Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry
Reader’s Guide
Chapters 7-12
Chapters 7: _____/30
Chapter 8: _____/30
Chapter 9: _____/30
Chapter 10: _____/30
Chapter 11: _____/30
Chapter 12: _____/30
Total: _____/180
Name: ______
Period: ______
Key Vocabulary, Chapter Questions, Chapter Activities (10 points each)
Keep this work neat, keep it safe!
Reader’s Guide:
Roll of Thunder Chapter 7
Key Vocabulary Chapters 7-8
Word / Definition / Example Sentence1. Apprehensive
adjective / ______
______/ Example sentence using apprehensive:
2. Interminable
adjective / ______
______/ Example sentence using interminable:
3. Placid
adjective / ______
______/ Example sentence using placid:
4. Jovial
adjective / ______
______/ Example sentence using jovial:
5. Shun
verb / ______
______/ Example sentence using shun:
Mini-Lesson: Dialect
- According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “Everyone speaks a particular ______. That is a particular type of English distinguished by ______. Different ______of the ______and different ______of people speak ______…”
- An author uses dialect to develop ______and to create believable ______, realistic ______, and authentic ______.
- Key takeaway: Dialect ______
Dialect Example: Chapter 6, Mr. Morrison
“Two boys – ‘bout eighteen or nineteen, I reckon – come knocking on my
daddy’s door. They was scairt, clean out of their heads with fright.”
- Southern Dialect: Uses of ‘y’all,’ ‘runnin’ instead of ‘running,’ ‘they was’ instead of ‘they were.’
1. Why wouldn’t Uncle Hammer let Stacey ask T.J. for his coat back? Do you agree with the way Uncle Hammer handled the situation? Why or why not? What would you have done if you were Uncle Hammer?
Class discussion: What is your reaction to Mr. Morrison’s story?
2. How does this change about how you view Mr. Morrison as a character? Why or why not?
3. Reread at the follow quote:
“If you remember nothing else in your whole life, Cassie girl, remember this:
We ain’t ever going to lose this land. You believe that?”
What important themedoes this quote relate to? ______
4. What does this quote tell us about how Papa views a friendship between Stacey and Jeremy? Be specific!
“Far as I’m concerned, friendship between black and white don’t mean that much cause it usually ain’t on an equal basis. Right now you and Jeremy might get along fine, but in a few years he’ll think of himself as a man, but you’ll probably still be a boy to him. And if he feels that way, he’ll turn on you in a minute.”
5. Prediction: Predict what Mr. Granger will do when he finds out that Mr. Jamison is backing the boycott by providing credit to the black community. Who will Mr. Granger take action against? What do you think he will do?
6. Find two examples of dialect used in chapter 7:
Example 1: ______
Example 2: ______
Chapter 7 Activity – Dialect
Dialect is the way in which a specific group of people speaks. In Roll of Thunder, characters speak with a deep Mississippi accent (some more strongly than others). In the space below, write the lyrics of your favorite song on one side of the column (lyrics can be found on the internet and must be class appropriate). In the other column, “translate” these lyrics into the dialect used by characters in Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry.
Song title: ______
Artist: ______
Lyrics as theywere written / Lyrics in the Roll of Thunder Dialect______
______/ ______
Reader’s Guide:
Roll of Thunder Chapter 8
Chapter Objective:
- I will be able to write an analytical ______.
- Our focus during this chapter will be focusing on “Response to Literature.”
1. Read the following quotation and answer the corresponding question.
“You have to demand respect in this world, ain’t nobody gonna hand it to you.
How you carry yourself, what you stand for – that’s how you gain respect.” (Pg. 176)
Personal Connection:What is respect? How do you define respect in your life? Is it similar or different from this definition of respect?
3. Read the following quotation.How T.J. is feeling at this point in the story?
“Ah man, leave me be! All y’all Logans think y’all so doggone much with y’all’s new
coats and books and shiny new Packards! I’m sick of all y’all.” (Pg. 178)
4. Imagine that you are Cassie. Describe your emotions after your plan for revenge against Lillian Jean was successful. How are you feeling? Do you still feel pain from the incident in Strawberry?
5. What was life like for T.J. at school after Mama was fired?
6. Explain Stacey’s plan for punishing T.J. for his role in causing Mrs. Logan to lose her job. Do you think this was an effective plan? Why or why not? Why do you think Stacey chose this method rather than physically fighting T.J.? What would you have done if you were Stacey?
7. Making Connections: What is the real reason that Mama is no longer allowed to teach?
Journal Activity: Response to Literature Quote Analysis Paragraph
Writing Prompt: Papa is a source of wisdom and guidance for his children. In a one paragraph response, explain how the following reveals David (Papa) Logan’s character traits:
“There are things you can’t back down on, things you gotta take a stand on.
But its up to you to decide what them things are. You have to demand
respect in this world. Ain’t nobody just going to hand it to you.
Topic Sentence / In Chapter eight of Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, ____________
Quotation / For instance, Mildred Taylor writes, ______
Analysis 1 / This shows that ______
Analysis 2 / This also demonstrates that ______
Concluding sentence / ______
Reader’s Guide:
Roll of Thunder Chapter 9
Key Vocabulary Chapters 9-10
Word / Definition / Example Sentence1. Exasperation
______/ ______
______/ Example sentence using exasperation:
2. Phenomenal
______/ ______
______/ Example sentence using phenomenal:
3. Shroud
______/ ______
______/ Example sentence using shroud:
4. Adamant
______/ ______
______/ Example sentence using adamant:
5. Condescending
______/ ______
______/ Example sentence using condescending:
1. Why might TJ be hanging around with RW and Melvin Simms? Do you think this is this a good idea? Why or why not?
2. Why can’t Mr. Avery and Mr. Lanier continue to boycott the Wallace store?
Quick review: Symbolism is ______.
Read the following passage, thinking of what the fig tree might symbolize.
You see that fig tree over yonder, Cassie? Them other trees all around.., that oak and walnut, they're a lot bigger and they take up more room and give so muchshade they almost overshadow that little ole fig. But that fig tree's got roots that run deep, and it belongs in that yard as muchas that oak and walnut. It keeps on blooming, bearing good fruit year after year, knowing all the time it'll never get as big asthem other trees. Just keeps on growing and doing what it gotta do. It don't give up. It give up, it'll die. There's a lesson to belearned from that little tree, Cassie girl, 'cause we're like it. We keep doing what we gotta, and we don't give up. We can't.'
3. What does the fig tree symbolize, or represent, for the Logans? Why?
4. In Chapter 9, the weather is stormy and “thunder rumbled overhead” just before the Stacey, Mr. Morrison, and Papa come home. What is the connection between the “rolling thunder” and what the events that happen in the story?
5. How would you describe the mood in the Logan house while they wait for David Logan, Stacey, and Mr. Morrison to return? What words or phrases did Taylor use to help convey this mood?
6. Stacey blames himself for what happens to Papa on the way home from Vicksburg. Do you think it is really Stacey’s fault? Why or why not? Do you think Papa blames him? Why or why not?
5. Make a prediction: What do you think will happen in Chapter 10?
Journal Entry: Theme Analysis
Writing Prompt: Throughout Roll of Thunder, we have seen the theme “the importance of family” surface time and time again. In a one-paragraph response, pick a quote from pages 211-217 and explain how it relates to the importance of family for the Logans.
Choose your quote: ______
Now, write your theme analysis paragraph using the model we learned in chapter eight.
Reader’s Guide:
Roll of Thunder Chapter 10
1. Why doesn’t Papa want to borrow money from Uncle Hammer? Do you agree with his viewpoint? Why or Why not?
2. Does Mama think Mr. Morrison should leave? Why?
3. Visualize: Draw a picture of Mr. Morrison’s phenomenal display of strength
Key Concept: Mortgage
Definition: A loan from a bank that lets someone borrow enough money to buy a house. Since houses cost a lot, mortgages are paid back over a long period of time
When Papa says that “the bank called up the note,” that means that the bank wants the Logans to pay their entire mortgage (a LOT of money) immediately.
4. Making Connections: The Logans finally have to depend on Uncle Hammer for money Where did Hammer get the money for the mortgage?What does this say about his commitment to his family? Do you think he acted courageously? Why or why not?
5. Why do you think Stacey and the other children did not accept T.J. when he visited the church revival? Why did Cassie feel “almost sorry” for T.J.? How did you feel about T.J. when you read this section? Would you have accepted T.J. if you were Stacey?
6. How has T.J. changed from the beginning of the book to now? (2 sentences)
7.Mood:In the last several chapters, things have been growing tense. Describe the things that are adding to this fearful mood. Do you think there will be another crisis? If yes, predict what that crisis might be and provide evidence to support your prediction.
Double Entry Journal: Discrimination
Find two quotes from the chapter that represent discrimination. Write the quotes on the left side. On the right, write a reaction to the quote. You can explain its meaning, ask a question, or make a connection.
Quote / Pg. / AnalysisThis quote shows ______
This quote demonstrates______
Reader’s Guide:
Roll of Thunder Chapter 11
Key Vocabulary Chapters 11-12
Word / Definition / Example Sentence1. Crescendo
______/ ______
______/ Example sentence using crescendo:
2. Menacing
______/ ______
______/ Example sentence using menacing:
3. Vulnerable
______/ ______
______/ Example sentence using vulnerable:
4. Despicable
______/ ______
______/ Example sentence using despicable:
5. Desolate
______/ ______
______/ Example sentence using desolate:
1.QuickDraw:The lines at the beginning of the chapter are from a traditional slave song, called a slave spiritual. Read the lines to yourself and then aloud. Then, draw a sketch that represents the song lyrics.
Roll of thunder
hear my cry
Over the water
bye and bye
Ole man comin’
down the line
Whip in hand to
beat me down
But I ain’t
gonna let him
Turn me ’round
2. What has happened to T.J.?Prediction: Why do you think TJ has been injured? (2 sentences)
3. In your own words, write a three to four sentence summary of what happened at the Barnett Store.
4 If you were Stacey, would you have helped T.J.? Why or why not? Why do you think he does it?
Discussion: Why doesn’t the white mob lynch T. J. ? Is this consistent with their actions throughout the novel? Did it surprise you?
5. Which acts in this chapter do you think were courageous? Why? What thoughts do you think were running through the character’s heads as they performed courageous acts?
“Thunder crashed against the corners of the world and lightening split the sky as
we reached the road, but we did not stop. We dared not. We had to reach Papa.”
6. Making Predictions: What do think will happen in Chapter 12?
Reader’s Guide:
Roll of Thunder Chapter 12
1. Read the following quote (said by Papa):
“This thing’s been coming a long time, baby, and T.J. just happened to be the one
foolish enough to trigger it. But, fool or not, I can’t just sit by and let them kill the boy.”
What do you think he means by this? Analysis: What does this tell you about Papa as a character?
2. Pick a quote from pages 264-265 that illustrates the importance of family for the Logans.
3. Quote Analysis: How does this quote demonstrate the theme, “importance of family?”
4. What is the symbolism of all the townspeople working together to fight the fire? Why do you think that the author Mildred Taylor wanted us to know that both white and black people were working side by side to put out the fire?
5. How does the “Roll of Thunder” hear Cassie’s “cry,” at the end of the book?
6. What is the meaning of thunder throughout the book? What does it symbolize?
7. What was David Logan’s reason for saving T.J.? If you were David Logan, would you have set fire to your cotton crop and risked other people’s land in order to save T.J.? Why or why not?
8. Is there a clear resolution for T.J.’s problems? Why do you think Mildred Taylor left this unresolved? What do you think will happen to T.J.? Explain your answer.
End of Book Journal: Choose a topic!
Pick a question below and answer it on the following piece of lined paper!
- Interview a character from your book. Write at least ten questions that will give the character the opportunity to discuss his/her thoughts and feelings about his/her role in the story. Write the answers you think the character would give to these questions.
- Write a different beginning or ending for your book.
- Write a letter to the author of the book.
- Choose one part of the story that reached a climax. If something different had happened then, how would it have affected the outcome? What would your alternative climax be?
- Write about one of the character's life twenty years after the story ends.
- Write a letter from one of the characters to a beloved grandparent or friend.
- Extra credit can be earned for completing more than one journal entry.