PhanChauTrinhHigh School Review 12


I/ Choose A, B, C or D that best completes each unfinished sentence

1. Mai worked hard, ______she passed her exam .

a. so b. although c. because d. though

2. _____ she was very tired, she helped her brother with his homework .

a. Because b. whether c. Although c. so

3. It’s raining hard , _____ we can’t go to the beach .

a. or b. but c. so d. though

4. Nam was absent from class yesterday ____ he felt sick.

a. so b. because c. although d. but

5. Tom has a computer, _____ he doesn’t use it .

a. or b. as because d. but

6. The boy can’t reach the shelf ____ he’s not tall enough.

a. because b. although c. even though d. and

7. The film was boring ____ we went home.

a. so b. when c. but c. if

8. The girl bought the shoes _____ they are very expensive .

a. but b. if c. so d. although

9. He used to smoke a lot ______now he doesn’t smoke any more .

a. still b. therefore c. but d. as

10. She couldn’t unlock it ______she had the wrong key .

a. while b. but c. though d. because

11. ____ it rained, the boys played football .

a. Even b. Even though c. However d. In spite of

12. It was still painful, ____ I went to see a doctor .

a. so b. however c. but d. or

13. Lan likes oranges _____ her sister doesn’t .

a. but b. as c. so because

14. Nam failed the final exam _____ he was lazy .

a. while b. thoughc.because d. but

15. He’s tired _____ he stayed up late watching TV.

a. and b. or c. if d. since

16. Jim can speak English _____ French fluently .

a. also b. but also c. and d. so

17. ______the traffic , I arrived on time .

a. Thoughb. Although b. Even though d. In spite of

18. ______they live near us , we can see them very often .

a. So b. As c. Though d. Even

19. ______I was really tired, I couldn’t sleep.

a. If b. Althoughc. While d. However

20. We watched TV the whole evening ______we had nothing better to do .

a. because b. though c. so d. but

21. It’s cheap _____ I don’t like it .

a. and b. because c. so d. however

22. ______it was late , I decided to phone Brian.

a. Despiteb. However c. In spite of d. Though

23. The little boy was hungry ______he ate nothing .

a. although b. so c. but d. and

24. ______the car was cheap , it was in good condition .

a. Althoughb. Because c. As d. If

25. ______tomorrow is a public holiday, all the shops will be shut .

a. As b. Just as c. Althoughd. When

26. She came in _____ turned on the radio.

a. so b. and c. or d. but

27. We didn’t go for a walk _____ it was very cold .

a. though b. because c. but d. so

28. ______I tried to persuade her , I didn’t succeed .

a. Because b. So c. Although d. However

29. Lan woke up late _____ she didn’t have time for breakfast

a. so b. since c. as d. though

30. I like fish ____ I don’t like catching them myself .

a. or b. but c. so d. and

31. He had an accident ____ he was careful .

a. even though b. because c. so d. since

32. _____ it was raining , I went swimming .

a. So b. Because c. However d. Although

33. Ann felt ill , ____ she insisted on going to work .

a. though b. so c. and d. but

34. _____ I felt tired , I went to bed early .

a. Although b. So c. As d. However

35. _____ he’s got an English name , he is German .

a. Although b. However c. Because d. Since

36. They decided not to go out for a meal _____ they were too tired .

a. so b. because c. but d. if

37. We were the better team ____ we lost the match .

a. so b. and c. but d. because

38. Keith decided to give up his job ____ I advised him not to

a. because b. however c. althoughd. since

39. ______we were in town, we often met him .

a. For b. Although C. So d. When

40 . She didn’t get the job ____ she had all the necessary qualifications .

a. because b. although c. so d. but

41. I could not eat ____ I was very hungry .

a. even though b. in spite

c. despite d. in spite the fact that

42. In pite _____ , the baseball game was not cancelled .

a. the rain b. of the rain

c. it was raining d. there was a rain

43. ______he had enough money , he refused to buy a new car .

a. In spite b. In spite of c. Despite d. Although

44. ______, he walked to the station .

a. Despite being tired b. Although to be tired

c. In spite being tired d. Despite tired

45. The children slept well , despite _____

a. it was noise b. the noise c. of the noise d. noisy

46. She left him ______she still loved him .

a. even if b. even though c. in spite of d. despite

47. ______her lack of hard work , she was promoted .

a. In spite b. Even though c. in spite of d. despite of

48. ______they are brothers, they do not look like .

a. Although b. Even c. Despited. In spite of

49. We are concerned with the problem of energy resources ______we must also think of our environment .

a. despite b. though c. as though d. but

50. ______some Japanese women are successful in business , the majority of Japanese companies are run by men .

a. But b.Even if c. If d. As though

51. The team played on in spite of the rain

a. even if b. if c. in case d. despite

52. ………….. the storm, the ship couldn’t reach its destination on time.

a. In case ofb. In spite of

c. Because ofd. But for

53. He was offered the job ………. he had no experience.

a. even thoughb. despitec. whiled. however

54. We postponed the picnic ………………………

a. because it is raining heavilyb. because of the raining heavily

c. because the heavily rain it was d. because it was raining heavily

55. ……… her severe pain, she tried to walk to the auditorium to attend the lecture.

a. Although b. Despite c. though d. In spite

56. She went to bed early ……….. she felt tired.

a. althoughb. despite c. because d. because of

57. I couldn’t read the letter ……….. the darkness.

a. despite b. in spite of c. because of d. because

58. The boys were punished ------he made many mistakes.
a. in spite of b. because

c. even thoughd. as if

59------the liberation of women, women can take part in social activities.
a. Because b. Thanks to c. While d. As

60. Despite feeling cold, we kept walking.
a. Although we felt cold, but we kept walking

b. Although we felt cold, we kept walking
c. However cold we felt, but we kept walking

d. However we felt cold, we kept walking

61. She decided to leave her job in the company ------she could earn a lot of money there.
a. becauseb. although

c. despited. since

62. The children laughed a lot because of the funny story.
a. The children laughed because the story is funny.

b. The children laughed because of the story funny
c. The children laughed because it was funny.

d. The children laughed because the story was funny

63. Although he took a taxi, Bill still arrived late for the concert.
a. Bill arrived late for the concert because he takes a taxi.
b. Bill arrived late for the concert because of the taxi.

c. In spite of taking a taxi, Bill arrived late for the concert.
d. Although Bill took a taxi he can’t come to the concert on time.

64. The flight was delayed ------the fog.

a. in spite of b. because of c. though d. since

65. Hong didn’t participate in the contest ------her lack of confidence.
a. because b. because of c. since d. despite

66. He hid that letter in a draw ------no one could read it.
a. so that b. because c. although d . in spite of

67. ------Tom was unable to see anything, he knew some one was in his room.
a. Because b. In case c. Ifd. Even though

68. ------other workers’ constant objection, the director dismissed the worker.
a. Because b. Because of c. Although d. In spite of

69. The mother got angry because ------.
a. her son behaved badly b. her son's bad behavior

c. her son will behave badly d. her son bad behaving

70. He lost his job ------his laziness.
a. due to b. in spite of c. despite d. because

71. She is looking for a new job ------she is tired of doing a routine job day after day.
a. since b. as c. because d. all are correct

72. She was so busy that she couldn’t answer the phone.

School year 2009-2010

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PhanChauTrinhHigh School Review 12

a. Because she was very busy, she couldn’t answer the phone.
b. Because she was very busy, she could answer the phone.
c. Although she was very busy, she couldn’t answer the phone.
d. Although she was very busy, she could answer the phone.

73. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't open the door.

a. Although I tried very hard, I couldn't open the door.

b. Although I tried very hard, I could open the door.

c. In spite of I tried very hard, I couldn't open the door.

d.I couldn't open the door,even though trying very hard.

1. I couldn’t do the test because it was difficult.

Because of ………………………………………………………

2. Although he got up early, he was late for the first train.

 In spite ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

3. Although English grammar is difficult, we like to study it.

 In spite ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

4. Although he is an excellent doctor, he can’t cure lever cancer.

 Despite ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

5. Although my friend doesn’t have enough money, she wants to buy that new car.

 Despite ………………………………………………………………

6. Although Mai didn’t speak English well, she decided to live in London.

 In spite ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

School year 2009-2010

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PhanChauTrinhHigh School Review 12

School year 2009-2010

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PhanChauTrinhHigh School Review 12

7.Athough he is sick, he goes to school.

 In spite of …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

8. Although Lan was tired, she did all her homework carefully.

 Despite ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

9. Everybody has a great regard for her despite her poverty.

 Although ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

10. They worked very hard although they were old.

 In spite ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

11. Peter didn’t go to school yesterday because he was sick.

 Because of …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

12. Mary went to bed early because she felt tired.

 Because of …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

13. She didn’t go to the circus with Betty because she had a bad cold.

 Because of …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

14. John succeeded in his exam because he worked hard.

 Because of …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

15. She stayed at home because her mother was sick.

 Because of …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

16. I like him because his father is kind to me.

 Because of …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

17. I couldn’t do the test because it was difficult.

 Because……………………………………………………………………………………………

18. Although I am hungry, I can’t eat now.

 Despite ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

19. Despite the narrow streets, many people drive cars in this city.

 Though……………………………………………………………………………………………

20. In spite of the high price, my daughters insist on going to the movie.

 Although………………………………………………………………………………………


  1. We arrived late because of the bad traffic.


  1. She didn’t buy the house because the price was very high.


  1. She only accepted the job because of the high salary.


  1. We couldn’t sleep because the weather was hot.


  1. Because of the World War II, women took over business for their absent husbands.


  1. We didn’t go fishing because the water was rough.


  1. She was very angry because he behaved very badly.


  1. He couldn’t sleep because of his worries.


  1. Because of driving too fast, he caused a serious accident.


  1. I lost my way because the fog was thick.


  1. He is tired because of staying up late last night.


  1. We couldn’t read the sign on the building because the distance was so great.


  1. She’ll never get success because she is impatient.


  1. He’ll be sacked because he is often late for work.


  1. Governments advise giving up smoking because of its harm for health.


  1. They haven’t bought the house because its rooms are small.


  1. He got bad marks because his answers were incomplete


  1. Maria couldn’t return home because of losing all her money.


  1. Because of my friend’s absence, I have to copy the lesson for him.


  1. A lot of people learn English because it is very important.


  1. Tom is often punished because he is very lazy.


  1. I was late because it rained heavily.


School year 2009-2010

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PhanChauTrinhHigh School Review 12












  1. Because the difficulty of the test. I couldn’t do it.
  2. In spite of getting up early, he was late for the first train.
  3. In spite of the difficulty of English grammar, we like to study it.
  4. Despite being an excellent doctor, he can’t cure level cancer.
  5. Despite not having enough money, she wants to buy that new car.
  6. In spite of not speaking English well, Mai decided to live in London.
  7. In spite of being sick, he goes to school.
  8. Despite being tired, Lan did all her homework carefully.
  9. Although she is poor, everybody has a great regard for her.
  10. In spite of their old age, they worked very hard.
  11. Because ofhis sickness, Peter didn’t go to school yesterday.
  12. Because of feeling tired, Mary went to bed early.
  13. Because of having a d cold, she didn’t go to the circus with Betty.
  14. Because of working hard, John succeeded in his exam.
  15. Because of her mother’s sickness, she stayed at home.
  16. Because of his father’s kindness, I like him.
  17. Because of its difficulty, I couldn’t do he test.
  18. Despite being hungry, I can’t eat now.
  19. Though the streets are narrow, many people drive cars in his city.
  20. Although the price is high, my daughters insist on going to the movie.


  1. We arrived late because the traffic was bad. Of he high price
  2. She didn’t buy the house because of the high price.
  3. She only accepted the job because the salary was high.
  4. We couldn’t sleep because of the hot water.
  5. Because he World War II happened, women took over business for heir absent husband.
  6. We didn’t go fishing because of the rough water.
  7. She was very angry because of his bad behaviour.
  8. He couldn’t sleep because he worried.
  9. Because he drove too fast, he caused a serious accident.
  10. I lost my way because of the thick fog.
  11. He is tired because he stayed up late last night.
  12. We couldn’t read the sign in he building because of the great distance.
  13. She’ll never get success because of her impatience.
  14. He’ll be sacked because of being late for work.
  15. Governments advise giving up smoking because it harms for health.
  16. They haven’t got the house because of its small room.
  17. He got bad marks because of his incomplete answers.
  18. Maria couldn’t return home because she lost all her money.
  19. Because my friend is absents, I have o copy the lesson for him.
  20. A lot of people learn English because of its importance.
  21. Tom is often punished because of his laziness.
  22. I was late because of he heavy rain.


Exercise 1: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in bracket.

  1. Where he ( stay) if he goes to New York?
  2. I’ll do my homework as soon as this program ( finish).
  3. If she ( not stay) up too late last night, she ( not be) tired now.
  4. Unless people stop cutting trees, our earth ( be) flooded.
  5. I’m sure she ( understand) if you explain the situation to her.
  6. I ( send) you a letter if I had known your address.
  7. If you fail the GCSE examination, you ( not be) allowed to take the entrance exam to the university.
  8. You’re a brilliant cook. If I ( can) cook as well as you, I ( open) a restaurant.
  9. I wish I ( can) lend you some money, but I’m broke myself.
  10. If she ( speak) better English, she would be offered that job.

Exercise 2: Make the conditional sentences for the following situation. Begin as shown.

1. Peter is overweight. He eats too much chips. ( If)

2. He didn't ask us to help, so we didn't. ( If)

3. She has a cold now because she went in the rain last night. ( If)

4. If you don't tell me the reason, I won't leave. (Unless)

5. They left the door open so the thief broke into their house. ( If)

6. I regret not going to airport to say goodbye to her. ( I wish)

7. They were driving very quickly. That’s why the accident was so terrible. ( If)

8. He regretted that he made many mistakes in his exam. ( If only)

9. I left early so I didn’t know the ending. (If)

10. Because your mother gives me your mobile phone, I can contact with you. ( If)

Exercise 3: Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. If she ...... rich, she would travel around the world.

A. would beB. isC. has beenD. were

2. If you had taken my advice, you ...... in such difficulties.

A. won't be B. hadn't beenC. wouldn't beD. wouldn't have been

3. My cat would not have bitten the toy fish ...... it was made of rubber.

A. if she has knownB. if she should known

C. had she knownD. if she knew

4. They will stay there for some days if the weather ...... fine.

A. would be B. wasC. isD. will be

5. If the ball ……………… the line, that would have been the end of the game.

A. would crossB. will crossC. had crossedD. crossed

6. The world would be a better place if everyone ……………………………… as much cooperation as John.

A. showsB. showedC. had shownD. would show

7. If he hadn’t wasted too much time, he …………………………… in his examination.

A. would failB. wouldn’t failC. wouldn’t have failedD. won’t fail
8. If the earth ...... warmer, the ice at the North and South Poles will melt.

A. getB. gotC. getsD. had got

9. Had you told me that story, I ...... it.

A. wouldn’t believeB. didn’t believeC. wouldn’t have believedD. would haven’t believed

10. If someone knocked the candle over, it ……………….. a fire.

A. will startB. startedC. would have startedD. would start

11. You will fail your exam ………………………………. you work hard.

A. if B. unless C. until D. when

12. If she can make such stories, she …………………….. certainly a very imaginative girl.

A. wasB. wereC. had beenD. is

13. What ………………… if you had been there at that time?

A. would you do B. did you doC. would you have doneD. will you do

14. If he attended the class regularly, he ………………………………to sit for the exam.

A. would allowB. allowedC. would be allowed D. would have allowed

15. If they didn't live so far away, I …………………………………them every week.

A. visitB. visitedC. will visitD. would visit

Exercise 4: Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct and has the same or nearly the same meaning as the original one.

1. Peter is not in the city now, he could not join us for the party.

A. If Peter is in the city now, he could join us for the party.

B. If Peter has been in the city now, he could join us for the party.

C. If Peter was in the city now, he can join us for the party.

D. If Peter were in the city now, he could join us for the party.

2. I regret not booking the seats in advance.

A. If only I booked the seats in advance

B. If only I had booked the seats in advance.

C. I wish I booked the seats in advance

D. I wish I have booked the seats in advance

3. I haven’t got money, so I’m not going on holiday.