Program for the 2nd International Symposium of Integrative Zoology
December 8-10, Beijing, China
Organized by: International Society of Zoological Sciences (ISZS)
Sponsored by: Bureau of International Cooperation, ChineseAcademy of Sciences (CAS),
Institute of Zoology (IOZ), CAS.
Plenary sessions(Meeting room: B105, mornings of 8, 9, 10 Oct.)
Session 1. Micro-Biology Chairs: Edwin Cooper and Gerd Technau (Meeting room: D122, afternoon of 8 Dec.)
Session 2. Integrative Approach and Methodology Chairs: Rosa Maria Polymeni and Zhigang Jiang (Meeting room: D119, afternoon of 8 Dec.)
Session 3:Protected Area Action Plan in the East Asia Region Chairs: John MacKinnon and Yan Xie (Meeting room: B517, afternoon of 8 Dec.)
Session 4. Role of ISZS in linking zoological societies cross the world Chairs: John Buckeridge and Zhibin Zhang (Meeting room: C101, afternoon of 8 Dec.)
Session 5: Animal Ecology Chairs: Badamdorj Bayartogtokh and Dehua Wang
(Meeting room: B517, afternoon of 9 Dec.)
Session 6. Biodiversity and Conservation Chairs: Jaye Allan and Chong Kim Wong (Meeting room: D119, afternoon of 9 Dec.)
Session 7. Evolution and biodiversity Chairs: W.E.G. Müller and Guang Yang(Meeting room: D122, afternoon of 9 Dec.)
Session 8. Behavior and Reproductive Chairs: Vera Voznessenskaya and Yanling Wang (Meeting room: C101, afternoon of 9 Dec.)
Banquet: (Baifu Xiangweilou Restaurant, 18:30 8th Dec.) with Acrobatics, Chinese Wushu, Folk song, Dancing and Sichuan opera: Face off and face on
Posters will be presented during the whole Symposium and presenters will on site to explain during 13:00-14:00 and 18:00-18:30.
Dec. 8, 2007
Morning(Meeting room: B105)
8:30- 9:30: Opening session, Chairs: Dexing Zhang and Zhibin Zhang
Three invited speeches (10 minutes each)
Introduction to International Society of Zoological Sciences (ISZS) - John Buckeridge (10 minutes)
Introduction to the journal of Integrative Zoology (IZ) - Zhibin Zhang (10 minutes)
Introduction to 20th International Congress of Zoological Sciences (ICZ) - Jean- Marc Jallon (10 minutes)
9:30-10:10 Group photo and tea break (40 minutes)
10:10- 12:10: Plenary session (Each 40 minutes including questions)
10:10-10:50 Comparative Immunology: From ASZ to ISZS, An International View -Edwin Cooper (USA)
10:50-11:30 Molecular Biology of Social Interactions -Yi Rao (China)
11:30-12:10 Species richness and adaptive capacity in animal communities – John MacKinnon (UK)
Afternoon 14:00 – 18:00, 8th
4 symposium sessions on different subjects, 8-10 presentations each session (20 minutes each, including questions)
Session 1. Organelles, Development and Environment (Meeting room: D122)
Chairs: Edwin Cooper and Gerd Technau
1.Mitochondrial sequence data reveals the phylogeny of the Asian Helice group (Decapoda: Brachyura: Varunidae) -Hongying Sun (China)
2.Oogenesis in mice, and somatic cell cloning -Eimei Sato (Japan)
3.Biosilica: the impact and value of sponge biology, molecular biology and chemistry for biotechnology -Xiaohong Wang (Beijing) and W.E.G. Müller (Germany).
4.Segmental patterning of the drosophila central nervous system -Gerd Technau (Germany)
5.The role of red spherule Coelomocytes in the wound healing process of the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus.-Lisanne D’Andrea-Winslow (USA)
Tea break (20 minutes)
6.Effects of cadmium on glutathione synthesis in the hepatopancreas of freshwater crab, Sinopotamon yangtsekiense-Lan Wang (China)
7.RAPD characterization of Pseudomonas aeuriginosa isolated from pesticides stressed soil -Pooja Pandey (India)
8.Toxicology of organic and inorganic contaminants on Amphibian tadpoles -Yingmei Zhang (China)
9.Enantio selectivity in endocrine disruption of Synthetic Pyrethroids -Meirong Zhao (China)
Session 2. Integrative Approach and Methodology (Meeting room: D119)
Chairs: Rosa Maria Polymeni and Zhigang Jiang
1.Genes, individuals, societies: integrated approaches to understanding insect societies -Juergen Heinze (Germany)
2.What did we learn from the introduction and rewilding of Père David’s deer in China? An case study of Integrative Conservation Biology -Zhigang Jiang (China)
3.Integrative Physiology of plateau pikas and root voles from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau -Dehua Wang (China)
4.Current situation and future trends of the zoological investigations in Mongolia -Badamdorj Bayartogtokh (Mongolia)
Tea break (20 minutes)
5.Presence-absence modeling as an inexpensive and effective tool to survey mammals in mountainous areas-Igor Khorozyan (Armenia)
6.Transformation and democratization of zoological taxonomy in the cyber era -Zhiqiang Zhang (New Zealand)
7.Need of integrative approach to address the zoological issues associated with natural resource conservation and management under the challenges of changing climate in Bangladesh -Bidhan Das (Bangladesh)
8.Tissue-specific cadmium and metallothionein levels in freshwater crab sinopotamon henanense during acute exposure to waterborne cadmium -Wenli Ma (China)
Session 3: Protected Area Action Plan in the East Asia Region (Meeting room: B517)
Chairs: John MacKinnon and Yan Xie
1.Introduction of the draft Protected Area Action Plan in the East Asia Region
2.Open discussion
Session 4: Role of ISZS in linking zoological societies cross the world (Meeting room: C101)
Chairs: John Buckeridge and Zhibin Zhang
1.Presentations from representatives of national zoological societies or organizations (10- 15 minutes each)
2.Open discussion: Promotion of Integrative Zoology through ISZS and IZ, and ICZ.
18:30 Banquet(Baifu Xiangweilou Restaurant)
1. Dancing: bird of paradise
2. Folk song of Tibet
3. Acrobatics by contortionist
4. Sichuan opera: Face off and face on
5. Chinese martial art (Wushu)
6. Thousand-hand Bodhisattva dance
Dec. 9, 2007
Morning 8:30-12:00 Plenary session(Meeting room: B105)
Chairs: Jean-Marc Jallon and Michael Schmitt
8:30- 9:05 Conserving Wildlife In and Around Protected Areas: Challenges in Park-People Relationships -Jeffrey A. McNeely (IUCN, Switzerland)
9:05-9:40 Coelurosaurian phylogeny revisited: recovering phylogenetic signals from subtle morphological variations -Xing Xu (China)
9:40- 10:15 The rationale for inculcating Ethical Awareness into the Biological Sciences -John Buckeridge (Australia)
10:15-10:50 UV vision and reflectance in sexual selection of jumping spiders-Daiqin Li (Singapore)
10:50-11:00 Tea break (10 minutes)
11:00-11:25 Aristotle´s system on living things: art imitates nature -Rosa Maria Polymeni (Greece)
11:25-11:45 Art imitates nature (Aristotle, On Nature 194a.21): Plants -Sophia Rhizopoulou (Greece)
11:45-12:20 Carl Linnaeus - systematist between Aristotle and Willi Hennig -Michael Schmitt (Germany)
Afternoon 13:30-18:00 4 symposium sessions. Each talk 20 minutes including questions
Session 5. Animal Ecology (Meeting room: B517)
Chairs: Badamdorj Bayartogtokh and Dehua Wang
1.Biology and ecology of Pallas cats in Mongolia -Bariushaa Munkhtsog (Mongolia)
2.Evaluation of marine algal fatty acids Supplement in broodstock diets of Macrobrachium rosenbergii-Balamurugan Paramaraj (India)
3.Diet and time budgets of the Assamese Macaque (Macaca assamensis) in the Nonggnag Nature Reserve, China -Qihai Zhou (China)
4.The research on the habitat requirement of the Mongolia gazelle around Dalai Lake -Bingwan Liu (China)
5.Biology and ecology of Lymantria dispar L -Baigal-Amar Tuulaikhuu (Mongolia)
Tea break (20 minutes)
6.Rodent species diversity and abundance in modified landscapes: consequences in agriculture and public health in Africa – the case of Tanzania-Rhodes Makundi(Tanzania)
7.Land management practices influence on breeding and abundance of Mastomys natalensis-Apia W. Massawe (Tanzania)
8.Testing the high tannin hypothesis with scatter- hoarding rodents experimental and field evidence -Zhishu Xiao (China)
9.Distribution pattern and food relationships among five carnivore species at Saihanwula Nature Reserve -Weidong Bao (China)
10.Global potential distribution modeling of the invasive species, the Long-legged ant, Anoplolepis gracilipes (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) under climate change-Youhua Chen (China)
Session 6. Biodiversity and Conservation (Meeting room: D119)
Chairs: Jaye Allan and Chong Kim Wong
1.Endemic endangered species distribution scinerio -B.M. Arora (India)
2.Diversity and conservation of fishes and amphibians of Iran-Hamid Reza Esmaeili (Iran)
3.Spatial and seasonal variations in chaetognath assemblages in two subtropical marine inlets with different hydrographical characteristics-Chong Kim Wong (Hong Kong, China)
4.Saola and new mammalian species of Southeast Asia: biological and conservation status -Bui Xuan Nguyen (Vietnam)
5.Ex Situ Behavioural Conservation-An essential step in the long term strategy to save endangered species-Carin Harrington and Liu Her (Hong Kong, China)
6.Assessment of Guangdong Huidong sea turtle nesting habitat and conservation in China-Wei Li (China)
Tea break (20 minutes)
7.Population of red deer in Tarim, Sinkiang -Mahamuti Halike (China)
8.A view on Chinese zoos -Jaye Allan (China)
9.An essential step in the long term strategy to save endangered species-Carin Harrington and Liu Her (Hong Kong, China)
10.The action for the wildlife conservation and practical problems in the nomadic area, Tibet-Migmar Wangdwei (China)
11.Asiatic Black Bear (Ursus thibetanus ussuricus) Restoration Project -Bae-Keun Lee (Republic of Korean)
Session 7. Evolution and biodiversity (Meeting room: D122)
Chairs: W.E.G. Müller and Guang Yang
1.Early evolution of Metazoa and the significance of the Porifera-W.E.G. Müller (Germany), Xiaohong Wang (China), Jinhe Li (China)
2.Origin, evolution and phylogeography of Phrynocephalus vlangalii on north Tibetan (Qinghai) Plateau-NaifaLiu (China)
3.High similarity at three MHC loci between baiji and finless porpoise: trans-species or convergent evolution-Guang Yang (China)
4.Virtual experiments permit manipulations in zoology not possible palpably: using marine snails to examine the evolution of co-operative animal behaviour-Mark Davies (UK)
5.Origin and diversity of dwarf hamsters (genus Phodopus)-Feoktistova Natalia (Russia)
Tea break (20 minutes)
6.Ectoparasites of the Nile rat Arvicanthis niloticus (Desmarest, 1822) Lesson, 1842 (Mammalia, Muridae) in some rural and rrban regions of Sudan-Dina Mustafa Fagir (Sudan)
7.The specific biodiversity of jumping spiders from Mountains Gaoligongshan, Yunnan, China-Xianjin Peng (China)
8.Taxonomic status of three forms of hamster group Cricetulus barabensis sensu lato by philogenetic, geographical and hybridization analysis-Alexei Surov (Russia)
9.Phylogeny and conservation of Ranidae in China-Jianping Jiang (China)
10.Morphological adaptation of acoustic organs in anurans to Tibetan Plateau uplifting-Naifa Liu (China)
Session 8. Behavior and Reproduction (Meeting room: C101)
Chairs: Vera Voznessenskaya and Yanling Wang
1.Effects of TCDD on reproductive and immune function and antagonistic action of vitamin E in mice-Xianqing Zhou (China)
2.Clinical anatomy of reproductive system and breeding biology of Indian deer and antelopes -B.M. Arora (India)
3.Reproductive control effect of a synthetic compound (EP-1) on plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) in Tibet Plateau -Yanling Wang (China)
4.Impact of male takeover on intra-unit sexual interactions and subsequent inter-birth interval in wild Rhinopithecus roxellana-Dapeng Zhao (China)
5.Aggressive behavior pattern of root voles, Microtus oeconomus, under the effect of food supply and predation-Haiyan Nie (China)
Tea break (20 minutes)
6.The combined role of the main olfactory and vomeronasal systems in social communication in rodents-Vera Voznessenskaya (Russia)
7.Maternal social stress affects offspring humoral immunocompetence in root voles under field experimental conditions-Yan Wu (China)
8.Potential of Beiao as a novel male antifertility agent of plant origin (Tripterygium wilfordii) in house rat, Rattus rattus-Neena Singla (India)
9.Bull bioactivities in response towards buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) estrus-specific synthetic compounds -Rajanarayanan Swamynathan (India)
10 Dec.
Morning: closure of Meeting(Meeting room: B105)
8:30-11:10 Report of 8 sessions (20 minutes each, including questions)
11:10-11:20 Tea break (10 minutes)
11:20-11:40 Ceremony of student prize, best poster,
14:00- 17:30: ISZS committee meeting (ISZS committee members only, A501)
Visit Institute of Zoology, National Animal Exhibition Hall and surrounding Olympic facilities
Two choices of visit (RMB 120):
1. Forbidden City
2. ChinaEthnicCulturePark
Poster Presentation:
1.Endemic fish of Iran with respected to description of some endanger species -Azad Teimory (Iran)
2.Amphibian of Iran with respected to endemic species -Mehregan Ebrahimi (Iran)
3.Poster by Haiyan Nie (China)
4.Poster by Zhengkun Wang (China)
5.Perspectives of animals reproduction investigation -Tatyana F.Vasilenko (Russia)
1. Lunch time is 12:30. Free choices with lunch tickets
2. Dinner time is 18:30. Free choice with diner ticket on 7th, 9th and 10th Dec.