Newsletter No. 8

March 14, 2005

Site Updates

New Links Added.

Craftown Crafter’s Resource Center <> a listing of free crochet patterns on a huge website dedicated to crafting in general

Knit and Crochet patterns at Stitch Diva Studio’s <> not your Gramma’s crochet! Very cool, up to date patterns for sale. The Baroque jacket is my personal favorite.

The Shrug Lady <> shrugs patterns available for sale, good prices. Shrugs made to order, email for details.

Stitch Along Project (week 4 of 6)

Rnd 4: using contrasting color, join w/ dc in ch-sp of any shell, tr, dtc, ch 2, dtc, tr, dc, ch 4, (dc, tr, dtc, ch 2, dtc, tr, dc, ch 4) in ea shell around; 9 “peaks” – these will be the hearts

Finish off

Tips and Tricks

Crocheting with beads or sequins. Crocheting with beads or sequins can create some very striking effects, or serious disasters. There are some tricks to keep in mind if you want to avoid the disasters.

Always thread your beads onto you string or yarn before starting the piece. The only exception to this is if you bead has a hole big enough to put you hook and 2 thicknesses of your yarn or thread through.

Some colored core glass beads will leave a colored residue on you thread or yarn. Sometimes you can simply to clip the end of your thread (the most likely part to pick up the color), but be prepared to wash your finished piece.

Some beads, especially glass and certain “natural” types will add weight to the project. Even the smallest grains of sand add up to make a beach.

Use a needle to thread your beads if they’re small, it’s just easier. Remember to use a needle small enough that the bead holes will accommodate both the needle and the thread.

Project Ideas

- Suncatcher doilies – Age’s Crochet Pages has two patterns

- trims on sweaters, skirts and purses

- hair accessories – scrunchies and kerchiefs


Please contact Age Szoke

Moderator, crochetpages

Webmaster, Age’s Crochet Pages