Draft AcademicAffairsCouncil

Minutes of the January 5, 2016

Blackboard Collaborate



Academic Affairs CouncilJanuary 5, 2016Page 1 of 5

Dr. Drake Carter (BSC)

Dr. Larry Brooks (DCB)

Dr. Cynthia Pemberton (DSU)

Mr. Lloyd Halvorson (LRSC)

Dr. Keith Stenehjem (MaSU)

Dr. Gary Rabe (MiSU)

Mr. Harvey Link (NDSCS)

Dr. Margaret Dahlberg (VCSU)

Dr. John Miller (WSC)

Ms. Barb Thorsen (CCF)

Mr. Cole Bachmeier (NDSA)

Academic Affairs CouncilJanuary 5, 2016Page 1 of 5

NDUSstaffpresent:Dr.RichardRothaus,Ms. Lisa Johnson, Dr. Tanya Spilovoy, andMs.NancyGreen.

Guests:Dr. Dan Leingang (BSC), Dr. Charlene Wolf-Hall (NDSU), Dr. Steven Light (UND), Mr. Tom McNaughton (NDUS), Ms. Ann Ellefson, and Mr. Russell Ziegler (Department of Public Instruction).




Approval of Minutes

2.Motion to approve the Joint AAC/SAC December 1, 2015 minutes, was moved by Stenehjem, seconded by Carter.

Approved by consensus.

Council Business

Stage I–New Program: (Chancellor announces request to SBHE)

3.Minot State University’s request for a new program via on-campus and distance delivery: M.S.in Sports Management, CIP Code 31.0504, effective Fall 2017.

4.North Dakota State University’s request for a new program via on-campus and distance delivery: Minor and Certificate in Entrepreneurship, CIP Code 52.0701, effective Fall 2016.

5.North Dakota State University’s request for a new program via on-campus and distance delivery: Minor in Supply Chain Management, CIP Code 52.0203, effective Fall 2016.

6.Minot State University’s request for a new program via distance delivery: Minor in Honors Program, CIP Code 30.3301, effective Fall 2016.

Motiontoapproveitems 3 through 6 wasmovedbyCarter,secondedbyMiller.


Stage II-New Prefixes: (Requires Cabinet Notice/Chancellor Approval Only)

7.Dakota College at Bottineau’s request for a new undergraduate prefix: BCT-Building Construction Technology, CIP Code 46.0101, effective Spring 2016.



Stage II-Program Title Change: (Requires Cabinet Review/Chancellor Approval)

8.Bismarck State College’s request for a program title change: From Certificate and A.A.S. inRenewable Generation Technology, CIP Code 15.0599 To Certificate and A.A.S. inEnergy Services and Renewable Technician, with the new prefix ESRE, CIP Code 15.0599,effective Fall 2016.

9.University of North Dakota’s request for a program title change: From M.S. and M.Eng.inSustainable Energy Engineering, CIP Code 14.9999 ToM.S. and M.Eng. inEnergy Systems Engineering, CIP Code 14.9999,effective Fall 2016.

10.University of North Dakota’s request for a program title change: From Minor and B.A.inGerman, CIP Code 16.0101To Minor and B.A. inGerman Studies, CIP Code 16.0101,effective Fall 2016.

11.University of North Dakota’s request for a program title change: From Ph.D.inCommunication and Public Discourse, CIP Code 09.0101To Ph.D. inCommunication, CIP Code 09.0101,effective Fall 2016.

12.University of North Dakota’s request for a program title change: From B.A. with a major inPolitical Science, CIP Code 45.1001 To B.A.inPolitical Science, CIP Code 45.1001,effective Fall 2016.

Motiontoapproveitems 8 through 12 wasmovedbyLink,secondedbyMiller.


Stage II–New Program: (Requires Cabinet Review/SBHE Action)

13.Bismarck State College’s request for a new program via on-campus and distance delivery:B.A.S. in Geomatics, with the new prefix GEOM, CIP Code 15.1102, effective Summer 2017.



14.University of North Dakota’s request for a new program via on-campus: M.S. and Ph.D. in Clinical and Translational Science, with the new prefix CTS, CIP Code 51.1401, effective Fall 2016.



15.University of North Dakota’s request for a new program via on-campus and distance delivery: Certificate, M.S., M.Eng., and Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering, CIP Code 14.2501, effective Fall 2016.



Stage II-Organizational Change: (Requires Cabinet Review/SBHE Action)

16.University of North Dakota’s request for an organizational change to change a department name: From Department of Basic SciencesToDepartment of Biomedical Sciences, effective Fall 2016.



17.University of North Dakota’s request for an organizational change to terminate Department of Technology, effective Spring 2016.



18.Fall/Winter GERTA Requests



19.Programs that Require a Criminal Background Check

Motiontoapprove the tables of Procedure 511 - Student Criminal History Background CheckswasmovedbyPemberton,secondedbyLight.


Policies and Procedures 1st Reading:

20.Procedure 402.0 - Admission Requirements

Motionto suspend first read and approve as second read wasmovedbyLink,secondedbyMiller.


21.Procedure 402.0.0 - Common Application

Motionto suspend first read and approve as second read wasmovedbyBachmeier,secondedbyCarter.


22.Policy 402 - Delegation of Admission Authority

Motionto suspend first read and approve as second read wasmovedbyLink,secondedbyHalvorson.


23.Policy 402.1.1 – Admission Policies Standardized Test Scores

Motionto suspend first read and approve as second read wasmovedbyBrooks,secondedbyLink.


24.Policy 402.1.2 – Admission Policies Placement into College Courses

Motionto suspend first read and approve as second read wasmovedbyBachmeier,secondedbyLink.



25.Pearson College Lab for English and Math (CLEM)

Mr. Russ Ziegler and Ms. Ann Ellefson from the ND Department of Public Instruction (DPI) shared information regarding a statewide proposal seeking a college or university partnership to coordinate the Pearson College Lab for English and Math to North Dakota high schools. DPI intends to offer the grant opportunity in mid-January with a timeline extending through 2017.DPI hopes to secure additional funding for subsequent years.

26.College Scheduler

Dr. Rothaus and Mr. Tom McNaughton provided a summary that College Scheduler was available to the campuses at a very minimal cost. The software increases students’ ability to set up their class schedules. The University System has the ability to put the schedule in front of students so they are able to view and interact with the new schedule immediately.

27.Learning Management System (LMS)

Several of the two-year colleges have a LMS up for renewal. They are looking at several options and will do a Request for Proposal (RFP). This would not be a Systemwide change.

28.Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Faculty Qualifications

The HLC website does not currently have the faculty qualifications posted. The extension for faculty qualifications only pertainsto dual credit faculty.

Reports and Updates

29.HLC System Visit Update

The report is not completed at this time.

30.North Dakota Student Association

There have been meetings with the officer team and they are trying to come up with three action items for the year. The fee increase paperwork has not gotten to the students yet.

31.Council of College Faculties (CCF)

CCF is working on new verbiage for the transportation issue. Additional language will include something about the “fit”with institutional mission, faculty oversight, and others who are approved that can use a state fleet vehicle.

Campus Reports, Institutional Initiatives, and Related Issues

Campuses inquired about the current status of the Predictive Analytics Reporting (PAR) system. According to NDUS Core Technology Services (CTS) staff member, David Konerza, the data upload at the campuses is slightly ahead of schedule. The Cabinet Study for Retention is considering the use of PAR in their research.

Other Business

32.Future Agenda – The February 2, 2016 meeting will be moved from the afternoon to the morning.

Future AAC Meeting: February 2, 2016

The meeting adjourned at 3:03 p.m. CT.

Academic Affairs CouncilJanuary 5, 2016Page 1 of 5