Minutes of General Meeting held on 21st February, Meeting Room, DVC , Melbourne
Meeting opened at 11am

  1. Attendance and apologies

Present: John Murrell,Sally Armistead, Carolyn McVean, Anna Cook, Margaret Smith, Jenny Mustey, Bruce Myers, Elaine Richmond

In Attendance: Nil

Apologies:Roger Coleman, Stephen Dempsey, Tahnee Pearse, Lynne Makin, Bryan Amarant, Sue Kelly, Peter Mansfield, Christine Payne, Julie Rae

  1. Minutes of General Meeting held 13th December 2005 at HawthornTown Hall


3.1 DVC is available should read may be available for Mobile Muster

6.3 MAC not MAV

3.2 Central Highlands not Central Goldfields

Apologies – Sally Armistead, Margaret Smith, Jenny Mustey

7.6 John Murrell did not attend launch of Country Football Living Memory Demonstration Project
Moved by Anna Cookthat the minutes for the last meeting be accepted.

SecondedJohn Murrell

  1. Business arising
  2. Mobile Library Muster
  3. Margaret and Julie to meet regarding the venue
  4. A conference organizer is required
  5. Suggested date13,14,15 October, alternate date 20.21.22October.
  6. Expect to attract 80-100
  7. Ensure that there is adequate parking for trucks
  8. John provided scope for Muster and notes from last meeting

-How do we stimulate the participants to an extent that they will take away an idea/s and implement them in their own patch

-How do we work out what the attendees wish to glean from the conference?

-If we are leaning towards the future use of mobiles and their relationship to remote area service delivery how do we introduce alternative service models?

-Will the participants feel threatened?

-What’s so bad about a service that costs as much as a mobile?

-Is the debate about how e make better use of the concept?

-Is there a mobile design project (based on enhancing community building capacity) that we could undertake for formal launch at the conference?

-What’s happened to the remote service work – DVC?

-How do we cater for the networking/socialization aspirations

-Mobile mongrel awards!!!! (a la QLD)

-Showoff the 2 completed Yarra Plenty units (SVM builds) or at least the new “mini me” mobile

-Mobiles, are we getting the best our of the service

-Matching community expectations to design

-Mobile design – the next decade?

-Broadband to remote service points, what are the options

-Review of the OHS guidelines launched at Maroochydore

-Your ideas?????

  • Raised that OHS/Connectivity needs to be reviewed annually
  • SVM will be attending conference
  • Noted that it now costs (estimate) $400,000 for new purpose built mobile and $200,000 for mini me version.
  • Another issue to consider in conference is the renovation issue, a lot of older models are being refitted, what innovations are occurring with these.

Actions:1. Bruce Myers to contact SVM re panel participation at conference and possible sponsorship

2. Need to tidy appoint conference organizer, tidy the brief and selectively tender out to appropriate people who may be able to take on this task

3. Julie, Marg, Bruce and John will work as team to organize /co-opt others

4. Funding will be required for Conference Organiser, $13,000 - $14,000, Bruce to follow up with DVC re additional funding

5. Dates for conference proposed :

13,14 and 15 October, alternate date 20,21,22 October

6. Mobile libraries website to be used after conference

3.2. Broadband access meeting – CPLG, Vicnet, DVC and MAV

-John is still aiming to catch up with Brendan. Roger Coleman will also be involved in looking at uniform connectivity

3.3 Country Football Living Memory Demonstration Project

- Roger has also put his hand up for this project

  1. Correspondence
  2. Out

Extension of Living Libraries Funding to Rob Spence MAV, Prue Digby and Colin




  1. Financial report

-Current balance $15,380.04.

Moved by Sally Armisteadthat the financial report be accepted.

Seconded- Elaine Richmond


  1. Chairperson’s report
  2. ACPL Meeting

-Worked on updated and reviewing the Framework for Collaborative Action, meeting next Friday


-Meeting in two weeks time, In December worked on ERC Bid $10,000,000

  1. General Business
  2. Election of new secretary

-Jenny Mustey accepted position.

7.2.Statewide Workforce Committee CPLG Rep.

-Janet Aumann resigned as rep

-Action : John will call for new rep via email

7.3.Framework for Collaborative Action

-ACPL cut original document by 50%, Consultant engaged to review document

-Suggested comments for new document were discussed including some of the wording still needs tidying up but overall the document is much improved. Marg will bring points to Viclink meeting in afternoon.

-Action CPLG accept the re-write in principle, it just required tidying up editorially

Moved by Margaret Smith, Seconded Elaine Richmond, Carried

7.4.Statewide Training

-Sally Armistead explained the three proposed options put forward by the Statewide Training Committee

-Discussion took place regarding the options, noting that option 2 would be very reliant on the Training Committee and coordination by volunteers.

-Sue Kelly had informed CPLG that her training budget was very limited

-Training locations and costs associated with them (travel, accommodation, backfilling) all had impact on how many staff can be trained.

-Regional settings would be preferred and a number were discussed as possibilities

-The new LMS systems being introduced will have impact on training budgets, these needs will be competing with other things that are offered

-The content, cost, location of delivery and funding were all unknowns within each option.

Action- CPLG in principle support Option 1 ( Fully funded) but would like the content and location of delivery more defined.

-John will have dialogue with Anne Marie re support for training

-John will make comment at Viclink on CPLG’s response and other members are to also contribute

  1. Other business
  2. Collection Audit and Blueprint Report

-Marg Smith thanked members for the work done so far including the desktop collection audit. Marg provided an overview of what the next step involves.


Next meeting: 18th April, 2006, to be advised.

Meeting closed: 1pm.