add to the agenda.

Response-If at any time individuals would like to pose questions to the Division, they can feel free to use our general email account () which gets forwarded to the appropriate individual. In addition, in the future the invitation letter we will remind individuals to email questions in advance of the meeting.

Provide more information on the daily technical issue i.e. CIMS, budgets, contracts. (dialogue back and forth. Presentations are okay -we are ‘talked at’ not with.

Response- Not an appropriate forum for a very technical discussion. We have trainings and webinars scheduled for that purpose. We can leave more time for discussions.

You need to build in a break. Two and a half hours is a long time to sit.

Response-Understood and this will be taken into consideration for the next meeting.

Meetings should begin on time in consideration of those who arrive on time.

Response-Time is always a consideration as attendees travel from all over the State to attend. Our intention is to start on time, but a judgment call is made on how many registrants have arrived by the start time.

10 am start time to allow for travel since we are coming from all over the State.

Response-This can be arranged, and will take effect for the February 3, 2011 meeting.

If possible, can we accommodate 2 representatives per agency?

Response-Our next meeting is being held at 1200 Negron Drive in Hamilton - off of Route 130- that can accommodate approximately 200 attendees, we will be able to accommodate more than one per agency.

More collaboration efforts between the divisions. Today was a good start. Need to be able to share resources and affiliation agreements to reach as many consumers suffering from co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders. Interested in the funding issues to be shared as a united division, for example -student opportunities for interdivisional training and again shared resources, more communications, etc. Would like more information on how membership selected for these task forces discussed in today’s presentations. Any new membership opportunities?

Response-As discussions continue between the divisions regarding the merger, increased communication and collaboration will inevitably occur and will be shared with the provider community. In addition, the co-occurring task force membership opportunity was posted publicly on the DHS website for interested applicants, as are other committee memberships when available.

Where is the DAS table of organization like DMHS has?

Response- DAS does maintain a table of organization outlining the multiple units/offices within the Division. We will post on our website.

Has the Division ever considered soliciting donations from private businesses/individuals as well as public corporations in order to increase indigent funding, much like the service providers?

Response- DHS has the authority to accept gifts, but not to solicit funds.