The Rho Chi Society

Annual Chapter Report - Delta Psi Chapter

Annual Chapter Report

Please complete your Annual Chapter Report, adhering strictly to the format below, and submit it to the National Office via e-mail () by May 15.

General formatting guidelines:

·  Adhere to the page/word limitations specified in each section.

·  Use 12 point, Times-New Roman, font.

·  Do not include any attachments or appendices.

·  Submit as a Word Document.

Date of report submission:

Name of School/College: Regis University

Chapter name and region: Delta Psi, Region VIII

Chapter advisor’s name and e-mail address: Jeffrey Lalama,

(If chapter has a co-advisor, please list name and email address): Daniel Berlau,

For split campuses, please list advisor and email address for each campus, if applicable: N/A

Delegate who attended the Rho Chi Annual Meeting: Dr. Jeffrey Lalama

(Note: Any chapter failing for three successive years to have a delegate at the National Convention shall be declared “inactive” by the Executive Council and may not elect members unless and until reinstated – Article 4, Section 3, Rho Chi Society Bylaws) Note that Advisors attending the National Conventions may serve as delegates in the absence of a student or non-student member delegate—Article 7, Section 7, Rho Chi Society Bylaws.

Date delegate’s name submitted to Rho Chi.: Registered on site

Past year’s officers and e-mail addresses:

President: Paul Cornelison,

Vice President: Audra Wilson,

Secretary: Jeannette Bouchard,

Treasurer: Christopher Rob Wilson,

Historian: Andrea Reinig,

New officers and e-mail addresses for next academic year:

(If not yet elected, please indicate date of anticipated election and report names within one week of election)

President: Denise Patten,

Vice President: Leanne Ertle,

Secretary: Breanna Vose,

Treasurer: Rachel Franklin,

Historian: Lily Cruickshank,

Number of Rho Chi student members at college or school, listed by class year and program (and by campus if more than one campus): 13 students in the class of 2016, 11 students in the class of 2017, and 11 students in the class of 2018. Regis University only has a PharmD program.

Meetings: Provide information on meetings held in the following tabular format (Limit 1.5 page)

Note: If your chapter is part of a split campus, please list the meetings with campus reference under the Attendance (i.e. A, B or 1, 2 with a note to indicate the campus of reference).

Date / Attendance / Agenda / Action Steps
9/25/15 / 8 members (out of 11 P3 members on campus throughout the year) / Determine plans for the year / Social planning, which service we want to be our club service. Fundraisers for the year including jeans day, induction ceremony discussion
10/30/15 / 5 members / Fundraising planning, social planning, preliminary planning for induction ceremony, philanthropy ideas discussed, and suggestions for other activities in which the chapter could participate. / Stress bag fundraiser planned for around finals week.
Lab value sheet fundraiser planned.
Project Cure community service activity date picked.
Induction ceremony preliminaries planned.
Social planning in November and with CU later in the year
11/23/15 / 6 members / Fundraising plans discussed.
Induction ceremony.
Social. / Lab Sheets creation and sales dates determined, final bag creation and sales dates determined, social with CU in the spring, Project Cure volunteer date set after semester is over. Plan P4 APPE panel discussion.
1/26/16 / 7 members / New Inductee discussion / Online discussion to vote on eligible inductees and plan the invitation to the group
2/22/16 / 15 members / New members welcomed, philanthropy, P4 advice panel, VALOR internship,
Induction Ceremony – location and guest speaker discussed / Discussed another date for Project Cure for end of semester, asked our P4s to participate in panel, introduced the VALOR internship at the VA, reviewed fundraisers from last year.
3/23/16 / 12 members (new members allowed to be at meeting for part of the time, they were not allowed to discuss their induction / Vote on eligible inductees.
Induction ceremony.
Social event to welcome soon-to-be inducted members. / Eligible inductees approved.
Induction ceremony committee to set up catering and beverages.
Membership Google documents created.
Social event planned for early April.
4/19/16 / 19 members / New officer election.
Wrap up of business / New Inductees welcomed at meeting. New Officer elections at meeting and transfer of information form old officers to new officers. Pearls of wisdom for new council.

Strategic Planning: What goals were set that relate to the Rho Chi mission? (Limit 0.5 pages)

The calendar year of 2015-2016 was the Delta Psi chapter’s second year as a Rho Chi chapter. The three main goals from the chapter’s first year (2014-2015) were: organize the induction ceremony to induct new members into our chapter, plan meaningful fundraisers, and to develop a philanthropy event. While these continued to be chapter goals in the 2015-2016 school year, the new executive committee wanted to have a stronger focus on philanthropy and to add an additional goal of creating at least one joint event with the University of Colorado’s Rho Chi chapter. These goals all relate to Rho Chi’s mission in various ways. The induction ceremony helps to encourage and recognize academic achievement, contributes to the development of academic leaders, and promotes the highest ethical standards. Students with the highest academic achievement are recognized and educated about their responsibilities as they graduate from school and move off into practice. Our fundraising aimed to also aid students throughout school, which relates to the mission of stimulating critical inquiry to advance pharmacy. The first fundraiser was selling a bag of snacks and items to relieve stress during finals week and the second fundraiser was the development of a pocket lab value reference sheet to help students moving onto clinical rotations. Fundraisers like these are meaningful in that they benefit others in addition to providing the chapter with money. The philanthropy focus of the year was working with Project Cure, a locally based charity that collects and refurbishes medical supplies and equipment that would otherwise be disposed of, then sends them to the developing world. This philanthropic activity relates to the Rho Chi mission of promoting the highest ethical standards, since it helps develop the members’ sensitivity to the needs of the global community. The joint event with CU Rho Chi was a social with the PGY-1 and PGY-2 pharmacy residents of Colorado, and epitomized the Rho Chi mission of fostering collaboration. Our whole chapter was engaged and worked closely with each other to meet the goals that we established at the beginning of the year.

Activities: This section is usually the primary focus of the report. The chapter reports should contain detailed descriptions of all activities developed and conducted to further the society’s mission (See Appendix 1 for Chapter Activities Report Template). (For split campuses, please reference the activities by campus.) It may contain a combination of activities within the college and/or university as well as activities that provide outreach outside the academic community. School-wide events that provide evidence of intellectual leadership (e.g., a sponsored lecture, symposium, poster session, etc.) may be included. Service activities for non-members such as tutoring may be included. It is recommended that students also provide at least one community service activity outside of the academic institution (e.g., volunteering at a long-term care facility, providing health information to patients/citizens in the community, etc.) provided that it is consistent with the mission of the Rho Chi Society. The description must include whether these activities are on-going (if so, for how long) or are new initiatives. (Limit 1500 words)

[Delta Psi, Regis University School of Pharmacy] Activity Table
Category of Activity1 / Title of Activity / Brief Description2 / How Does This Activity Align With the Rho Chi Mission Statement? / Years the Activity has Been Ongoing? / If Activity has Been Ongoing for >1 Year, What Evaluations Have Been Done to Assess the Success of the Activity and What Improvements Have Been Done Over the Past Year? / How Many Members Participated in the Activity? / How Many Students (non-members) and/or Patients were impacted by the Activity? / Financial Information for the Activity [Budget Required, Fundraising Amount]
Intellectual Leadership Activities (i.e., tutoring, sponsored lectures, poster sessions, etc.) / APPE roundtable event with P4 students / P4 students provided information to help members be successful in their APPEs / Contributes to the development of intellectual leaders, fosters collaboration / 1 year / 10 / 0 / No budget necessary
College of Pharmacy Events [non-academic, non-patient outreach] / New members social / Off campus activity organized where current and soon-to-be- inducted members could socialize over appetizers. / Fostered collaboration with new and current members. Encouraged and recognized academic achievement by celebrating the new members. / 2 years / Discussed during meetings the best way to socialize with new members / 15-20 / 0 / Rho Chi did not contribute any funds to this event. Food and beverages were purchased individually.
College of Pharmacy Events [non-academic, non-patient outreach] / CU/Regis Rho Chi Joint Social / Colorado PGY-1 and PGY-2 pharmacy residents were invited to share their experiences with Rho Chi students in a casual environment / Contributes to the development of intellectual leaders,
fosters collaboration / 1 year / 7 / Cost: $33
Patient Outreach Events/ Community Service / Project Cure (one day in fall and one in spring semester) / Several Rho Chi members helped sort and pack medical supplies being shipped to Africa / Fosters collaboration, promotes high ethical standards, and contributes to the development of academic leaders. / 1 year / 11 members / Untold numbers of patients in need of medical supplies in developing countries / This event did not cost any money.
Fundraising Events / Sports jersey day (one in fall and one in spring semester) / Our school has a dress code but allows organizations to hold fundraisers periodically to relax the dress code. Most organizations hold a jeans day but we went with sports jerseys to offer something different and stand out. / These fundraisers did not directly relate to the mission except that it provided us with funds to sustain our chapter and organize new events. / 1 year / All of the P3 members participated. / This fundraiser affected students, faculty, and staff who were interested in participating in the fundraiser on the dates they were held.
Fundraising Events / Stress relief bags sold before finals week of fall semester / Bags containing earplugs, oranges, chocolates, cookies, and tea were put together and sold to students as they prepared for finals in the fall semester. / Aligns with mission by fostering collaboration (almost all P3 members put the bags together and sold them) and by potentially helping students think critically while they studied in preparation for their finals. / 2 years / All of the active P3 members. / This fundraiser affected students, faculty, and staff who were interested in purchasing a stress relief bag. / Net Fundraised: $ 71.11
Fundraising events / Lab value sheets / Pocket-sized lab value reference sheet was developed and laminated. They were sold to all pharmacy students but focused on P3s about to go on APPE rotations. / Fostered collaboration amongst members to develop the sheets and sell them. Quick reference will hopefully aid critical thinking by decreasing the amount of time needed to look up a normal lab value. / 2 years / N/A / Three P3s helped develop and organize reference sheet. All P3 members helped to sell them. / This fundraiser was open to all students, faculty, and staff but specifically targeted P3 students as they were getting ready to leave for rotations. / Budget required: $0 (printing and laminating was donated)
Fundraised: $488

Financial/ Budgeting:

Our chapter started out the 2015/2016 year with a generous account balance left from the previous members. Our chapter did not have a set method for budgeting. Thus, we were able to go about fundraising in a free manner. In the fall, we created and sold lab sheets, which was very successful. However, the sale of stress relief bags during finals week was not as successful. From these learning experiences we were able to increase fundraising revenue in the spring. We were able to continue the successful sale of lab value sheets and host a school of pharmacy wide “jeans day.”

ITEM / Amount Debited ($$ spent) / Amount Credited ($$ raised) / Balance / Comment
Balance forward / $2,6110.00 / $2,611.00 / Balance from last year
Sold Finals bags and lab value sheets / $71.11 / $2682.11 / Fall fundraising
Graduation chords / $187.50 / $2494.61 / For current, graduating Rho Chi members
Annual membership fees / $1,040.00 / $1454.61 / Fees for new members sent to national office
Sold lab sheets and hosted “jeans day” / $488.00 / $1942.61 / Spring fundraising
New member induction fees / $2,200.00 / $4142.61 / Induction to chapter
Induction ceremony dinner / * / * / Induction hosted for new members and guests
Induction ceremony extra items / $128.00 / $4015.00 / Additions to induction ceremony
CU, RU resident dinner / $30.00 / ** / Students meet with current residents
Ending balance / $4015.00#

*Induction Ceremony catering fees of $936.00 has yet to be deducted by the catering company

**The $30.00 deduction does not show yet on the most recent balance statement

# Adjusted balance once all debits are taken into account is $3049.00

Initiation Function: Describe the initiation function, including when and where it took place, who attended it (not specific names), information on the speaker (if applicable), etc. (Limit 250 words)

The initiation ceremony for the Delta Psi chapter took place on 4/11/16. Students were informed of their eligibility to join Rho Chi by being presented letters that were handwritten by current chapter members from the P3 class. An additional e-mail invitation was sent to all new initiates. The ceremony took place on campus in our school’s Mountain View Room. Members being initiated were allowed to bring one guest with their dues and additional guests for $25. All current Rho Chi members were invited to attend along with faculty and staff who were charged $25. Our keynote speaker this year was Dr. Lauren Burt, a former Regis School of Pharmacy professor and current oncology pharmacist at SCL Lutheran Medical Center. The ceremony started with an introduction from the Dean, a buffet dinner from our school’s catering service, keynote speaker, initiation ceremony, and closing remarks from faculty co-advisor Dr. Dan Berlau. A majority of the P3 Rho Chi members attended and several P4 members were also able to attend.